100% SWers - 1 day at a time :)

Honk for yesterday
little_bubblez said:
Honk- day 35 (woo- 5 whole weeks of honking!)

no syns today- I was going to have a couple of pieces of toast with philly light....then syn the hifi bar i had at weigh in and the milk i had in my tea....but the bread had a fur coat on :jelous:

So having another hifi bar as my HEB and had a glass of milk and another cup of tea for my HEA

Really disappointed with my 1.5lb loss this week- totally going for a good one next tuesday! Watch this space :)

Hey it's a great loss well done :) I find I have 2 lower weeks 2 better weeks . Next week might show more :) good luck
Honk day 85 5 syns today
Honk honk!
Honk day 36- 6 syns :D