Yoga isn't only for skinny people!

I've never tried Bikram but have been a lifelong (practising on and off) devotee of yoga. I've tried all sorts of exercise regimes over the years but none have made me feel as good as yoga does so I always return to it. My job involves continual shift work so a class would be hard to maintain. I have a few yoga DVDs that I use at home, my all time favorite being 'Yoga for Weightloss' by Kisen. The routine has a lovely flow, Kisen is calming and encouraging and makes you realise that patience and practice are required to be able to achieve flexibility. I would also highly recommend Rodney Yee's DVDs. There are so many different forms of yoga out there. If one doesn't float your boat then try another!

Light, love, peace
I tried the first Beginner link recommended by this thread yesterday and I HURT. I am incredibly unflexible (inflexible?!) so it was pretty tough but I've decided I'm going to try and give it a whirl everyday and try to get better :)