
I was on Xenical last summer and lost 10lb in 12 weeks. I didn't have any bad side effects (slight diarrhoea, but I could usually pinpoint something that I'd eaten that had probablycaused it) but decided not to stay on it as I wanted to try and do it on my own.

I did register with them and they would phone regularly to see how I was getting on and they were very helpful.
I had to fight for a year to get my Xenical, in the end I seen a different doctor in my practice ( who just happens to be female lol) and I got them prescribed.
Even she agrees its the best thing I've ever done, and I've had no side effects at all either :D
I asked my GP about Xenical in the Spring - he nearly tore my head off. He is very anti diet pills.

There are several websites selling Xenical (I have found) very nearly purchased.... but since found out that they are not entirley UK based.

Another forum was talking about Alli a few months ago - it is supposed to be a non prescription version of Xenical - but some of the side effects they were discussing were none to pleasant.

Been on Proactol for a few months now and feel I have turned a corner and starting to enjoy shopping for clothes again.
Hi, I started xenical Feb 2007 and weighed in at 34 stone, eating well (most of the time!) and going to a gym 2-3 times a week when possible I now weigh 17 1/2 stone. Xenical is great but takes will power as well. I am now 40 and feel fitter than when I was 25. Good luck to you all!
Well done John, that is fabulous:) I've been on Xenical since April 2008, and have lost just over 3 stone on them ( just over 4 stone since last year). Hand on heart I've had no side effects at all, but I've also totally changed my life as well as taking the Xenical.
Again, well done on your weight loss
Hi, I started xenical Feb 2007 and weighed in at 34 stone, eating well (most of the time!) and going to a gym 2-3 times a week when possible I now weigh 17 1/2 stone.

WOW well done on your weight loss so far, that's amazing !
Hi I am new here and started to read this thread as the dr has put me on orlistat again after it failing me, or me failing it, twice already. But I know it definitely can work. My best friend has lost 6 stone so far and she is my inspiration, but it has taken her 2 years to do it so I have to convince myself that it isnt a quick fix and I won't lose a stone in a week, unfortunately :(
But you definitely have to persevere with it. I will try to persuade her to join the forum so you can see how fabulous she looks :)
Xenical (orlistat) is a great product but you still need to be strong, I was losing a stone a month for the first 10 months but you do have to be good, exercise is a key factor, I go to the gym 3 times a week but any exercise will help.
Good luck on your quest, be strong and if you have a bad day don't stop, put it behind you and get back into the diet.
1 hour 3-4 times a week is enough for me, over doing it will probably put you off! I do tend to walk instead of drive just to burn a bit extra.

I started Xenical 3 weeks ago this week. I have had a few side effects but only when I ate something I shouldnt have.

I feel better already, and get weighed for the first time this coming Friday. I know I have lost weight as my clothes are looser and I can move around better. I have a LOT to lose but feel right now I am on the right path.

I look forward to getting to know people on here:)
hello, it's me again, the xenical queen.......

I'm still taking xenical, have, still, yet to experience anything untoward.

I'm not as 'good' as I was a few months ago, I do allow myself more treats and so on. BUT, I'm still dropping the weight and feeling all the better for it!

Stick with it, keep a diary and ask for advice when you don't really know the answer yourself.

Bunny x
Hi I was just browsing and saw your message. Its nearly 12months since you posted this msg so was just wondering how you got on?? I took Xenical for 2 months before xmas and lost 1stone 8lbs with a few side effects but nothing I couldnt handle. Since xmas I have lost the plot and put the 8lb back on!! Re-joined WW last Friday for the 100th time and am already sick to death of counting points (another £20 down the drain)!! Not sure wether to go back on tabs and try and grab some motivation back!!
My exsperience with xenical

Well this is the first time Ive been on for a while,
Follow up on my last post is.

Weight loss since March is 51lb,

Ive now had my operation and everything is great, I personally had no problems with these pills, if you follow the guide lines they are fine.
I used to be a size 20 and now am finding a size 14 getting kinda loose, so i am absolutely thrilled, I haven't been this size in 10 years,
I have been signed off work for 12 weeks until the doc thinks Im well enough to return to work, because he was so impressed with my weight loss he has kindly given me a repeat perscription of xenical for the next three months so that I do not put the weight I have lost back on, being as I will be sitting around a lot recovering, all in all my experience with xenical has been fantastic.
good luck to you all __________________
I would love to hear from him again to see how has gone on till now x