♥ Nicki's ♥ Diary - I've been here the whole time, the whooooooooooooooooole time!

Thanks peeps, still feeling irritated but i'll get over it :D at least when/if i finish it, i'll no its all my own hard work.

Well i'm shocked and amazed to announce i have lost 7lbs. I have noooooo idea how but i guess i was staying within my points just in the evening. :whistle: So today i am exactly 22stone, only another 11 stone to go :character00115:
Huge well done!

21's oooooooooooo hadn't even thought about that, Exciting stuff! I just found an old weight loss spreadsheet from last year and from June to October (the wedding) i put on a stone but i weighed the same as i did a week ago. So thats something at least.
I'm going to ASDA tonight to by just dance :D everyone raves about it here, so i'm going to give it a go. Its only £15 you watch though, its been there for months, now that i want it, its prob sold out! I always feel dead stupid doing things like this though, its the same a exercise vids.
For tea i'm attempting to make stuffed chicked wrapped in bacon with roasted new potatoes. Dunno how i'm going to do it yet but hubby has high hopes :party0049: takeaway menus at the ready!!!
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! big juicy hugs for you hun! just think what you could do if you focused 100%! ;) hehe I adore just dance, i was playing that yesterday with the window open and my tv really loud haha i bet people were wondering what was going on lmao. Hope you have a fab weekend :) xxxxx
I HATE EA ACTIVE SPORT :flamingmad: I tried to do it this morning but the leg strap doesn't fit so i improvised (not very well because it kept falling down) i only managed 5 mins before i lost my temper and chucked the strap across the room. Can't do wii fit because the batteries have died in the board so i did wii tenis instead after bursting into tears shouting at hubby that i was never going to lose weight because i can't do any exercise :rant2:Think i might be a tad hormonal!
I'm trying to pursuade hubby to take me out today but i don't think its going to happen seeing as he's still in pj's! Least he's washed up,
so i have another day of doing nothing
Thanks chick, that made me chuckle. I'm ok just get a tad hormonal at the time of the month and after last month i've had just about enough. I don't tend to do alot of walking (or anything else) because my knees or back start to hurt quite quickly.
I haven't had a bath in years because i tend to erm create a damm at one end ;) ho hum,
Well i'm sat watching 27 dresses supping on Baileys while hubby is off playing some shooting game.
big hugs, i know what u mean about throwing things across the room in anger at the moment, i threw my phone earlier lmao... not good. *calming breaths* haha.

We all have days when we want to give up, just remember the reason you started WW in the first place, remember we are all here for you :) Just have a picture in your mind of how you will look and feel when you get to all your goals and manage to tick them off, and then finally at goal weight. Imagine how amazing you will feel that day, when you step on the scales and it says "11 stone".

lol bless you
I wouldn't be to worried about doing EA Sport untill you've got yourself quite fit it really is not for those of us just getting back into exercise I made the mistake of doing it and could hardly move for two weeks after lol
Think you could be right there Kally, i've hid it away so i don't have to look at it and hubby got some batteries for the wii fit. I reset all my user info so i could start from the beginning because i hadn't used it in 200 days and i only managed to do the snowball fight and the dance one before it was turned off for footie. I wasn't upset though after that little amount my hips hurt. Think i ate to much sugar while hubby was on it, only had flake and cherry 7up but its all i've had today, bad i no.
So i'm going to try and do some more wii fit, hope you're having a good sunday!
Well at 3am this morning i solved the mystery of the sudden sickness and emense sleepiness. I started taking my meds again and forgot they are the stronger ones and they knocked me on my bum. I slept about an hour while the footie was on and that was the last time i slept, so currently on hour 26 of awakeness! Hoping i can last another couple of hours before dragging myself to bed. :zz:
I think i did you proud though, tonight i was falling asleep on the sofa at 5pm and i made myself get up and used the wii fit, i did 30 mins and burned just under 200 calories, feeling a little more awake.
Hi Nicki

I've just read your whole diary and I am in a v similar situation - we're ttc #1 and I have the same 'problems' down there as you! I also suffer from depression and have the same amount of weight to lose so I can really empathise with what you're saying.

Did you get your bloods back yet? I was tested for PCOS, nothing showed up, then sent for ultrasound then sent for the dreaded gynae tests, still nothing so it was put down to my weight or the anti-depressants I was taking at that time. I have now switched anti-depressants and there's some changes now but not ovulating..yet :rolleyes::cross:

Have you heard of a book called The Beck Diet Solution? I found it v v helpful, it deals with emotional eating etc so you may find it useful.

Sorry for waffling on but I wanted to send you a :gen126:
I will keep checking in on you to see how you're doing.

All the best chick xo
Thanks for the book recommendation, i'm going to have a look in a mo! The blood results said that no further action was required, haven't been back yet, need to make an appointment but haven't got the nerve up yet.
At least i slept for a few hours last night, still very tired but not so zombified! Hubby is at footie tonight so in a mo i'm going to jump on the wii fit. I really enjoyed it last night, do you think it will make a difference? guess it can't hurt and it get me off my bum for a while!
I no i say it every wednesday but I AM GOING TO GROUP TOMORROW! Hubby is going to pay for my monthly pass because he knows if i pay i wouldn't care if i missed a week or 2 but if hubbys paying i won't miss any, well that the plan anyway!
Well done on the Wii yes it will help as its exercise,exercise you enjoy so thats why you feel it wont make a difference.Its better to be doing than not to be doing lol :rolleyes:
Good idea and hubby sounds like he wants to help you do this,good support which many people dont have ,go to meetings and listen and it will spur you on for the week.
You sound in a better frame of mind and you know you can do this,picture your end goal why you want this everytime you feel your going to blip hun xxx:)
Boy am i knackered, i just managed 49mins on the wii and burned 347 calories. I tried to do more active ones this time not just balance ones :D got a bit of a headache but i think its because i've not drank a lot today.
Shock horror, didn't join group today, i was awake just thought it was later then it was. Ho hum, at least i seem to have some motivation to exercise. I'm trying to be on plan today but apart from doritos (were open from last night and ate without thinking) i haven't eaten anything. Need to get out this habit :psiholog:
Tonight i am off out with my bessie friend and a few tag alongs to watch the footie down the pub, She is a big Arsenal fan, i'm a big man u fan, so i'm going to need to drink A LOT, to get through this evening :D so think i'll be on the malibu and diet cokes all night.
From tomorrow i start my little and often campaign, i'm at work which makes it a little easier to regulate, at home i hardly eat because i'm to lazy to make anything. :ashamed0005: Least i'm honest :rotflmao:
hey so glad to hear u've been getting on the wii fit, i love it but you already know that haha. im sorry you missed the meeting again, you better get there next week or i will have to come and take you myself!! lol have a good night out tonight, if you life vodka and diet coke they are 1 point, but if its smirnoff vodka then its only 1/2 a point for a whole one! i always drink smirnoff for that reason! :) xx
Thanks guys, last night was pretty awesome. Apart from getting attacked by my friend when i cheered on Barca :D and just found out she won £200 on a scratch card, some people have all the luck.
Just been to the butcher and bought a massive boneless lamb joint and a chicken for sunday roast, gonna be tons of leftovers, but love leftovers. Tonight i am meal planning, i've signed up for esource and i'm already finding it invaluable. Now that Hubby is paying for it, guess i best get my bum to class.
Haven't been on the wii yet because i've managed to pull a muscle in my neck, no idea how it was fine this morning started aching the arfo.
Getting very excited because next month is my big birthday party, my friend is organising it for me and i have no idea any of the details, because she wants it to be a suprise. Hubby is paying for me to have my hair done, so i'm going RED, bright red, i'm brown/black at the moment, so a bit different. Theres only 2 things i'm worried about 1- that no one will turn up, 2 - i can't find anything to wear.
I'm so hyper today :D