You would laugh


Nicki xxx
I have just spent the last hour tesco shopping (whilst still feeling rough as I might add) :jelous: umming and ahhing about doing SS+ officially lol - I have bought chicken breasts, virtually fat free cottage cheese, eggs, mushrooms and thought I can have this and this blah blah only to get home have my shake and think hmmmm I could just do 10 more days of SS until hubs comes home and then start SS+ lol what am I like !! It seems because I have allowed myself to have it, I don't want it !

lol - I am such a nightmare sometimes !:D:D
U need to be careful sweet because I'm sure Sam is going to want to have a nice meal when he gets back so u don't want to go from ss to carb loading....

It would absolutely be better to start moving up now - as well you don't want to feel all bloated when he's home u want to feel sleek and gorgeous like you look !

Make yourself a nice ss+ tea tonight abdnten think about 810 next week and so on!

I don't want u to feel as though you've appoint all your hard work web Sam comes home - Ye poor fella is bound to have a menu set out in his he's of stuff he's been looking forward to eating!!

yeah I know your right ;)

he's been soooo good about it - cos he cooks when he's home he has asked me to make a list of the things I am allowed to eat and he'll make a meal out of it. He has said he isn't going to buy any choc (which he loves) bless him. But we have got the works christmas do on the 17th where I am eating cos the menu is lush and then christmas so your right in that I need to get my body used to it now. ooh its scary stuff x