100 % for 30 days. Who's with me?

I had my weigh in wednesday and GAINED 1lb. Can you believe that? im flipping gutted. . and thus like crys, i fell of the wagon.

Back on today, Consultant says shes been contacted by the magazine on possibly featuring me so must keep strong and use this as my motivation. Im not getting too excited, as it was only an enquiry and nothing may come from it so, but the thought of it will keep me going for the rest of our 30 days. x
The silly thing wth my booboo was that 'd just lost 1lb to get my stone award lol.

Be cool if you do get in a mag though hon, with makeover thrown in etc :)
I was 100% (so I thought!) BUT then I got confused and had allowed 42g Mozzarella as a B choice on Extra Easy plan - DOH!!!! Allowing 5 syns to cover my Mozzarella - I had originally used 14 syns today SO tomorrow am scraping the extra 4 syns back (11 syns for me tomorrow!) - we can do this!! Look at us ----- we ARE doing this!
at least you spotted it now while you could account for it hon :)

Day 13 of 14 on track for me. Just discovered I have two hospital appts coming up,june 21st and 24th, so I need to lose as much as possible by then as both will include checking my BMI :O
Hi all!

Stuck on plan 100% although not been around much this week (moved offices) I lost 1.5lbs this week, although felt that I would have had a gain (feel really bloated) and due to the heat I havent been able to eat a great deal (GB wouldnt let me!)
I hope everyone is doing well and even if you have a slip, get back on track.

Take care all.
Im pleased to see how fabulous everyone is doing. It can be tough when the sun is shineing and life really can just get in the way sometimes..

iv been 100% so far today. :)
I head off to alton towers tomorrow morning, ( dont fret ladies and gents, i shall return to keep check on you all monday haha)

im going to try really hard to stay on plan.. im hoping the extra walking will help, i dont really like theme parks (afriad of heights.. and um.. pretty much everything a theme park has to offer) but it's a family trip and i cant wait to spend a nice weekend with them all after all the trouble we'v had recently. I havnt booked a ticket for myself for the swimming ( last time i did, the pool was so cold it made my joints lock up and i really cant stand kids splashing water in my face :mad:) but i might try again, who knows.. all that nervous shaking and water slides might shift some weight.. if only!

Promise you'l all be 100% and on track when i get back? if this isnt the first thread i see at the top of the forum come monday, i'l know you'v all been too naughty to admit it hahaha

Sorry been awol for a little while, went a bit off track, but back with a vengeance (lost 0.5 lb last week) and have been on track for the last two days - am determined not to go off track as am having a few issues with my c and determined to show her.
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Fern~ sounds like fun. I love the rides, but get panic attacks f I think someone is gonna throw up :s Hope you have a good time, it'll be quiet without you.

Lizie~ sorry you're having C problems hon *hugs*

I got a job! Still gonna be short of money, but better than on the dole! Only downside is, I'll be working in a clothes shop where everything is trendy and max size 16, and I'm supposed to wear it as uniform... Best get a move on with the weight loss (luckily alot of the other girls are big, so I'll just ask them!)
I've not done clothing retail before, it could be good fun. I'm not a very fashionable person, I think when nothing cool or trendy fits, you stop caring as much.
100% day for me AND have managed to scrape back those extra syns used from my HEB mix up yesterday - woohoo!
well done hon!
100% again - today went to a spring fayre and they had sooooo much temptation there - burger vans, jacket spud vans, homemade cakes and fudge, sweets, ice-creams ........ etc...etc..... BUT I STAYED STRONG - ate my picnic in the rain (LOL) and ended day on 14 syns - woohoo!
Damn it!! chicken in a bun and chips, and a bar of chocolate :( another failed day.
had about 32 syns yesterday but have worked out that if i cut back to 11 syns for the next few days, i can claw that back and still be within syns for the week.
Okay ladies and gents.. im back!

Now, Thursday and friday went absoloutly fine, and so did saturday.. i had my alpens and fruit for breaky, munched on fruit the whole way down, had a tuna and egg salad for lunch and opted for a bbq smothered chicken with cheese for tea, HEA's the cheese and removed half as it wouldnt ahve been 28g and asked for the bbq sauce in a jug rather than on with new pots.

I started sunday with bacon, beans and an egg, and a fruit salad and two alpens at the hotel, all fine.

then i didnt get to eat all day, because the only place that served pasta or baked potatoe was on the oposite side of the park at lunch time and everyone refused to walk for me. . i didnt get to eat untill 8pm, at the harvesters... i ordered a tuna steak..

then, in a moment of weakness, changed my order to a burger and chips, had four white bread rolls with my salad cart (plus real butter) and a rocky horrer dessert. :eek: I had resolved to get back on the wagon today, but have failed. (monumentally)

So. Tomorrow i restart, but that means two out of the designated 30 days havnt been 100% but i expected as much when i began the challenge.

it has highlighted a few eating problems i still have that i need to work on controlling.

Im off for a roast at the carvey now and will enjoy it, as iv had enough of chocolate etc..

and am looking forward to being back again tomorrow..

Now, i feel were all starting to waver a bit here.. but were more than half way through and we can do this!!! We just need a renewed amount of motivation...

I'm still with you (you've done very well btw re. where u are!) - am feeling gutted tho as GAINED 1 lb this week - COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED!!!!! Soooo angry and upset by it I could boo!!! :(
I'm still with you!!! Had no end of temptation laid in front of me with my parents coming to stay last weekend and mum's birthday on the saturday. Take aways, meals out, big chocolate birthday cake...all resisted. Gone a little mad today and had 14.5 syns already so planning syn free dinner tonight and no snacking!

Keep it going everyone...nearly there xx

ps. don't worry poppyowner, all your good work will definitely pay off, you might have a really good WI next week now. It is always strange how and when the weight comes off

Today has been disasterous. So far I've managed 15 at 100%, 3 off plan. I gained 2lbs this week (started tablets full of progesterone to start * week, so alot if bloating).

Started my new job, but dont get paid properly for 7 weeks, so no class once countdown runs out on 15th. And tbh, not even sure that I wont then have to switch to low cal. Gonna have to do about £20 for food a week, which means no alpens (£4.50/wk), No mugshots (£4/wk) and no mullers (£12/wk). Its either that or no rent.
I still wanna lose the weight, but at some point you have to admit defeat. I'll stay 100% as long as possible.