100% SWers - 1 day at a time :)

HONK (Day 8)
Forgot about yday

honk! day 10 :D 9 syns :)

going to a party tonight- but going to resist. taking a mugshot for when i get hungry heehee
Honking so far today and it will be 100% for the rest of the day. Going on hols tomorrow so need to be good today. A weeks A I in Turkey just isnt going to be good, but sooooooooooooooooo good. Still I am at target so will have to see what damage is done when I come back.
Honk honk! Can't wait for wi 1 on Monday :)
Honk day " 60" :) :) :D I'm so proud of me
Honk! Day 11 :D

Went out- stuck to my mugshot and alpen light (had some ham but thats free)

8 1/2 syns today :)
HONK for yesterday (Day 9)
Honk for the the last 2 two days i went to wedding yesterday i managed to stay 100 %