♥~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary - Year 3 - Diary of a runner! ~♥

Yesterday was a lovely day & night. I was going to get back on track today buuuuuut it didn't happen so it'll be tomorrow now.

I have to go for a colposcopy tomorrow and the leaflet says no heavy exercise for 2-4weeks after treatment. I wont be having that though - I need to run! I'll ask them tomorrow though and tell them what I do and see what they say and after that i'll write up my new 1/2 marathon training plan and then get going.

Went to body pump this evening and loved it. I can already feel my arms are going to ache tomorrow!! Hopefully it'll help with my bingo wings! I wanted to do a spin class tomorrow but i'll have to see what the hospital says :sigh:

Right, back on track tomorrow for me ladies. If not then feel free to :whoopass: me :D xxx
You make sure you do as you're told mi'lady!!! Your health is THE most important thing!! xx
Good luck for today Tanya, I had that done a few years ago, it's not as bad you think, I promise!! Just take it easy with the exercise.
All ok today. They just took two biopsies and said it looks like I'll defo need treatment but I'll get that app through in 3-4 weeks. Bit of stomach cramping today but nothing too major & they said dont do anything today but I can still run if I feel ok :D

I am back on track today & I feel good for it too. I'll be back to writing up a plan when I'm back at work next week.

Thursday 2nd February

B- 2x wm toast 200
Butter 120

*options hot choc 40

L- lettuce, cucumber, toms 20
Sweet corn 57
Tikka turkey breast chunks 116
S.chilli sauce 20
Fruit pot 150
Skips 82

D- ww spanish style chicken & patatas bravas 299
Yogurt 100

S.total = 905

:doh: big fail :(

*cadbury chocolate bar 110
*another pack of skips 82
*1/2 slice of bread with p.b 110
(this was pure boredom!!! :mad:)

Total = 1,506
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Glad it wasn't too bad today hon .. what will the treatment entail? Do you know?
You'll soon be all back on track :) xx
I think it'll mean lasting off the bad cells.

I am having a couple of v&dc's tonight now.
??? Xx
I had that done too Tanya and it's not that bad. Don't go worrying about it. I got period type pains for a couple of days after and it was over. It's really nothing to worry about!
oh, damn auto correct Jan. It was meant to say 'lasering off the bad cells' :eek:

Today i've done a one hour body step class which was v.intense and pretty tough and then I ran home from the gym which was 2.16miles. I think my legs are going to hate me tomorrow! I can already feel my thighs have taken a battering at step. Plan on doing this again sunday but will have to see as saturday i'm out again so depends on what time I get in.

Wrote out my revised 1/2 marathon plan yesterday. Getting down to buisness next week :)

I feel absolutly brilliant after this mornings work out. I havent had this buzz for a while! :party0049:

Friday 3rd February

B- 1/2 bowl of porridge with s.s milk (really gone off porridge but it really does help with my phys so i'll stick at it)

L- mums cottage pie :drool:
carrot & swede mash

D- 1slice of bread, ham, slice of cheese, mustard (into a sandwich)
packet of skips

Tonight i'm out with old school friends so i'll have wine before going out and stick to v&d.cs whilst out.
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Well done on your workout today, sounds gruelling to me!

Hope you have a lovely night out will your school pals, stay warm!
Had a brilliant weekend. Even had an extra work out on Saturday in the form of ice skating ;) I haven't been for years. I used to go religiously every Friday & Saturday night for about 2/3years so was scary getting back on and I didn't fall over! Lol

The weekend was a write off! :( I got in a 5am on Saturday morning!! :eek: food hasn't been too bad but there has been too much wine!!!

I'm back-ish today. Itll be a long day as up early & back to work tonight and I don't intend on going back to sleep.

Today is the start of my 16week training plan so off for a run in a bit. I've also made a one pot wonder in prep for the next few days.

I didn't weigh in on Friday like I was meant to so I'm going to weigh next Friday so hopefully I can get to grips with whatever gain I've had.

I'll be back later to post my week menu plan :)
Glad you had a great time, and 5am is acceptable after what you have been through.

Good luck with the exercise plan.
Now thats what you call a 'proper' night out!!! ;) glad you enjoyed. Good luck with the plan ... Not that you need it, you always work well to a plan :) xxx
Although i've not counted cals today I have started my training plan. Today was a 3mi run in 33:22mins, 11:08avg pace, 418cals burnt.

Monday 6th Feb

B- 2mouthfuls of porridge (didnt like it)
1slice toast with jam

L- 2 chicken fajitas with mixed peppers & salsa

D- ww crustless cheese & onion quiche

Work: skips, cereal bar, garlic stuffed olives
Here's my week ahead plan :)
I haven't put in where i'm doing exercise classes but will update day by day when I do them, I have them factored into my training plan but sundays and mondays are the days where i'll do the main classes & if I run home sunday from the class then I wont run/exercise class on monday so it kinda has to be played day by day iykwim.

Tuesday 7th Feb

B- 1egg 2egg white omelette 130
Ham 36
Ketchup 30
Oj 85

*banana 100

L- beef & butterbeans in tom&red wine sauce 410
Broccoli 40
Yog 100

*hot choc 40
*cucumber sticks 10

D- carrot sticks 56
Lf hummous pot 100
Turkey chunks 116
Total = 1,253

Wednesday 8th Feb - Run

B- cinnamon porridge 214
Oj 85

*Banana 100

L- beef & butterbeans in tom&red win sauce 410
Broccoli 40
Yog 100

*hot choc 40
*carrot sticks 56
*lf hummous pot 100

D- turkey chunks 116
Boiled egg 90
Cucumber sticks 10
Total = 1,361

Thursday 9th Feb

B- 1egg 2egg white omelette 130
Ham 36
Ketchup 30
Oj 85

L- beef & butterbeans in tom&red wine sauce 410
Cauliflower 50
Yog 100

*hot choc 40
*cucumber sticks 10

D- turkey chunks 116
Carrot sticks 56
Lf hummous pot 100
Total = 1,163

Friday 10th Feb – Run

B- porridge 287
Oj 85

*banana 100

L- 200g sweet pot baked 230
Tuna & lf s.cream 124
Sweetcorn 57
Yog 100

*hot choc 40
*carrot sticks 56
*sweet chilli dip & lf s.cream 44

D- Turkey breast chunks 116
Jordans bar 160

Total = 1,399

Saturday 11th Feb – Shift

B- porridge 287
Oj 85

L/D- ww chilli with potato wedges 386
Banana 100
Yog 100
Carrot sticks 56
Dairy milk 110
Total = 1,124

Sunday 12th Feb

B- porridge 287
Oj 85

*banana 100

L- chicken breast 169
Broccoli, cauliflower, garden peas 79
200g sweet pot wedges 230
Frylite 10

D- cant decide yet!
s. total = 960
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Looks good girl:)) xx
Thanks Jan.

Here's my training plan if you're interested. 3rd time of changing it about tonight. I can't run day after body step & I needed to put hill sessions in so think I've finally sussed it!


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Wish I was as good as you at planning ahead. Does that mean it's only 16 weeks until your next half marathon then? What date is that?