♥ Nicki's ♥ Diary - I've been here the whole time, the whooooooooooooooooole time!

Hey my dear well done for your weight loss to date. I'm sorry you are feeling low. It's so difficult when you have too much going on. One step at a time normally works best and as long as you are losing or staying the same even if it's just a little a week then it all helps doesn't it. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Take care my dear. xxx
Sorry i've been MIA. Been a rough week and diet has gone completely out of the window. :ashamed0005: Had flu since Thursday, had ear ache which i don't usually get, it was so bad i went to an emergency doctor on Saturday who told me i have infection and perforated ear drums. Feeling better now but no i have a high pitch buzzing in my ear which is killing me. :badmood:
Anyway on the diet front i'm really not sure what to do for the best, i've been told i don't have a lot of chance of getting any funding for weight loss surgery and the chances of saving that much money is zilch as we have to move house, pay debts, live, etc, etc. Feel so lost at the moment, ww is such a great diet but i can't seem to stick to my points and i get 31 a day. I don't want to be fat anymore :sigh2: i don't want to be this sad, miserable person i've turned into. I'm a newly married 25 year old, i should be enjoying life, looking forward to things, having babies.

Anyway on that cheery note :rotflmao: i am back, i'm going to attempt to stick to plan. I think i might have to go back to class, there just aren't any morning ones when i don't work and i don't like evening classes but i may have to relent on that one. :D
sorry you've been poorly that can really knock you for six
and i hope you get the high pitched buzzing noise sorted soon
that will be from the perforated drum.
Drastic times call for Drastic measure.
Tonight i am devising a timetable on a spreadsheet, hour by hour of what i will eat daily. Might sound crazy but if i have it planned then i will find it easier. On tuesday i am taking my bum back to class, its an evening one but i'll just have to deal with it. I usually don't eat all day if i have weigh day but that really won't help so i'm just going to have a normal day. After weigh in i'll allow myself one treat, rather then blow the evening which is my normal routine. I have 6 weeks until my 25 birthday and a party my friends are throwing me. I'd like to be below 20stone by then but i think that might be pushing it so i want at least a stone gone. I've messed about for to long now, every day i procrastinate is a day lost and likely another pound gained rather then lossed.
I'm also going back on my anti depressent meds, i keep thinking i can manage without them but i can't eventually it all gets to much so back on them i go, hopefully they don't make me gain too much weight.

Hubby has flu, feel really guilty as i gave it to him and my best friend so they're all poorly and i'm feeling better, at least there eardrums are in tact unlike mine. Happily the buzzing is almost gone and i can hear again. I'm sat drooling over the recipes in my ww mag wondering why i ever crave junk!!!!
Thanks hunni, I'm defo feeling more positive and i hope i can stay on track. :rotflmao:
Well today i took a positive step in the diet direction, i ate SALAD! Not a big deal for most but i loathed the stuff, but i had it with salad onions, cucumber and steak. Unfortunatly i dumped a load of garlic and herb dressing on it, which tasted nicer in the bottle then on the salad, so i only ate half.
Well the cupboards are stocked, the goodie draw is filled with diet friendly snacks and the fridge is filled with activere and sugar free jelly. Hubby is most distressed with the lack of junk, luckily his domain (the freezer)is full of his boxed processed stuff :yuk: well apart from the fish fingers, they're all mine :innocent0002:
So tonight i'm finishing my badies (mini eggs) and sorting my food out for work tomorrow, i'm thinking potato salad! :D
Well done on eating the salad but if you hate something I dont think you should have it or your see this plan as hard and undoable as you feel you should have things you dont like?
I think maybe just write a list of things you really like and try go for as much of the healthy things that you can have on your plan? Do you like jelly? sugar free=0 points,chicken ,baked grilled fried? Do you like chicken shish kebabs they with the pitta are only 4.5 points for a normal size.I think to make this work you have to have stuff you like.
But as I know and you too its the right head space thats why I took 6 months off a plan to have a complete break.
I hope you have a good week fingers crossed :D xx
I hate lettuce.. I have tried so many times to like it by just eating it, but nope! My salads now consist of diced tomato, peppers, eggs, grated carrots, croutons, chicken and/or potato sometimes with feta cheese :p
just read ur whole diary and here is a huge HUG from me to you :) *huggggggggggggggggg* well done on your loss so far, i know you can do it!! dont forget about us all at minis we want more updates!! :) xxx
Thanks peeps, wow the whole diary? must be well bored now :D I'm coming to terms with the salad, i don't eat any veg, it makes me gag, so anything i can eat and keep down is a bonus! Think i'll limit it to like once or twice a week, hehe!
My microwave just went boom so i guess no more micro meals for me! :mad:
You do need to get some veg down you lol can you try diguising it bulking things out with grated carrot and such will help no end with keeping to the plan as it helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer
I might have to try, but i think i have a childs 6th sense of veggies, i no when there hiding and i have been known to stamp my feet and refuse to touch a meal when i suspect smuggled veggies :rotflmao:
lol im lucky ive always loved veggies, only just now getting round to eating and enjoying fruit. i had a fruit salad after my tea! i felt so grown up hahaha!
Cheers Nic, should be a fab week only working tomorrow :D and then off alllllllllllllllllllllll week. Gonna be going for a walk round everyday, on my wii and cross trainer!
Ooo kitty fruit salad, i'm not a big fruit eater but i do love grapes and apples, i have apples and edam cheese for lunch a lot. I want to get some frozen fruit and make smoothies for breakie.
Ok so my targets are done, Oddly enough in all my dieting days i've never broken down my targets and even though there are 15 of the blighters, it almost seems managable.
Been fairly good today, i haven't been pointing because i'm out tomorrow night and wednesday night, so i'm being sensible but not good if that makes sense.
I'm going back to group on wednesday mornings, i find it easier being weighed in the mornings. Its only up the road but i hope i can manage to walk the long way, around the outside of the park. I am finding that when i walk or stand for to long, my lower back hurts like hell, like a pulling sensation. I guess its because of my size, hoping if i can do that little bit, it'll get easier. Plus i'm off work so i'll have plenty of time to recover. I did a bit of wii sports today boxing, bowling and tennis, made my arms hurt. My new philisophy in food and exercise is little and often and my life moto is May As Well Be Today, mainly because i'm minimins best procrastor :D
I was looking at BMI today and its funny that we can make a goal to be "overweight" haha it makes me laugh everytime but i have that goal as well. You've inspired me to make some more mini goals, as its definately easier to plan things when you can see where you are going and in small chunks.

Welldone you for going back to class, I loved morning WI's but I have an evening one now because my mum and best friend go there too. Walking to your meeting sounds ideal as well, the extra effort just before WI. If I walked to mine it would probably kill me, its quite far away and its uphill! lol. Keep up the good work hun, we'll be there in no time :) x
Sounds like you now have it all planned Nicki and good on you for doing so it's always a bit easier if you have little steps that your working too
Good luck at your return to Ww class I think a morning WI is much better I couldn't handle all the waiting till evening like a cat on hot bricks lol to be told my weekly fate
Hey Minis,
Well i don't no how i do it but i've already broken both my new motos. 'Little and often' is more 'nothing till tea time' i'm back in the habit i picked up on slimming world, eat nothing till tea and then stuff myself stoopid. :copon: I still haven't made it back to class and i haven't done exercise either so feel free to cyber slap me. Didn't fall asleep till 3am tuesday night (wednesday morning) so slept through my alarm for class and on tuesday afternoon while picking my glasses up i've managed to pull something in my back, from walking? come on nicola! On the plus side my busy social spell has finished so not going out for dinner again in a good few weeks :rotflmao: not used to being so popular!!! Been off for 2 days and been very lazy and have another 3 days off so i'm going to sort my food plans out and do my NVQ as i have my assessment on monday and i'm so nervous. My nose is a little out of joint because the girl who started with me has had her boyfriend do it, who used to be a manager at the company. So shes got it perfect so far (well her bloke has ) :badmood:oh well never mind.

Cheats absolutely never prosper thats a fact
well done for putting the work in I'm going through an NVQ at the moment too some of the paperwork is well scary
hope the back feels better soon chick