Yesterday should have been my wedding day :-(


Full Member
Evening everyone, well yesterday should have been the happiest day of my life - I was supposed to be marrying the man of my dreams.....but 4 months ago, I called the whole thing off!!!

We lost hundreds of pounds in doing so and had to cancel all the invites, and the honeymoon. Its so depressing to think that tomorrow, we would be off to Morocco but instead I am off to work.

All this because weight and my ever decreasing self esteem!! I am so angry with myself that I failed to lose any weight in a whole year. Don't get me wrong, I have lost 7 stone this year but have put on 10. One month, I would lose a stone or so, then become complacent and disheartened and put it all back on and more. Then I would lose again, and regain, lose, regain etc etc.

I try to do things on my own, I have very few friends and non that I can talk about my problems too. I told everyone that we were short of money and had to reschedule the wedding to give us more time to save. But truth be told, I was to blame.

I have two gorgeous toddlers and love them so dearly, a fantastic job, a supporting fella. I have all the motivation anyone could need to lose the weight but I seem to fail constantly. I have even looked into a gastric bypass but couldn't face it as if anything were to happen to me during the operation, I couldn't bear to think of my girls without a mummy.

So here is to attempt number 100. I have a brand new slimming class to go to tomorrow. I am positive and motivated and if I keep blogging and talk to fellow SWers on here, I will stay this way and hopefully lose lbs not £s grrrrr

Thanks for listening xx

Claire :) xxxx
Aw Claire this is it, the last time. You know you can lose weight so just work out what takes you off plan when you do. I have probably gained and lost the same 2 stones about 5 or 6 times in my life but this time I have had to really look at what I have done in the past and what i am doing now and make sure I do EVERYTHING differently. No food treats (just what is on plan and syns), no cheat nights and plenty of treats that are non-food related. Plan everything and write it all down. I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know but I do hope you manage to stick to it this time. Make sure your head is in the right place too. To be honest I think the thing that has kept me on track this time is the support and the help and advice on this website. I'd never have made it with the info from group but with all the recipes and success stories and pep talks I have found it invaluable. Even down to being able to have a rant with people who understand what you're going through. Get some small goals in sight so you don't have to feel overwhelmed by a target that feels like its miles away and get some recipes together that will see you through the first few weeks. After that it gets easier. Hugs lovely, it can be done and just think if you have a good week this week, whatever weight you are now, you will never reach it again. Keep us posted :)
sorry to hear that Claire. Think how hard it was to lose that stone and how easily it can go back on. Ive been on slimming world now for 6 weeks and i can tell you this, im not depriving myself of anything. My only tip for you is to plan ahead your meals and start cooking from scrtch, you can still have your favourite foods just made a little healthier. Dont be scared of the recipes people have posted on here they are very easy to follow and once youve done then a few times you'll be an expert. make large portions and freeze them, then your not having to cook from scratch every day. Wish you the best of luck on your journey and if you ever need anybody to talk to were all just a message away :D
Hi Claire, that is a shame for you . I had a very low key wedding because of my weight so I understand how you feel. I have been on this plan for about 5 weeks now and I'm loving it. It also seems like I'll be able to stick to it long term as it is very generous and there really is no need to cheat. Go to your class, come on here, forget the weightloss thing and just think that this is how you eat now. I make a recipe for dinner then take a portion into work for lunch next day and then just snack on fruit and have healthy extras for breakfast. I am finding it very easy and I have a very poor track record. Also get a pal (on here maybe) and make them your accountability partner and talk to them about everything. Hopefully, this will be it for both of us this time, and you'll get your dream wedding soon and you'll be beautiful! Go for it! You'll love it!
First of all you're not a failure, Yes you've lost and regained the 'same few stone' over the years but you've acknowledged it and are now trying to move forward from it. If losing weight was easy we'd all be thin and happy with how we look :)

I think it's fantastic that you're feeling positive about losing weight again and definitely think Slimming World is the way to go, I couldn't say how many times I've tried to diet over the years. This was the first time I've had any success :) In saying that, whilst SW is wonderful the majority has to come from you. If you're truly ready and motivated to lose the weight, it will come off. If you have any doubts, or niggles it will be sooo much harder. You have to want it, which judging from your post, you do.

I really wish you every success and hope that you stick around and let us all know how you're going. You may not feel that you have friends at home who you can talk to about any problems you're having/ your weight but you will find some lovely people on here who are always happy to help. You can do it :)

I find it really helps me to write a food diary, even 6/7 months in to the plan. It gives me ownership of what I do and knowing that other people could possibly pop in to my thread and read it makes me that much more conscious of what I pop in to my mouth.
Thank you for all you lovely comments - I know I don't start slimming world officially until tonight but I am having a 100% October so having fruit and yogurt for breakfast, soup for lunch and then jacket potato and beans for tea xx I cant wait. This time next year, I will be 11 stone :)
claireheath22 said:
Thank you for all you lovely comments - I know I don't start slimming world officially until tonight but I am having a 100% October so having fruit and yogurt for breakfast, soup for lunch and then jacket potato and beans for tea xx I cant wait. This time next year, I will be 11 stone :)

You sound as though you are focused and have a plan for today so a great blueprint for going forward. When times get tough and you feel the determination running away from you, come on here and find someone to chat to. There will always be someone on here who has done it before. :)
I don't really have anything extra to add that hasn't already been said, but it was such an open and honest thread that i didn't wanna read and run.
Good luck and you will do fab :) x
This is going to be the last time, you're gonna do it. Do it for you and you only. This forum is great for getting the passion for healthy food back if you're feeling fed up.

You sound as if your mind is right into it, having a food plan for before you even joined!!
Good luck Claire, sure you won't be needing it though :) you sound very organised and determined
Hi Claire. I don't have anything new to add either, but I just wanted to wish you luck! I'm fairly new to minimins but it seems like an amazing community of really supportive people, so hopefully it will help you along the way! I think it's great that instead of getting down or turning to food because yesterday should have been your wedding day, you're using that to motivate & encourage you instead. I'm sure you're going to do great. Good luck! :)
Hi Claire. You really sound like you're in the right place emotionally to suceed. I too have several stone to loose and for the first time for ages feel that I can actually achieve that. Good luck to you and I look forward to sharing your successes.
Make sure you log on to minimins all the time!!! It's so inspiring I've lost 7 stone and i definately believe logging in on here was a massive factor of me achieving that!everyone on here is so amazing and give new tips all the time which Definately takes away the diet side of it and just a way to live.

Good luck Hun xxx
All the best claire, you can do this!! :) x
Wanted to give you the hugest hug reading that!!! It's such a struggle (anyone who says losing weight is easy is a liar!!) but it will be so worth it. Try starting up a weight loss diary, i have one (not on here - its anon) but I find it so helpful. I'm v much an emotional eater, so if I vent all my feelings out and get them out I'm less likely to reach for the chocolate. Worth a try if you're similar to me :)

Just think how we will all remember this thread when you show us your wedding pictures and you looking teeny tiny!!!

good luck, see you around the boards xxxxx
Well done for taking the first step Claire. It has taking me loads of attempts before I started SW this time. I have done every diet under the sun! But this time something clicked. I am doing it for myself and I do go off track sometimes, but thats life, I no longer give up when I go off track even if it means taking the scenic route to slimming success. You sound like your ready to go do this and I wish you all the luck, success and determination to get there x
I think most of us on here have lost and gained the same stone or two over and over again, so you're certainly not alone there. You sound very positive though and are facing the SW way of life with real positivity, so you should believe in yourself that this time it will come off and stay off!

I've lost 7.5stone in a year and am sure that coming on mini's practically every day has helped as well as staying to image therapy at group. In the past I used to weigh and go but staying for the happy clappy stuff really does inspire and motivate me.

I hope all goes well for your first group tonight and good luck!