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  1. iwannabeslim1

    You need to make this

    Hi, Im going to give this a go this weekend, sounds yummy!! Thanks!
  2. iwannabeslim1

    Sick of pretending I'm not fat

    Hey Emma, sorry Ive only just seen this! I couldnt find your thread for some reason. No I dont have a thread, so will just chat to you on here if thats ok? Ive had threads before and its hasnt really made much difference, so having someone to chat to, that understands where im coming from, i...
  3. iwannabeslim1

    Sick of pretending I'm not fat

    Oh wow my story is so so very similar too!! When I read the bit about your bf I felt like I was reading what someone had written about me! I'm the biggest I've ever been and weigh about the same as you and also done fit into my 18s anymore and have resorted to wearing leggings at work (extremely...
  4. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Week 3 and 3lb loss... thats 15lb in 3 weeks, average 5lb a week, not too bad I guess...!? Will try not to undo all my hard work when I go on holiday this weekend!! x
  5. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Excellent news Kelly, and yes come chicken wont have any affect on your loss at all, so just have it and hopefully the tablets will help too. Glad you got it checked out and you can now carry on without worrying :) x
  6. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Hahahaha Poko, I think you might be onto something!!x
  7. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Haha, I know I have a right muffin top when I tried my bikini on the yesterday, not a good look at all... :/ when do you go away? as for feeling heavy, is it that time of the month? are you constipated? its good youre not hungry!! im always bloody hungry, even when in ketosis lol x
  8. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Hey Amy, feeling much better thank you, had a really low day on Tuesday but of yesterday feeling much better and today feeling even better still so thats good. No exercise or weighing for my since Tuesday, go me!!! haha How are you doing??x
  9. iwannabeslim1

    im kat and im on the cambridge diet - day 1!!!

    Absolutely amazing Kat and that app sounds really good too!! Yes the weight might come off slower but I think you will be there before you goal of November, especially once you start your insanity DVDs ;) x
  10. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Wow you must feel so much better having lost that weight in such a short amount of time? Im just to blimin impatient, thats my problem. I always want a quick fix and give up when I dont see the results when Ive worked really hard :/ it also upsets me when I have seen others have cheated and...
  11. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Kelly, well done!!! Thats a brilliant loss, 7lbs!! And into the 12's.... thats such a good feeling isn't it :) My target was to lose 2 stone by my holiday, which isnt going to happen now.... so my consultant said a new goal of getting into the 11's by my holiday, so thats what Im aiming for...
  12. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Thanks hun, thats a really good way of thinking of it, a detox to get rid of all the crap your body has stored and eaten over the time :) I had a day of feeling very annoyed and sorry for myself yesterday, and thinking about whether this is really for me. I even drove to KFC!!! (my...
  13. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Yes, I did take photos Kelly, so I might take some this weekend and see if I can a difference - good thinking!! :) xx
  14. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Awwww ladies Ive only just seen your messages thank you so much, you have made me feel so much better about it. I spent all yesterday feeling very sorry for myself and just really annoyed at myself too. I think because I had my heart set on losing the 2 stone before my holiday that losing only...
  15. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Ha I'm the same! The only way I can stay on track is by not having anything at all, if on SW or WW I will eat and eat the "free" things and won't lose weight and then I get fed up and binge! What a nightmare. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one like this I seriously thought there was...
  16. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Aww thanks sweet you have cheered me up :) I know it's so annoying when your weight fluctuates and you're right it means it's true fat rather then just water. The even more annoying thing is that I had lost 2 lb yesterday when I weighed myself and I gained 1.5 this morning when I done nothing...
  17. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Only 2lb lost this week :( not a very happy bunny, managed to put on 1.5lb since yesterday and no idea why.... x
  18. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Week 2 weigh in... 2lb loss :( not happy with that at all x
  19. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    8lb!!! You go girl!!! You are getting such amazing results!!!!! Well I have my weigh in in an hour and weighed myself at home quick and am really annoyed to see 1.5lb gain since yesterday!!! I dont understand how thats even possible, I stuck to my 3 products yesterday and thats it, drank at...
  20. iwannabeslim1

    im kat and im on the cambridge diet - day 1!!!

    Hey how did you get on???x
  21. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    I agree with you, WW and SW I would lose a lb a week or STS and it used to drive me crazy, I guess 3lb is good but doesnt seem enough for feeling so hungry and having so little food all the time, well in my opinion anyway x
  22. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Im with you on that Anne! I am going to stick to this 100% SS only for the next 7 days and see if not having the 200 cal meal helps! Wishing us both lots of luck!!x
  23. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Day 15 update... So today is day 15 and meant to be weigh in day but this has been moved to tomorrow this week due to work commitments (annoying!). I have been keeping track of my weight at home and it shows Ive only lost 3lb this week, booo, I really wanted to lose 6!!! Anyway, 13 days and...
  24. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    Amazing news Anne, well done!!! Did yesterday go ok?? It was so hard for me to resist and not give in, but I managed it (just!!) I have my weigh in tomorrow now as I had to change it but my scales only show a 3lb loss this week, booo :( hate that its slowed right down when I havent cheated at...
  25. iwannabeslim1

    Hi! 56lb lost and another 44 to go!

    Hi I too want to lose 15lbs in the next 13 days, Im not sure its going to be possible but Im going to try my best!! My weigh in day is normally Mondays but I have moved this weeks to tomorrow (due to work) - when is your weigh in day?
  26. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    Wow Liz, thats brilliant news, a massive congratulations!!!x
  27. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Thanks Kelly, I guess I must be... just want to get rid of my muffin top before going away! not a good look!!! haha Have a great day today :) x
  28. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Amazing results Nikie, I hope I can achieve losses like this :) x
  29. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Hey Anne, how did yesterday go??x
  30. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Hey Kelly you are doing so well, day 6 and not cheating!! As for the meal yesterday dont worry I had chicken salad yesterday too, had to eat something like you as was surrounded by the entire family, it wont affect your weight loss at all. I cant wait for your results tomorrow! My second weigh...
  31. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Hi Zippy, thank you! I think you can definitely lose 2 stone by then! Good luck with it :) x
  32. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Hey Debs, sorry for my delayed reply, its been a crazy few days at home (teenage son issues!!) if you go on subscribed threads it should let you know people who have replied to threads that you have, thats the only way I can keep track! :) Im not sure it was the 810 Ive done, with the 200cal...
  33. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Hey Anne try not to worry about tomorrow. Just try and be strong and maybe every time you feel like eating have a glass of water you'll soon be full on fluid! I hope it goes ok for you and come on here if you feel tempted at all! I am going to try my best to resist! Weigh in day Monday...
  34. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Hey Kelly sorry I haven't been on since yesterday I've has a nightmare day today How are you feeling now? Has the pain gone? Have you tried peppermint tea? As that's meant to be really good for digestion and stomach etc to me it sounds like heartburn, but I can't say for sure. Did your...
  35. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Thank you! I will definitely try to resist, especially as its weigh in day the next day, I would be devastated to have been good all week and then blow it right at the last moment. If I didnt have my holiday booked I may be thinking differently but Im determined not to cheat once these whole 4...
  36. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    I love to learn too, especially about diet, health & fitness, weight loss - I find it all fascinating (probably because I have been on diets for so long now!) Yes my lady took them on the first visit but didnt on my first weigh in - should she do it every week? Well actually my OH takes mine and...
  37. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Thank you Kat, I hope you have a great day too!! Im quite hungry at the moment but I haven't had my first product yet, am waiting until midday so I can spread it out throughout the day better. Ive taken measurements and will be doing them again this weekend - hopefully theres movement!x
  38. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    I would love nothing more than a cheat day but as you say you really need to be in the zone and right now I wouldnt trust myself not to binge and keep on binging! Im only on day 12 so still fairly early days for me x
  39. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Amy youre such a wealth of knowledge!!! I might try the cold water trick (anything to help!!)
  40. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Its going ok... Im staying strong but the weight isnt really shifting, the hunger is a little more manageable now, but I still know its there! Im dreading Sunday and being around the family with lots of lovely food! Im even making choc brownies and mothers day cupcakes for my mum and mum in law...
  41. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Yes just forget it and get back on it straight away, none of us are perfect and we all mess up at some point, its just how we then deal with it and move on from it that makes the difference! Hope youre feeling better today x
  42. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Well thats a good sign (cold hands and feet) its a sign youre in ketosis! :) Im freezing all the time, Im constantly wrapped up in lots of layers and have the heating on lol - it will be worth it, I keep telling myself. I think thats a mental thing, the way you feel on different days in the...
  43. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Hey Anne - how are you feeling today? Did you manage to get through the evening?x
  44. iwannabeslim1

    Looking for my slimmer, happier self.

    Hey Poko, I hope youre feeling a bit better today...? Sorry to hear you were having a rubbish day yesterday, I have days like that and I hate not having things to take my mind off of food, especially in the evenings as I work 8-6 mon-fri, so the evenings and weekends are tough for me. I find...
  45. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Kellys Diary to the end

    11lb!!!! Amazing!! Well done! The pain of the first week was all worth it :) x
  46. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Amy you should be a personal trainer or nutritionist!!! :) Thanks so much for this info, it makes sense and I think I have heard very similar things before. I actually weighed myself this morning and lost a 1lb yay, so thats 2lb this week (Im only 4 off my target!) Ok, so I wont overdo it - I...
  47. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Im In Ketosis (yay!!!!)

    So...... my ketostix arrived and Ive just tested and Im ketosis, yay!!!!! The colour was inbetween the two first pink colours which my consultant told me is where I need to be. Happy happy happy (it only took 11 days!) :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
  48. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it starts here....

    Hope its still going well still!!? Im glad youre not longer feeling sick and going for a walk will do you so much good, mentally as well as physically. Life is definitely too short, I agree with you there, and "you only get one life so dont waste it" - thats my moto, I use it all the time to...
  49. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    Aw Anne youre back, I missed you yesterday! Dare I ask what you had?? was it mainly protein based as they might not be so bad...? i dont think you need your jaws wired lol but i wonder if it might be because you haven't been on this long? the longer you are on it i think the easier it is to...
  50. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    Oh Liz... I totally understand your frustrations, Ive been there at so many times of my life and it just makes you want to give up. A few things come to mind, how close are you to your target weight? that time of the month (like you say)? constipated? have you tried SS+? I have heard some people...
  51. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Things always come up when you dont want/need them to dont they!? just try and get through it as best you can, maybe following SS+ if you need to? Well done on the window shopping, i love that idea - not that i need any excuse to go shopping, i honestly have so much stuff that doesnt fit its...
  52. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Diary update... Day 11 and hunger is easing - whoop whoop! Went to the gym this morning in an attempt to try and shift my weight as I STS again this morning :( I really hope I see the scales move soon as I really wanted to lose 6lb this week, seems almost impossible right now. 16 days left until...
  53. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    I still cant get over your huge loss in your first week, I wouldve been jumping around the room with joy! haha I think 2lb is pretty normal for the second week, so dont beat yourself up over that as it may not have even made any difference, are you feeling confident about mondays weigh in? mine...
  54. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Thanks Amy! I think the rest yesterday really helped but I still STS this morning :( thats 2 days in a row now... which means I have only lost 1lb this week so, I am not happy about that at all as I wanted to lose 6! I got up early and went to the gym this morning and it was brilliant, I felt so...
  55. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Yes I think it has actually! I felt a lot better (hunger wise) yesterday and I am feeling better today too - thank god! thanks for asking :) How is it going for you???x
  56. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    hahaha - i cant type properly either, fingers are numb they are so cold!! this is day 10 for me and im not in ketosis it seems :( not sure what im doing wrong and ive been starving and moody every single long day lol how long have you been on it for? what day is your weigh in?x
  57. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    thank you katsparkle! its so difficult being 100% isnt it and to be honest i really dont think a little bit of ham can do much damage, if any, but like you say its more the knowing youre fully committed! you have done amazing, 18lb in 3 weeks??? i would love to lose that kind of weight in 3...
  58. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    Im here!! :) Im cold and hungry today! how are you doing?x
  59. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    The end of day 10 is coming to an end yippee!!! and i had a proper dinner tonight (SS+) consisting of 188cals, it might have low in cals but I almost feel full..?!?!? and therefore, happy!!! :) 18 more days... 18 more days.... 18 more days.....
  60. iwannabeslim1

    How long does it take to get in to ketosis?

    I wasnt sure whether to post or not, as I dont want to put you off... but I dont think Im in it even now and Im on day 10 :( I have tried ketostix the last 2 days and nothing. but ive got all the symptoms; horrible taste in mouth, cold all the time, having more energy. stick with it, it will...
  61. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Aww thank you :) I will definitely listen to your advice, and tonight Ive decided to give the gym a miss (let my muscles recover) and I will go first thing in the morning. Im also having a proper SS+ meal tonight, which consists of white fish and baby spinach, yummy!!! Ive tried SW too and...
  62. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Well I still havr around 50ish lb to lose (not sure what that is in stone, maybe 3.5?) Thats loads!! haha - Im only on a tight deadline now because of a holiday Im going on but then I will be straight back on it when Im back (no doubt to lose the weight I gain whilst im away..) I think Im...
  63. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Question on weights of meat on SS+

    Good thinking, I like it.. Thanks!
  64. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    So, im more than halfway through day 10 and, dare I say it, Im feeling a little tiny eeny weeny bit less hungry than normal... Im not sure if thats because my body is adjusting or because I didnt have berorrca or just a one-off fluke but its quite nice...! Long may it continue! My cough is...
  65. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Question on weights of meat on SS+

    I was thinking of doing SS+ today and having white fish with salad. I have noticed the weights used are pre-cooked weights, but what about if something is frozen? Surely a frozen item would be heavier? Or should I wait for it to defrost before measuring? I might just be talking complete...
  66. iwannabeslim1

    *BLushing* toilet issues

    I think Im the only one that suffers with the complete opposite! Im everso slightly worried..... :/ I do drink peppermint tea all throughout the day, I wonder if thats the reason, as its meant to be good for the stomach. Maybe its worth trying this if you are really struggling? (I normally...
  67. iwannabeslim1

    Feeling chilly!

    Oh no!! So it doesn't get any better then??? haha You have a very nice boss!!! :)
  68. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Kellys Diary to the end

    I totally agree with that, it might be worth weighing yourself before you go to get weighed and then see how different your scales are or if they are the same, that way you may be able to keep track of it during the week? Im quite lucky as my scales read the exact same number as my consultants...
  69. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Hey - how are you finding day 2?? Yes i definitely agree with you about the exercise, I attempted two exercise DVDs last night (they are only 25mins long), the first one was ok but then the second one I got 3mins in and I could barely lift up my weights so I listened to my body, stopped the...
  70. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Kellys Diary to the end

    Hi and welcome to the forum! It seems you are a pro, losing 2 stone on this previously, how long did that take you and was it on SS? I am on day 10 at the moment and still not used to it, if Im honest, but it is easier than it was. For some reason Im not in ketosis and therefore Im starving...
  71. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Kellys Diary to the end

    Awww having thats each day must be tough, as you dont have much variety but I tend to stick with what I know and love and it works for me :) Thank you, losing the weight makes the starvation a little more bearable :) Thats great you have someone who can motivate you and support you through this...
  72. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Kellys Diary to the end

    I know how you feel Kelly, every day seems to literally drag for me at the moment! I hate it! Im currently sat in my office surrounded by people who are eating lots of lovely things for lunch, grrrrr - my stomach is making all sorts of noises haha I can definitely see a difference in the 2...
  73. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Thank you Debs!! :) Well done on your loss so far, 7lb in 6 days is amazing, thats almost a lb a day! I wish I could lose that all of the time haha ;) I feel hungry, all of the time, not sure Im in ketosis, my sticks arent pink, they dont change colour :( so thats a bit rubbish. Im doing it...
  74. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Thanks Amy I really appreciate your feedback and you have made me feel so much better about it :) I didnt even really think about fluid build up around the muscles, so Im really hoping for a loss soon on the scales, but if not, I have taken measurements so will hopefully see them go down! Well...
  75. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Thanks I will :) I know but its just habit Ive been taking it every morning for the lat 5 years or so, so its just part of my routine but I havent had it today so hopefully it will make a difference.
  76. iwannabeslim1

    *** April challenge ***

    Hey everyone I would love to join too please! I go on holiday on the 13th April - 28th so Im not here for half of it but am determined with my target before going away so for the 12 days I am here I would like to try and lose 10lb :) (seems a little mission impossible but I will give it a...
  77. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    I googled it and it definitely has citric acid in, I asked my consultant and she said she didnt know if I should have it or not? So Im just going to stop it and see if that helps :) x
  78. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Thank you!!! I have heard that somewhere before and last night in bed when my stomach was growling at me and making lots of noises I was thinking its the fat going!! haha - whatever gets us through this, thanks for your comment and support :) x
  79. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Thanks Anne, thats a very good point! She went and got them from her bathroom, but as you say she may not have used them for a while and I had no idea about an expiry date! I have ordered my own which should be with me today or tomorrow so I will have a play around with them and see what happens...
  80. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Hey Vixie! Thank you :) and well done on your results so far!!! You have done amazingly well just sticking to SS and 2.5lb in your second week is good, a lot of people only lose a lb or nothing, due to losing so much in the first week, I would be happy if I lost that this week, but as I am on a...
  81. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Starting day 10 today........ I weighed myself this morning and its the first time in 10 days that the scales didnt move, they stayed the same :( Im determined to lose my 6lb this week though so Im hoping I will 1 or 2 tomorrow morning. I did exercise last night (a 25mins exercise DVD) so I...
  82. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Awww Spolly Im totally with you on the hunger, it literally drives me crazy and I get it every day, judging by my keotstix Im not even in Ketosis, but I have lost weight so Im just plodding on through the pain! I dont think coke zero makes you hungry? I have one most days now and I find the...
  83. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it begins Bye-Bye Jelly Belly...

    Hey Kelly and welcome (at long last) :) We are the exact same starting weight and have the same goals (although I'd love to reach 9 stone eventually). I hope you've had a good first day today! Chicken and mushroom soup is yum yum but that's the only one I've tried. Don't forget to drink lots...
  84. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Im huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuungrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrghhhh, its actually driving me crazy!!
  85. iwannabeslim1

    Looking for my slimmer, happier self.

    Aww ok, then stick with it and just interrupt her and have your say!! yes 5lb a week loss would be amazing, Im going to try for 6 this week but Im not sure I can do it but I love a challenge. Even my consultant said she would be shocked if I achieved it and I love to try and prove myself to...
  86. iwannabeslim1

    Looking for my slimmer, happier self.

    Excellent news poko!!!!! 5lb is great (just feel how heavy a bag of sugar is!!) a 4.5in loss, thats crazy! I didnt even get measured by my lady which I thought was odd but I was in a rush so didnt query it. Well done, I would be happy with those results! And you may find that next week you lose...
  87. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    No I havent at all. The only thing I can think it might be is that I take berocca which may be having an impact? But I thought this was carbs and cal free... Yeah this diet move at all in colour and I used it not on my first morning one but he one after as my consultant said the first morning...
  88. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    haha Anne I am exactly the same! I would just eat and eat until I literally cant eat anymore, I wish I could just be "normal". Thank you, I hope you have a lovely day meeting him and you are quite right, it might be a bit odd sipping water and not eating, just take it as it comes and get back on...
  89. iwannabeslim1


    Thats a brilliant idea! Do you think I could put some mushrooms in mine? haha x
  90. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    Thanks Liz! My consultant said not to worry also, as I was losing weight and seem to be having the cold hands and feet etc, and these are normally symptoms? Its just annoying as I feel starving all of the time, whereas with ketosis on Atkins, it kicks in within a day and my hunger goes straight...
  91. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Haha go you Kelly!! Good luck with meeting your consultant, I bet you re so excited about being able to start :) Oh no, stupid time of the month, mine is due to be here next week, but just think if you can get through this week, you can get through anything! I hope you have a great week on it...
  92. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Not Even In Ketosis......

    So.... my consultant gave me a couple of ketostix (or whatever they are called) and I am not in ketosis, the colour didnt change at all!! Im really annoyed after 8 days but I guess that explains my constant starvation feeling. Im still pretty annoyed though :(:confused:
  93. iwannabeslim1

    Feeling chilly!

    I am really cold all the time too. I spoke to my consultant yesterday about this and its a sign of ketosis, apparently - especially cold hands and feet! x
  94. iwannabeslim1


    I have only tried chicken and mushroom and its bloody lovely! I have one a day for dinner, I really like them. They are really easy to make, put contents into bowl, whisk with a hand whisk and then put into a cup and it has no lumps and is super yummy and warm :) x
  95. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    Yes I think it is Anne! I will feel awful not eating anything at all esp as the mother in law is going to all that effort and I have to make choc brownies to take with me, OMG thats going to kill me!! But youre right, we still have to live and be sociable, so try and avoid as much damage as...
  96. iwannabeslim1

    Starting Tuesday 18th - Looking for a support buddy

    Tracy, 4.1kg is amazing! I would be over the moon with that result!! Annie, 4 lb is a great result!! Dont forget a bag of sugar weighs 2lb ;) lets hope next week brings us lots more losses!! x
  97. iwannabeslim1

    Starting Tuesday 18th - Looking for a support buddy

    4lbs is a great loss! and I think they done that on the biggest loser? they would make them carry around the weight they had lost on a long hike and most of them could barely lift the weight they had lost! I also like lifting weights in the gym, lifting a dumbbell and thinking "Ive lost this...
  98. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    Well done Sammy, thats a brilliant loss!!! It really spurs you on to continue when you see results like that! As for mothers day, Im the same, we normally go out but his Sunday we are going to my mother in laws for lunch with OH, son and my mum etc, so I will feel a little pressure to eat...
  99. iwannabeslim1

    Looking for my slimmer, happier self.

    Good luck Poko - Hope you get the results you deserve :) x
  100. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source May 2014 "Princess Peanuts Cycle" Challenge

    Haha I may well be being a bit optimistic! I am used to a spin bike (which as you are probably aware, can move quite quickly) but as you can't track distance on here, Im just going to be using the normal bikes at the gym :) thank you! I will keep an updated diary so you can all have a good...
  101. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    10lb off! Whoop whoop x
  102. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    Thanks Anne - I know and I totally agree with you! I will be pleased with whatever I lose but would be ecstatic losing the 6lb :) let's see what this week brings x
  103. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    I seem to be ok with this, so far and I think that might be because I drink peppermint tea, anywhere from 3-8 cups a day! Or just carry around a small mouth wash with you (a travel one) and use it whenever you go to the bathroom :) x
  104. iwannabeslim1

    HONK if you were 100% today!!!

    100% for me too today, that's 8 days in a row and 10lb down yay!!
  105. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    Thanks ladies! Im determined to lose 6lb this week (and then 6 in week 3 & 4 too) and that will get me to my 2 stone weight loss in 4 weeks! The pressure!!! Chances are I wont lose anything like that but I need to keep the pressure on myself or else I will just let things slip and then I will be...
  106. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source May 2014 "Princess Peanuts Cycle" Challenge

    Thank you! I know its a little crazy, but Im currently doing 30-50mins of exercise 5/6 days a week anyway and I figure if I replace this with cycling... I think riding for around 30-40mins a day should do it and then extra on the weekends! Its worth a shot and normally I see things like this...
  107. iwannabeslim1

    Looking for my slimmer, happier self.

    Good luck for tomorrow Poko! Thats great someone has commented on weight loss, I have heard before that people only really notice it once you lose around 1.5 stone, do you have any inkling as to how much youve lost this week or are you waiting for tomorrow? my scales at home are identical to my...
  108. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    Hey everyone I had my weigh in this morning and lost 10lb :) I'm very pleased with myself. It's been a struggle for me that's for sure but the results are worth it. Anne you done amazing this week you must be thrilled!!x
  109. iwannabeslim1

    Starting Tuesday 18th - Looking for a support buddy

    wow thats brilliant news Anne, well done!!! you must over the moon, Im so pleased for you :) x
  110. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source May 2014 "Princess Peanuts Cycle" Challenge

    Hey all I am looking for a challenge for myself in May and I think Im going to make it a cycle challenge (inspired by just a drop challenge) and Im going to go for 1000 miles in 31 days (that's around 33 miles a day if you're wondering - eeeeeek!!) Please feel free to join me or let me know of...
  111. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source And so it starts here....

    hey, welcome and good luck! I can relate to so much that you have stated, such as starting again, wasting money, binging, feeling crap about yourself. I also understand how easy it is to become stuck in a rut and to just eat and eat and not really care or think about the outside world, and I...
  112. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Seeing as I cannot compete in an April (easter) challenge set by my consultant (due to being away for 15 of the 30days) I am thinking of setting myself a challenge in May (as I am away again in June on hol) and Im thinking what kind of challenge to do. I have the 10k race for life booked for...
  113. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source + Kellys Diary to the end

    Hello ladies, I totally understand where you are coming from. I am constantly starving on this, and have been since the morning of day 1 (im now on day 8). Everyone keeps telling me it gets easier so Im just waiting for that :) I must definitely be i ketosis otherwise I wouldnt be losing this...
  114. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source New on the forum

    Hello - good luck to both on your journey :) I am currently on day 8 and have lost 10lb so far. Drink plenty of water, that seems to stop most of the side-effects you can get! And keep posting! This place saved me over the past week, without it I probably would have caved in x
  115. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Thank you so much!! Getting positive feedback from others just spurs me on even more :D Hey Kelly, its going well thanks, I have been starving all week, so thats been hard and for 4 days out of the 7 I had to have tuna in the evenings, otherwise I may have given in and binged (which would...
  116. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Yes it is! I am literally freezing all the time haha - its awful feeling this way but I know its for a cause reason, so Im just trying to get through it :) x Good luck for your weigh in this morning Anne!x
  117. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    OK.... so my first weigh in was this morning and I lost 10lbs, yay!!!!!!! Only anothe 18lbs to go in 20 days (first holiday) and then once I return I have 5 weeks to get to 10 stone, so I will want to lose around 1.5 stone in these 5 weeks. I know its going to be tough but Im really going to try...
  118. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Week 1 Weigh In (everyone welcome)

    Please feel free to post your weigh in results from today, if you weigh in on a Monday, or any other day if you wish. Everyone is welcome! So... today was my first weigh in and I lost 10lb :) I am very pleased with this result. :happy036: I have another 18lb to lose in the next 20 days, thats...
  119. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Eeeeeeek 7 days on SS without cheating!!!!!!!! First weigh in tomorrow morning. Will update loss and measurements. Target : lose 2 stone in 4 weeks
  120. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Thx spolly :) will update as soon as done x
  121. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Lol Anne it'll be here before you know it (the size 12s). I can barely fit my bum into a 14 at the moment so I'm really under pressure. This time in 3 weeks we will have just arrived in Mexico - omg pressure!!!!!x
  122. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    I'm on day 7 and days 1-7 have been torture for me everyday :( I'm just so hungry all the time. I'm on SS and 3 evenings I've had tuna or eggs as an evening snack before I eat my own arm!!!
  123. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    I'm totally the same!! Need and love carbs and don't have an off switch!! This diet is driving me crazy. I might order some ketosis sticks as I've never used them and hate being hunger all the time :( good luck everyone for tomorrow!x
  124. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Definitely agree with that taking one day as a time!! Otherwise it would be so difficult to remain focused. How are you getting on today? Day 7 for me and I've been 100% all week with 2 cans of coke zero, 2 days where I had the 180g of tuna and I have completed 5 insanity DVDs and a 3 hour...
  125. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    I'm 5 7 in height so similar to you ladies and when I weigh 10 7 I'm only really a comfortable 12. I'd need to be 9 something to be a size 10 :(
  126. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    I'm so jealous!!!! Id love to be near the 10s... I'm currently 12 8 :( feels like so long away for me x
  127. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    Fingers crossed us all tomorrow!! My stomach too makes such funny noises especially just after a shake. I think its just because there's nothing in it haha - my OH moans about it all the time :) Shall I start a thread for everyone having their first weigh in tomorrow?? As there seems to be a...
  128. iwannabeslim1

    Looking for my slimmer, happier self.

    Yes I am definitely the same with feeling cold. Right now I'm on the sofa with (what for it.....) : Thick bed socks, trousers, 2 tops, hoody and TWO snuggle blankets, WITH the heating on. I'm just cold blooded at the moment, I hate it. Yes black tea and coffee is fine, I have about 10 a day, I...
  129. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Toilet Movements

    Oh right yes I've heard from most people that this makes them constipated but this absolutely clears me out, it did when I done it last time too. I'm not going to complain as I'd rather that than be constipated!
  130. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Hey Ann day 7 for me too... I'm feeling really hungry today :( just had my second shake. Big weigh in day for us tomorrow!! Mine is at 8.45 tomorrow morning, when is yours? Have you been weighing in at home still? I have but not going to count that will see what the scales say tomorrow morning...
  131. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source 3 hour body combaf marathon

    Thank you :) that's very kind of you. To be honest I'm not sure how I got through it without fainting, especially having starved myself for 5 days (SS) before hand and only have had my 144cals for brekkie ? definitely glad I done it though. I just stuck it out and went to bed and don't feel too...
  132. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source 3 hour body combaf marathon

    I know it won't happen again but it was for charity so I couldn't back out. I'm used to exercising 30-50mins cardio 5 days a week so it's not too much of a shock to the system. Do you think I should have another product? Or just ride it out and be starving?!
  133. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source 3 hour body combaf marathon

    Hi everyone I am currently on day 6 and completed a 3 hour body combat marathon (burning around 2000cals). I have had my normal 3 products, water, coffee and 180g of tuna (my lady advised this when I was feeling mega hungry). Do you think I should eat anything else?? Or just plough through the...
  134. iwannabeslim1

    Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

    That's true. I'm going to try and change my weigh ins from evening to morning x
  135. iwannabeslim1

    Looking for my slimmer, happier self.

    Hey Poko - sounds like you're doing great so far. I too have found challenges such as relationships, jobs, house moves etc all influence my eating habits and never in a good way :( I can easily pile on the lbs and did so last year where I gained 2 stone at the end of last year alone! Scary! I...
  136. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Toilet Movements

    Thanks guys. Weird thing is I too suffer with IBS and need 3 lots of different medication a day just to be able to go to the toilet, plus stacks of peppermint tea and this is just clearing me out! It's totally crazy but good as I feel less bloated and obv have stopped my medication too :)
  137. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Hey! That's good we are similar, makes it easier to understand what the other person is going through :) how are you finding it so far..? My lady didn't say anything about exercise really but I'm used to doing it and so have just carried on. I have to admit cardio is easier on this than on...
  138. iwannabeslim1

    HONK if you were 100% today!!!

    Honk day 5 :)
  139. iwannabeslim1

    Feeling chilly!

    Yes totally I'm the same. I'm not sure of the scientific reasons but it's because your body has no food to fuel it. I always get like it when I restrict my cal intake x
  140. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Oh no Anne I'm sorry to hear that :( do not give in you've done so well so far!!!!! Maybe have a big drink of coke zero?! The bubbles will fill you up! Or go out and meet a friend? Or as the other lady said have a bath, anything to take your mind off it. I know how hard it is I've been starving...
  141. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source 8lb of SS...

    Hi - how is it going? Are you still sticking to your challenge? I find challenges are a great way to stick to things and I seem to do better under pressure too :)
  142. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Looking for a buddy!!

    Hey ladies, how are you all getting on...? I too started on Monday 17th March, and would love to buddy up so that we can all support one another. I have 22 days left in which to lose as much of 2 stone as I can... :/ I know thats a mission and a half but I have to try! I need to have 2 days off...
  143. iwannabeslim1

    Starting Tuesday 18th - Looking for a support buddy

    Ah ok I cant wait to see your results, have you been weighing yourself at home also....? I should think a small amount of protein and missing your product would be fine. I caved in and had 180g of tuna last night with salt and pepper and that was nice! And def helped with the hunger issues Ive...
  144. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    More than halfway through Day 5 and Ive had 3 coffees, 2 peppermint teas, 2 litres of water and my porridge so far... I am about to have a shake and then do 50mins exercise DVD and then have a shake for dinner. Im finding today a little easier to cope with that yesterday and I wonder if thats...
  145. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Toilet Movements

    How has SS affected everyone's toilet movements? I've heard loads about constipation on this but not diahorrea which is what I seem to have. I did last time too. ******TMI ALERT******* When I say diahorrea I mean it's like water!!! A good thing for weight loss I guess but just wanted to...
  146. iwannabeslim1

    Progress pictures

    I love seeing pics they are inspirational! And these are amazing pics!!! Well done :) x
  147. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Yeah I'd be ecstatic to have an 8lb loss in one week! When you compare that to WW or SW you'd probably fall off your chair with that result. But this is so hard and so restricted that you expect great results. Half way through day 5.... Yay x
  148. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source First week on plan!

    Hey ladies - I am currently on day 4 on SS. I love the Easter challenge your consultant is offering what a massive incentive. I have about 4 stone to lose in total and am desperately trying to lose 2 stone in 4 weeks due to a holiday and not being able to fit into any of my holiday clothes or...
  149. iwannabeslim1

    Starting Tuesday 18th - Looking for a support buddy

    Hi there my weigh ins are Mondays also :) I can't wait to see what all of our results are for our first weigh ins next week x
  150. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    My weigh in is Monday evening. I can't wait to see everyone's losses!!!
  151. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Yeah my lady said we can have 2 eggs! But... Eggs are mega high in calories and fat and it seems the Cambridge is low in fat, carbs and calories, so I thought tuna would be a good option. I chucked some salt and black pepper on it and it was actually quite nice, dry but nice! And seemed to...
  152. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Anne Im totally the same with the binge thing, if I think Ive blown it for that day, even by a small amount I will go and buy and eat junk all day long and think I will get back on it tomorrow! Not good! I had 180g of tuna last night after my third shake and I have to admit Im feel so so much...
  153. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    OK...........Start of day 5 and feeling much much better. I had 180g of tuna last night after my third shake and I felt so much better straight away and I didnt wake up feeling famished, which is a great result!! Im not sure if having tuna is good everyday as I only lost 1lb since yesterday but...
  154. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Awwww Ann!!! Welcome to my world!! It's bloody awful isn't it :( I wonder if mine kicked in straight away as I was already in ketosis from atkins? It's been bloody awful this week so far and each day is getting worse. My CWP lady text me asking how I was getting on and I told her I'm really not...
  155. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Almost half way through day 4 and have am starving! again! whats new! im always starving!!! I just cant wait until these 4 weeks of torture are over and I can stop feeling like this. I would never stick to this if it wasnt for the weight loss results!!! Arggggggggggggggh!! I find writing down...
  156. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Anne Im exactly the same!! I hate it when people judge what we are doing, we live our own lives and its down to us what we do, no-one elses. I get it quite often and although I laugh it off, its horrible to hear and Im the serial dieter of the office, everyone just thinks its a joke now as Ive...
  157. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Coke zero

    Im glad I looked in here as Im really struggling with the hunger and I think a can of coke zero may help me, as its kind of filling and sweet! I really do struggle with SS as its so restricted and I hate feeling so starving all the time.Whenever I have one of my 3 products it literally takes and...
  158. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Coffee???

    It will soon be here, the time will fly by so get on it now! :) I started trying to lose weight on Jan the 2nd and after failed attempts at other diets, I started SS with less than 4 weeks before my holiday, having lost nothing since Jan!! So Im basically still at my starting weight :( when I...
  159. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    I am exactly the same, all of my friends and family are sizes 6-10? I am a 16! And they never diet, they always eat and drink junk and theres me on constant strict diets trying to get into a normal BMI rather than almost obese, it really makes me angry! And I agree about not telling people...
  160. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    I would just stick with sparkling water with ice :) loads of people drink just that even when they aren't on a diet, so it should be ok and not look too out of place. Just think of the weight loss you will have this week, and if you did have the diet coke and then didn't lose or put on you would...
  161. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Starting Day 4 today... yesterday was hard, I felt so hungry all day... Well I feel hungry all the time but yesterday it was more like starvation, I felt sick, and theres only so much water you can drink (I drink so much anyway, around 4-5 litres a day). I weighed myself this morning and it...
  162. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Newbies 2014

    Well done!! I'm just finishing day 3 and I done an exercise DVD at home. I'm feeling hungry moody miserable grouchy tired and just generally unhappy what with being so hungry. It's just one thing I can't cope with very well. I'm hoping it starts to get easier soon!
  163. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Coming to the end of day 3 it's been torture. I'm so so hungry. I have drunk so much water today it's unreal my stomach feels so empty and is just constant swoshing around because it's so empty and full of nothing by liquid. I honestly don't know how people can stay on it 100% for weeks and...
  164. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    No there was no break in between, I went straight from that to this. The reason I moved is because I didn't lose on it. I done it again 10years ago and lost a stone in 2 weeks but this time around I lost 7lb in first week then gained 3lb the following week then lost 2lb then gained 6!! I was...
  165. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Oh also... I wonder if I'm actually losing fat or water??! I was on Atkins for 4 weeks prior to this and was in ketosis during this time so surely I can't lose water again on this in the first week if I already did on Atkins... I'm really not sure on that one!??
  166. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Oh do you!? Haha I try not to just incase it goes up one day for whatever reason and then I would be devastated. So I will only do it when I actually feel thinner - if that makes sense? As for diet coke or any diet drinks I've been told it's a definite no no. The citric acid in them can kick you...
  167. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Ps I've been starving from the morning of day 1!
  168. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Hi Ann glad to hear day 3 is going well so far it is for me too although these products are well and truly clearing me out Im glad there are toilets nearby!!! Haha - sorry TMI! Yes I have the gross taste too and that's definitely a sign of ketosis! Have you weighed yourself yet? I know we're not...
  169. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Omg day 3 and let's just say the Cambridge products are well and truly clearing me out :/ good for weight loss i guess and it helps with the back log ;)
  170. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Day 2 done and now on day 3 and so far so good. Feeling fine but quite hungry all the time so I'm just filling up as much as I can on coffee and peppermint teas! I weighed myself this morning and the scales say I've lost 4lb is 2 days so far! I guess that's ok but I hope to keep losing. Id...
  171. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Thank you I will!! I know out is haha - I guess you have to aim high sometimes, right?x
  172. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    I definitely agree, I think that makes all the difference. I am hoping to lose 2 stone in 4 weeks, I dont think I will but I will give it my all until then and then I know I will have tried my best! I keep thinking "beached whale " "overhangs" or "wobbly bits" and that puts me back into focus haha x
  173. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Im on Day 2 and feeling good, my stomach feels flatter already, I havent weighed myself yet though as I still feel a little constipated from Atkins still... so Im hoping when this kicks in it will clear me out (I remember it did the first time I went on this a couple of years ago). Im not...
  174. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Ah ok that makes sense I guess.... One thing you could do this week is maybe following a low carb, high protein diet as this will get your body into ketosis already and might make starting this easier next week? What is your goal for 2 weeks times, I would love to lose 2 stone in 4 weeks but Im...
  175. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Coffee???

    18lb is still amazing!! I would be really happy with that, I'd be happy with any weight loss haha - do you have a holiday booked also? It's always good to have a goal :) good luck with your first week on SS x
  176. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    I definitely agree Anne, its nice to have the support of others who are going through the same thing as you at the same time, and I find these forums a real help, even if you are just chatting away to yourself, and I think it will be great to look back at these once we are down to our goal...
  177. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Im the same, always thin at school (but thought I was big!) and then I put on 4 stone when I was pregnant and that was 14 years ago. And since then its been up-down-up-down - driving me crazy as it doesnt stay down!! So this time Im determined to lose the 4 stone needed once and for all and for...
  178. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Coffee???

    Hey everyone how it the diet going for you so far?? I am starting day 1 today :) I just keep thinking of me being in a bikini in 4 weeks time!!!
  179. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Hey Kelly, thanks!!!! And sure that sounds great, and I think support and encouragement is whats needed to get you through sometimes! Let me know when your start date is and we can compare notes/stories :) I am so looking forward to being slim. Well done on your weight loss so far, thats...
  180. iwannabeslim1

    Lightbulb moment!!! Back on CD

    Hiya, Im starting today too. I tried this a couple of years ago for a week and was so hungry I wanted to throttle anyone that came near me but Im almost at my heaviest weight and I really need to do something about it. Ive just had my first product of the day and Im not feeling too bad, but Im...
  181. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Ok, Ive had my first meal of the day, the pecan and maple porridge and surprisingly I feel kinda full....? I didnt think I would as the portion was so small but Im pleasantly surprised by it. Ive had a litre of water already and 2 black coffees and a peppermint tea (Im used to drinking 5 litres...
  182. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Day 1 and Im starving already!!!! I havent even had breakfast yet but I dont think the porridge is going to cut it. Im going to try and fill myself up on black coffee and water before giving in and having my first product.
  183. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Oh also I forgot to mention that this time last year it was 2.5 stone lighter so I know I can get back down to that weight and I currently don't fit in any of my clothes which is devastating
  184. iwannabeslim1

    Step 1 Sole Source Princess Peanuts Journey

    Hey everyone I'm starting SS tomorrow as I desperately need to lose 2 stone before my holiday which is 4 weeks away today. Some may think I've left it a bit late but I've been trying since the 2nd Jan and have got no where. The first 6 weeks were healthy eating, protein shakes, insanity DVDs...
  185. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Thank you :) I am definitely trying to stay positive. I'm not sure what to do about spinach then.. I thought it was meant to help you go. Being backed up definitely won't help things, I'm not sure what else I can take? I'm drinking peppermint tea, taking fibre gel and also spinach every day. I...
  186. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Well that has been kind of slow (as expected) and I put this down to not eating as much??? What can I do to speed this along a bit? I have spinach most evenings with dinner, I drink peppermint tea everyday and take fibregel also, to help me go. To be honest, Im probably not going as much as I...
  187. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Thanks coffeelover, but would this make me gain weight? I thought fizzy was slowing down my weight loss so I gave it up and now Im putting weight on, Ive never had this before and feel really disheartened as this is quite difficult to stick to (I miss my sweet treats majorly!!) so not getting...
  188. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Thanks Vicky! OK will do, I will put the last 2 days on here, so you can see what Ive had the past 2 days too to see if anything Ive had can be causing this as Im starting to feel really down about it : Monday: B : 4 egss with full fat hellmans mayo with 4 rashers of bacon L : 3 chicken breasts...
  189. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    So... I'm starting to get a little frustrated now. No fizzy for 2 whole days and I've put on the 6lb I've lost and my stomach feels really bloated. Any ideas??
  190. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Thanks I will try this :) And what about Fibre Gel, does anyone know about this? "Is fibre gel ok to take? It's 3.5g carbs but also 3.5g fibre, so does that = 0g net carbs?"
  191. iwannabeslim1

    Kezzys diary

    Hi Kerry, how much have you lost so far since the end of Jan? Im just starting week 4 and my weight loss is a bit all over the place and wondered how others were getting on with it :) x
  192. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Ok, so halfway through Day 1 of "no fizzy" on Induction and the start of week 4 of atkins induction altogether. So far its going ok and Im not missing it as much as I thought I would but now Ive got to lunchtime Im starting to think about it, but I know the worse time will be after dinner...
  193. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Susiesox Diary.

    Hi, how did your first week go? Did you have a good result at weigh in?
  194. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    I don't have those often. I've had peppers once but leeks I've probably had about 3 evenings a week. To be honest I hate veg so to have it in the evenings is bad enough. Do you seriously think this is what's causing the slow weight loss? Is fibre gel ok to take? It's 3.5g carbs but also 3.5g...
  195. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Hi there, yes I do have greens, I'll post below what I usually have on a daily basis : B : egg mayo/scrambled egg with bacon L : chicken breast with mayo D : veg (cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, kale, celery, green pepper, leeks, green beans, mushrooms) - I normally have 2 or 3 of the above...
  196. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Thank you so much Katie and Coffeelover for your comments! Yes, I do have a lot of fizzy, at least 1 litre a day if Im being completely honest :( I have such a sweet tooth though, and Im used to eating at least one (maybe 3/4 choc bars a day) so to go from that to nothing was very difficult and...
  197. iwannabeslim1

    Princess Peanuts Diary

    Hey everyone I'm just finishing week 3, and have only lost around 6lb so far. I know this isn't right for atkins especially as I'm being so strict. Weight loss: Week 1 -7lb Week 2 +3lb (but put it down to that time if mth?) Week 3 -2lb When I done this 10 years ago I lost around 10-12lb in...
  198. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Day 2 week 3 - So far so good, down 9cms in 2 weeks (yay!) but only 4lb (booo but Im ok with that) - 25 days and 21lbs to go........ Hmmmm I have everything crossed about this but cant say Im 100% confident!!! haha - wish me luck!! x
  199. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Thanks Jod! And welcome to the Atkins diet, have you tried this before? Good luck on day 1 today, definitely try and drink the water each day, as its key to weight loss. I am just into week 3 of induction and am finding it pretty easy if Im honest, I caved last night and had an atkins choc bar...
  200. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Day 17 and still going strong!!!! I caved in and had an Atkins choc bar last night, its tastes amazing as its been the first time Ive had choc in 17 days which is a miracle and unheard of for me, so Im very pleased with myself :) I hope this weekends weigh in is much better than the last given...
  201. iwannabeslim1

    What do you have for packed lunch?

    Same here, low carb is the only one that works for me. I have tried all others but they just seem to bloat me which is horrible. No I honestly think it's the no carbs that's gives you no energy. I used to be able to so my exercise DVDs fine with no problem then about 5 days into atkins I...
  202. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Good morning! I didn't have a chance to get on here yesterday, rush rush rush!! I weighed in today and I've actually put on 0.6 of a kg.... Now I was very shocked and annoyed by this but I seriously believe it's because of that time of the month (my first one aswell after being on the pill for...
  203. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Day 13 and going strong still, really looking forward to this weeks weigh in, I really hope its a good number for me! Feeling much less bloated today which is a great feeling and Im sure my stomach looked flatter in the mirror when I looked earlier on... Lets hope so and that its not my mind...
  204. iwannabeslim1

    This has probably been asked a million times before....

    Yes I lost 7lb last week, and I am due to weigh myself sunday, then I will have been on it for 2 weeks by then! I am hoping I have lost more this week as my clothes are definitely fitting better and arent as tight anymore, which is a lovely feeling. I have been really good (for me anyway) and...
  205. iwannabeslim1

    This has probably been asked a million times before....

    Of course, Im am only on my 12th day so I am looking for new foods/recipes all the time. Today looks good, only couple of things to check is the bovril gravy, what is the carb content like for this? I have not had it before and therefore have no idea, but I know normal gravy is pretty high in...
  206. iwannabeslim1

    What do you have for packed lunch?

    Oh wow, thats great and youve lost 2 stone since then? Thats amazing!!! I would just take high protein foods with you to snack on, tuna, cheese etc, hopefully this will help. How do you find working out on this diet? I find I have no energy whatsoever to do cardio and am sweating within about...
  207. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Day 12 of Induction and feeling a little bloated today but I think its because its due to be that TOTM, so Im craving the sweet stuff really bad and my lower stomach is all swollen :( boooo - I hope this doesnt affect my weight loss as ive heard you can put on a few pounds easily at this...
  208. iwannabeslim1

    This has probably been asked a million times before....

    Not sure if this helps at all, but a typical days food for me is: Breakfast - Egg mayo (3 or 4 eggs) with bacon (4 or 5 rashers) Snack - Ham (lean, no carbs) and philadelphia (original, full fat) Lunch - 2 chicken breasts with mayo Snack - Tuna or cheese (or both) with cucumber Dinner -...
  209. iwannabeslim1

    This has probably been asked a million times before....

    What kind of things are you eating??
  210. iwannabeslim1

    This has probably been asked a million times before....

    Hiya, Im fairly new to Atkins, and I am just finishing week 2 of Induction, I lost 7lb on my first week and Im hoping to lose maybe another couple of lbs this week (weigh in days are sundays) so Im not able to offer much advice from experience Im afraid but Im loving it so far, and finding it...
  211. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Peanut Butter

    Hi Everyone Are we allowed peanut butter during induction? If so how do we calculate the net carbs??
  212. iwannabeslim1

    What do you have for packed lunch?

    Hi :) I just take chicken breasts with mayo and tuna with mayo and that more than fills me up for the day and I exercise too about 6 days a week :) once you're in ketosis you shouldn't really feel the hunger anyway. How long have you been on this for??x
  213. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Day 11 of induction and loving it and feeling great! I am determined to lose my (at least) 2 stone by the 29th march, and I really hope I can so it, I have about 4.5 weeks to go so hoping it's a possibility :) I've started to notice my hair and face is kore greasy now which is a rubbish side...
  214. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Thank you, today has been another successful day! Although I cannot quite the fizzy today Ive had THREE cans of diet coke and then a glass of diet lemonade when I got home, I really need to stop it as my stomach goes so bloated after having them, I can notice it straight away. Todays menu was...
  215. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Day 2 Week 2 done and dusted and so far going very well, I tried making a sweet treat last night with sweetener, cocoa powder and tofu, well it was ok.... and I guess did taste a little like choc mousse, I only had a small bit as I wasnt sure if we were allowed too much of the cocoa...
  216. iwannabeslim1

    Induction When did you notice your weight loss...?

    Good Morning, I am on week 2 on induction and I wondered when you all started to notice the weight loss in your clothes/with your body? Was it after a stone/2 stone...? I lost 7lb on my first week and am day 3 on week 2 and I think I can start to notice the loss already, especially when wearing...
  217. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Thank you!! And I definitely agree with finding what suits you... For some I guess they are lucky and can get away with eating the other bits here and there and still have a loss, I know that if I had anything like that I wouldnt lose so Im definitely avoiding it! I am on week 2 now and I think...
  218. iwannabeslim1

    Am I allowed back in?!

    Good Luck :)
  219. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    I just wanted to share my challenges this weekend..... (involving lots of chocolate!!!!) This weekend I decided to make my father in law a nice sweet treat as he has been really helping us out lately and he has a major sweet tooth like moi :) so I decided to make him choc brownies and choc cup...
  220. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    END OF WEEK 1 - WEIGHT AND MEASUREMENTS UPDATE: So, its the end of week 1 for me and I have my updated stats : Day 7: Weight: 178 Measurements: Waist 83cm Hips 109cm Chest 91.5cm Right arm 32.5cm Left arm 33.5cm Right thigh 70cm Left thigh 68.5cm Bum 117.5cm That gives me a total of 4cms lost...
  221. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Day 9 - And Im feeling hungry!! Not sure why this is?? Maybe its because I had a atkins friendly roast last night, so I had more veg than normal? Including red and green cabbage, spinach and leeks (along with lots of yummy pork!) it was so difficult being good and not being able to have the...
  222. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    I tried looking in asda for this but they didnt sell it, and when I looked in H&B it was about £16 and the OH wouldnt let me buy it (I have a habit of buying lots of expensive things and not using them!!) so maybe I will get it when he isnt around next time ;) it looked more like a lard, is that...
  223. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Hello Ladies!! I havent been able to access this all weekend, so a lot to catch up on!! Diet still going well, I havent felt the need to cheat but I have still been having diet fizzy which I know can stall the weight loss sometimes. So.... I weighed myself on Saturday (which is my weigh in day)...
  224. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Thank you Susie, I will definitely try this! :) where can I get it, just from a local supermarket? Yes Im definitely feeling the loss of energy over the last 2/3 days, this morning I snoozed my alarm for 45mins!! What days do these symptoms normally kick in? I am on day 6 now, so I guess it was...
  225. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Yes, definitely keep going!!! How long have you been on it now? I have heard that it stalls sometimes, which is why you should weigh yourself once a left or even less often than that, so it may be one of those times... you never know by the time Sunday comes, you may have lost some! It might be...
  226. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Day 5: Going well still although I've had quite a bit of diet coke the past 2 days :( I hope that doesn't affect my weight loss. I have to admit travelling around the past couple of days has made the dieting more difficult, not being able to make a drink when you want or cook/shop when you want...
  227. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Thank you!!! I hope it's a good result, but I'm now doubting myself... It will be interesting to see how I've done though. I hope it's going well for you today and you're avoiding the sweet stuff x
  228. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Haha Louise, I guess theres not point in forcing it if you dont like it, to be honest I couldnt even taste it with all of the veg and everything else and I know its good for you, so Im trying to get it in when I can! Hope its all going well today ladies!!! Day 4 almost over with and its going...
  229. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Day 4: B : egg mayo with bacon L : chicken breast with mayo S : ham and philidelphia D : pork, caulimash, leeks, green beans and spinach (the spinach is really helping!!) Today is going well so far... especially seeing as I am now at my sisters and after a 4 hour car journey. The next couple of...
  230. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Thanks :) it was really really nice!!!
  231. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Well done Louise on not having the coffee, how tempting, good old diet coke :) I might reduce my consumption if it as I definitely feel a little more bloated today... I'll see how it goes. Hope today's going well for you. Speak tomorrow x
  232. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Ah ok thanks, I don't mind it being here, if that's ok?? Pork with flaxseed was amazing!! It tasted absolutely lovely and with creamy mushroom sauce it was delightful, one of the nicest dinners I've had in a while :) don't even know what made me think if it to be honest!x
  233. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Thx Angela it's going really well so far, but today I feel a bit more bloated I have to admit, I hope the spinach will start to help soon ;) either that or it might be the diet coke??! Haha well the 90 mins almost killed me!!! I'm doing the focus t25 DVDs not sure if you've heard of them? They...
  234. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Dinner, consisting of : Pork chops coated in egg and milled flaxseed Roasted red onion, leeks, green beans Cream mushroom sauce Steamed spinach Cheesy cauliflower mash Verdict : YUMMY!!!!!!!!!
  235. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Aww Angela you will definitely get there soon at the rate you are going. Are you feeling hungry at all or has your hunger gone now? I take so many vitamins (it's an ongoing joke that I rattle when I walk!!) it's unreal, I'll list some ;) : Green tea capsules Cod liver oil Green coffee capsules...
  236. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Wow, well done!!!!! 7lbs, thats amazing! I bet you are really pleased with yourself, I would be over the moon with that result. Was this your first weigh in?? Love the snack idea and thanks for the advice, I will pop to asda for snacky bits on the way up north, so that I have things easy to...
  237. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Hello ladies. Day 3! Hope you're all having a lovely day x
  238. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Day 3: So I found day 2 very easy, once again. Dinner was lovely last night. I can definitely notice my stomach is so much flatter, I love it! And I can't wait to weigh myself in Saturday. I completed 1.5hrs of exercise yesterday, which almost killed me, and will hopefully be doing the same...
  239. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Hi Sam, ah ok so a day before mine :) Seems strange you haven't lost anything within a month, I would expect to lose at least a couple if lb's a week on this as it's very strict. Are you following induction? What's your typical daily menu? Perhaps there is something stopping you from going...
  240. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Hey Louise glad it's going so well for you and thanks for the cream update. 18lbs!!!!! In 2 weeks!!! That's crazy, god id love to be able to lose that, I would be amazed to lose 14lbs in 2 weeks, but will see how it goes. I feel so much better today already, my stomach has calmed right down...
  241. iwannabeslim1


    And definite yes to cauliflower too, this is probably one if the best vegs I think
  242. iwannabeslim1


    Hiya I'm not sure I'm afraid, I thought that about the website too so I'm trying not to have too much of it and I also read that we should only have 4oz of cheese and 3/4 tbs of cream a day too, I thought these were unlimited. Yes to tomatoes, but they are really high so limit them. I've given...
  243. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Day 2 going really well and I feel so much better in myself already. My stomach is less bloated (I suffer with IBS so it's clearly the carbs that really do not agree with my stomach) and I'm finding it really easy so far. Almost tempted to weigh myself tomorrow but am going to try and hold out...
  244. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Baby spinach is amazing

    Thanks Binni - I have just gone out and bought some of this for dinner tonight :) x
  245. iwannabeslim1

    Induction I really do want to be slim!!!

    Good Morning Ladies! I honestly didnt have a clue about cream.. years ago when I done this, Im sure you could have as much cream as you liked? But now they say you can only have 3-4tbps, that isnt much at all, is it! Angela, I too love coffee and hate it without milk, so Im really struggling...
  246. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Good luck Sam!! When is your weigh in day?x
  247. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    Thank you Daisy!! I hope you have a lovely time today, and yes, just fill up on lots of meat and veggies today :) Good luck for tomorrow, is this your first weigh in? Are you feeling optimistic?? I had a very easy first day yesterday, my hunger was cut so much, due to so much protein, so Im...
  248. iwannabeslim1

    Induction Day 1 - Induction

    So.... The day is finally here and I'm on the start of my Atkins journey and goal of losing 2 stone in 6 weeks, very hopeful I know, but I'm going to try my best!! Im going to post weight and measurements every week (Saturday) and then before and after pictures. Day 1: Weight: 185lbs...