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  1. R

    Induction Newbie struggling to find things to eat??

    I went for some cheese in the end?? Im saving my veggies for tea but I can't eat as much of them as others as I cant drink water I HAVE to drink the no sugar squash takes up about 1/4 of my carb allowance
  2. R

    Induction Newbie struggling to find things to eat??

    Right well basically I'm new to Atkins and low carb always either followed slimming world or calories counting where I could eat whatever I wanted pretty much as long as a did so in the correct quantities... For lunch I'm cooking a load of white fish but don't know what to have with it?? Like if...
  3. R

    Non Traditional Breakfast

    A usual breakfast for me is a cereal bar or fruit and i don't think I have ever eaten anything strange for brekkie as I am a fussy sod in the morning x
  4. R

    Just said on the telly that Derby is the fattest place in the UK

    Awe yeah i remember about the diet pills now! Loose calories on 3000 cal a day, wish I had that problem x
  5. R

    Just said on the telly that Derby is the fattest place in the UK

    Yes but only half watched it, what advice was it hun x
  6. R

    feeling ill and need comfort food!

    It not syn free but why not make a curly wurly cake then eat the whole thing for less than 15 syns!
  7. R

    Just said on the telly that Derby is the fattest place in the UK

    mad considering that where SW HQ is!
  8. R

    Anyone in 13s and wana get down to 12s?

    I wouldn't mind at some point! X
  9. R

    Heartbreak diet

    Well done and imagine the look on you exes face when your at target seeing what he's missing x
  10. R

    Shall i come back to cc?

    It is working but cc did too x
  11. R

    What do you do when on hols?

    My mantra exactly x
  12. R

    What do you do when on hols?

    Blackpool hun and I know what you mean on hols I do loads more excersise without trying x
  13. R

    Where are the parents?

    I think that's a myth teenagers don't want rigid boundaries because that's what they rebel against. Maybe smaller children do but teenagers like to be treated fairly and with respect. My mother would allow me out as late as I wanted as long as she knew were I was which was a fair ruling so I...
  14. R

    What do you do when on hols?

    Wow! Did you do a lot of walking? Will be chuffed if i can say the same thing next week x
  15. R

    Extra Easy Help with Syns....

    You can try weekly syns, I don't think too many people in here do it but every single person in my group did and had terrific losses!
  16. R

    What do you do when on hols?

    I just find the weight that goes on quick comes off quick and the weight that has gone on steadily comes off steadily x
  17. R

    What do you do when on hols?

    Just wondered whether you go completely off plan or try And stick to it loosely or are 100%. I'm going on hols Monday for a week in blackpool and don't care what I gain as I know it'll come off as quickly as it went on!
  18. R

    Tuesday Weighers

    I lost 6lbs this week and can't believe it! More than I lost in my first two weeks combined!
  19. R

    Confused about BMR

    I got mine from myfitnessplan, is it reliable?
  20. R

    Need some advice please

    I don't know if this will help you but I'm supposed to have 1920 a day in order to loose 1lb a week, maybe you can compare our stats and see if it looks about right.
  21. R

    Shall i come back to cc?

    Thank you anyway x
  22. R

    Goal and Motivation.

    My current goal is to loose about 15 pounds but might go lower see how I feel x
  23. R

    Shall i come back to cc?

    I've been very successful on cc in the past but this time around I decided to join SW as I hadn't dine it before but I don't think it's for me because the 'free foods' although healthy are ones I wouldn't normally eat and everyone on it seems to be en encorouged eat ridiculously large amounts of...
  24. R

    Completley freeking out before weigh in :(

    Sorry for the late reply bur I actually lost 1.5 x
  25. R

    Are slow losses normal on Slimming World

    That's a really good point I started slimming world fresh from calorie counting!
  26. R

    Can anyone think of where i can get weighed if not im class?

    Just to let everyone know is the reason that I don't want to have my own scales is because I dont trust myself with them. Last time I had a pair I ended up weighing myself before and after every meal! So, I gave decided to buy a pair but keep them down my grandmother's house and weigh when I go...
  27. R

    Can anyone think of where i can get weighed if not im class?

    It's 12 weeks long lmao x
  28. R

    Confused about BMR

    I'm 197lbs with a 'sedentry lifestyle', if it is true I might come back to cc as I switched because I didn't have any calories left for treats but I could eat what I was and have 500 calories just for treats and sauces and stuff x
  29. R

    Confused about BMR

    Hey all, I just worked out my BMR out of curiosity and apparently in order to loose a pound a week I need to have 1920 cAlories a day. This just seems to much I've always gone for 1500 when doing cc before x
  30. R

    Can anyone think of where i can get weighed if not im class?

    I'm not really sure if I'm ready but unfortunately have little choice, I think I'll be fine x
  31. R

    Can anyone think of where i can get weighed if not im class?

    What is it then like a machine will give that a go x
  32. R

    Can anyone think of where i can get weighed if not im class?

    Ooh! Boots do it do they? How do you do that then?
  33. R

    Can anyone think of where i can get weighed if not im class?

    Not really no, there are s couple I COULD go to but they would be most incovenidnt x
  34. R

    Can anyone think of where i can get weighed if not im class?

    I am pretty sure I will have to give up class because I'm going on a course at the same time. The only thing is I can't think of how I would get weighed as don't have scales at home x
  35. R

    Super free foods

    As a general rule though not eating many syns boosts losses. there are people on here who say the losses increase on more syns but for most people most the time they won't.
  36. R

    Extra Easy vs Original and Green?

    EE is definitely the way to go imo x
  37. R

    Does anyone else find slimming world expensive?

    Do you mind me asking what your downfall was? x
  38. R

    No fruit - does SW still work

    My C always advises against eating too much fruit, her mantra being 'eat food not fruit'. So definitely x
  39. R

    Treat day..yes or no?

    Yeah, since I do weeekly syns I usually use them all over the weekend :)
  40. R

    Are slow losses normal on Slimming World

    The usuals Atkins, F plan, gillian Mckieth etc.
  41. R

    Are slow losses normal on Slimming World

    5lb in two weeks, I know that's not awful but I have NEVER lost less than 5lb on the first week and 7lb by the second week on any other diet. So...
  42. R

    Are slow losses normal on Slimming World

    I only ask because my losses have been ver lack-luster compared to other diets. I don't mind TOO much because I am eating alot better compared to other diets but was just wondering if they're slow for everyone? Or am I a freak lmao?
  43. R

    Breakfast always throws me off track

    When I know I'll be really pushed for time in the morning I have hard boiled eggs, they ca be boiled the night before and left in the fridge till morning.
  44. R

    Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel

    I know what you mean in a round-about way. Just keep it up and get there, that's the only thing you can do if you don't think you can be slim is prove it to yourself by getting there!
  45. R

    Tuesday Weighers

    Pound and a half off but bit dissapointed as it only my second week!!!
  46. R

    Completley freeking out before weigh in :(

    Its weight in day and I just really, really don't feel as though I've lost any weight. I know it may sound stupid but its driving me mad especially since I just had all day to myself. Just had a mars and now I feel really stupid and just don't want to go to weigh in. Sorry if it sounds stupid...
  47. R

    missed weeks

    I'm pretty sure you need to book holidays in advanced :S
  48. R

    Whats for breakfast?

    Had a bit of a pig out this morning went for srambled eggs (2), with onion and tomotoe mixed in for 1/3 superfree, on wholemeal toast! Was stuffed!
  49. R

    I thought I might have been ready...

    I think the new one is in group tonight because my C posted the cover on facbook and was like 'make sure you all come to goup'
  50. R

    free snack food / low syns

    Pickles onions and other such pickled goods!
  51. R

    Bannana's and custard

    If I pour hot custard over a freshly chopped bannana is the bannana still free or does this constitute cooking it? Thought I better check because I'm trying to justify having gravy tonight and checking how many syns I've got lef haha!
  52. R

    Surviving a pub/birthday meal - PLEASE HELP

    Was thinkinh about doing this but there's still the problem of synning the meal?
  53. R

    Trying SW chips tonight

    Sometimes I fry mine in the pan (with fry light) feel like it makes them a bit crispier x
  54. R

    What have you just eaten??

    I just had 5 rolos and a minstrel which I worked out to be 7 syns. Thinking about going for SW chips and beans for supper :/
  55. R

    What superfree have you eaten today?

    Haven't been that great on that front today, but have had peppers, onions and tomotoes in my omelette earlier :D
  56. R


    I had a latte and chocoloate brownes from mcd's friday night, sigh! haha x
  57. R

    When you go to a coffee shop, Costa, Starbucks etc..

    When in doubt my C always says go for the rule that 1 syn is equal to 20 calories. So google starbucks calories and then work it out from there. That's what I did in mcd's having coffee ad a brownie the other day. BTW I nearly always just have black coffee unless I really fancy a late.
  58. R

    Surviving a pub/birthday meal - PLEASE HELP

    I've got a landmark birthday coming up and my entire family have arranged to go out for a pub meal. Now as I'm a vegetarian I haven't got that many options for SW friendly food as I should imagine my options will be vegtable curry, vagtable lasagne, fish and chips or scampi? Out of those I'm...
  59. R

    What annoys you about your slimming world class

    The venue is always freezing cold even when we had that heat wave, in all fairness though our C is always saying she's trying to move us but struggling to find another suitable venue as the building she moved out of last has since been demolished.
  60. R

    Your typical pre-SW food diary?

    Thanks for everyone's replies theire so interesting to read!
  61. R

    Your typical pre-SW food diary?

    Just want to compare really, here's mine: Breakfast: Cereal bar Lunch: Packet of crisps Snack: Chocolate Bar Dinner: Chesse, Chips and Beans with onion baji's and coleslaw Glasses of water: 0 Mugs of builder's tea: 8+
  62. R

    Your typical pre-SW food diary?

    Meant to open this on the front page so I have re-opened it there and if someone could close this as I don't know how I would appreciate it. Sorry! :)
  63. R

    Have you GOT to eat healthy extras every day?

    Thanks, I think my problem is that before Slimming World I had excess weight because I didn't eat enough and what I did eat was rubbish. So having to eat all this stuff is a bit f a stuggle at the moment.
  64. R

    more syns?

    I remember once my consultant telling me that she gets told to offer this advice to larger members upon arival but she never does as she said she think it would be rude. And I kinda agree with her tbh! But wha I'm trying to say is its obviously a real slimming world thing and not something your...
  65. R

    How do you handle stress without food?

    Oh I've never known anyone else do this, whey for being normal! :)
  66. R

    how is she doing it lol???

    I won't grumble because I am one of those lucky people :P
  67. R

    Resisted temptation!! Yes!!!!

    I treated myself to a good 27 syns last night :/
  68. R

    Anyone else......

    Only lost 3.5lb and am pretty damn cold!
  69. R

    Extra easy vs Red and Green

    I can't imagine having more helahty extras, I find it so hard to eat them as it is!
  70. R

    what is a success express week?

    What's its purpose then or just another plan?
  71. R

    Have you GOT to eat healthy extras every day?

    Thank you but I defnitley think I'm going to struggle to use them everyday. I've decided the B shouldn't be so bad becasue I can turn the olive oil I'm allowed into a sald dressing but the A will be hard :S
  72. R

    Tuesday Weighers

    It was 3.5lbs off, was a little bit disapointed because I'm used to seeing higher numbers on a first week. But at the same time I've never eaten as well on a diet before :)
  73. R

    Whats for breakfast?

    I think I'll have porridge tomorrow :D
  74. R

    Been really bad today and feeling awful for it :( need a kick up the bum!

    Don't be so silly, you've had a bad day but there's nothing to be ashamed of! Get back on track tomorrow, if you gain you gain, the important thing is to get it back offf and more the next week - after all the past isn't in your control but the future is :D x
  75. R

    Joined Slimming World last week and still confused

    Awe right, so if my game plan from here on in is to try and include as much fruit or veg with each meal as I can I should be fine?
  76. R

    I am now officially "normal" weight!

    Well done!!! :D
  77. R

    Have you GOT to eat healthy extras every day?

    I'm just wondering because some days I don't just because I wouldn't have had them anyway. Like for example yesterday I had them because I had porridge for breakfast but because I had boiled eggs today there was no need for me to use them. Does it affect losses negativley if I don't?
  78. R

    Joined Slimming World last week and still confused

    Slimming World is deffinitley the diet for me because although I haven't had the resulty I could on other plans, I hardly even noticed I'm on a diet. So basicaly I've GOT to include 1/3 superfree on my plate and the speed foods are only there for me to pick better choice but aren't required for...
  79. R

    New to the forum, to Slimming World and hoping to loose 1-2 stone

    I know its not a lot but although I think I'm quite slim I've always wanted to be a bit smaller. So, since finding out my BMI is slightly over I've decided to join Slimming World and attempt to loose about 1-2 stone :D
  80. R

    How do you handle stress without food?

    see I'm the complete opposite when it comes to stress, when I'm stressed I simply just don't want to eat like anything at all. I'm a freak lmao :S
  81. R

    Whats for breakfast?

    two hard boiled eggs for me, boring for most but I absoloutley love eggs!
  82. R

    A little of what you fancy, right?

    well done but I could never turn down a chippie!
  83. R

    Disappointed with slow weight loss :-(

    I'm a bit like that, convinced I'm doing it wrong because I only lost 3.5 pouds on my first week thats the lowest I've ever done on first week but at least I did it without really noticing I was dieting!
  84. R

    Joined Slimming World last week and still confused

    about the difference between a speed food and a superfree food. I think this may be letting me down as I only lost 3.5 lbs in my first week and, where I would be estatic with this on a normal, week I'm used to having 5lb plus weight losses on a first week on other diets. Like does sweetcorn...