100% SWers - 1 day at a time :)

Honk for 6 days :)
21 days of 100% honking for me!! Yippee!!
HONK (30 days!!! Yay go me!)

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Friday no Honk so (vodka but only 30 syns in total)

Saturday, Sunday & Monday
Honk! Honk! Honk!

Lynda xx
Honk again!
HONK!!!!! I've been off plan for almost two years now but I'm back and off to the gym now!!!! 100% all the way!!!
Had 25 syns yesterday but only had 4 today so as that combines to make the correct amount am I allowed a double honk?! :)
Can I count this as day 2 honk or is that too cheeky :-D
Day 2 honk!!