⚜ Strawberry Madness progress diary ⚜

Hey SM you are doing so well with keeping in line! Have you tried "sleepy time" herbal tea? You can get it in Sainsburys - its honestly soooooooo nice and sends me off to sleep really well.
My weigh day was yesterday and it seems i've passed the plateau.
The loss came in at 3lb so pretty happy with that.
Almost reached my halfway mark so pretty amazed on how fast its been.
Its now 6 days into november meaning this would be the start of my 5th month.. :eek:

Another 7 or so months to go till July hopefully i can get the rest of the weight off by then. hopefully anyway :eek:

Meals & Drinks

Meal 1:Chicken Breast 268 Calories
Meal 2:Chicken Breast & Salad 284 Calories
Meal 3:Chicken breast & mushypeas 458 Calories

Water, Tea & Coffee & Hot chocolate with a spash of skimmed milk 190 Calories
well done sm, i knew what you mean by the time going in fast since you started dieting and am the same, i started in july and times just flying by.:eek: its good we are getting slimmer but also sad cause i feel am getting older to.:rolleyes:. your doing great, you will hit your target by july easily. all the best.x
hey sm are you on fitnesspal? your doing well, food looks great plenty of protein to keep you full,i have recently started drinking milk even though i hated it upto now.fed up eating the same ,its good your changing your food, i get bored eating same stuff.how much lose this week buddy? am weighing tmr, sts last week.xx
Hi SM, 3lbs is AWESOME! Have you set a mini goal for Xmas? You are doing so well. Food looks scrumptious too. :)
Wow hey guys
Its been a while since i last updated this page :eek:

But don't worry am still on the diet as strong as ever.
ive still been updating my weekly losses in my signature so at least i can do somthing right haha.

So yeah we are now in january start of a new year thank god.
luckly didn't put on any weight during the holidays which is surprised me whilst the warm mince pie and iced rum cream settled in my stomach.

What has changed on the diet front,
well i have upped my protein intake, lowerd my carbs and kept fat low.
so ive bought some mini chesees which should help add the weekly totals.

Average week
1100g+ Protein 180g+Carbs 70g+Fats *Based on 1200 calorie diet*

Right thats enough of my rambling.

this is what my diary looks like today.
Will add more to it as the day progresses
Meals & Drinks

Meal 1:Chicken Salad 408 Calories
Meal 2:Mini Cheeses & Salad 220 Calories
Meal 3:Chicken Salad 290 Calories
Meal 4: Chicken Salad 260 Calories

Water, Tea & Coffee with a spash of skimmed milk 100 Calories
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Hellloooo and happy new year!! Congrats on your continued progress :D
Thanks Berry! same to you too
Mother was around eariler and she brought some soup lol :p
Not 100% sure on the calorie content but since it contains barley and what not ive marked it down as 400 calories for the two bowls through the day.
Best play it safe.

Nothing on Tv this morning bah but at least the new season for supersize vs superskinny is on tonight so that will be alright.
always seemed to of kept me on track a few months ago when i was watching a few of the seasons.

Meals & Drinks

Meal 1:Chicken Salad 272 Calories
Meal 2: Mums Scotchbroth 400 Calories
Meal 3:Chicken Salad 290 Calories

Water, Tea & Coffee & nestle cappuccinos with a spash of skimmed milk 228 Calories
Yum bet the soup was delish. One of my fave meals in the world is my Mum's turkey and veg soup for Boxing Day lunch yummmmmmm
Good way to start the day.
When i woke up this morning i stumbeld into a plug and got a deep gash in my heel.
It looks worse than what it feels lol :p

Food wise was pretty much the same as yesterday
finished up the last amount of soup, always seems to taste better when its got a chance to mingle in the fridge.

Meals & Drinks

Meal 1:Chicken Salad 272 Calories
Meal 2: Mums Scotchbroth 168 Calories
Meal 3:Chicken Salad 290 Calories
Meal 4:Chicken Salad 290 Calories

Water, Tea & Coffee & nestle cappuccinos with a spash of skimmed milk 152 Calories
Owww poor you! :( Standing on a plug is probably the worst pain I've experience (I haven't had kids yet!!)

I so agree soup and chilli are always better the day after :)