100% SWers - 1 day at a time :)

Honk 11 syns
First day back on plan and I've been 100% - force fed my hubby the last of the mince pies as they were shouting at me and I would have succumbed. But I will be strong.
not a honk today- had a lovely indian takeaway meal evening with family :) enjoyed myself and stuffed my face

back to honking big time tomorrow!
LittleFlutterby said:
not a honk today- had a lovely indian takeaway meal evening with family :) enjoyed myself and stuffed my face

back to honking big time tomorrow!

Glad to hear it totally deserved :) if I get a loss tonight I'm treating myself to a weany slice of Tunis cake
Honk only just lol 14.5 syns exactly :D treat for getting my 6st award tonight a small carefully weighed piece of Tunis cake for 10 syns was very nice . Also had honey for 2 syns and Jaffa cake 2.5
Honk for day 2.
Derbynanny said:
well done mrs not so big b and flutterby amazing losses this week :)

Thanks :) I'm rather pleased with myself and how controlled I've felt this week .
Honky honk 2 syns :)
Honk- 3rd day in a row 15 syns for me, everyday without fail- love my syns!
Honk for me at 6 syns. Trying to claw it back before I get weighed next week!
Day 3 honking - 15 syns but it's still a honk.
Honk 6 syns
Honking in with my lovely 15 syns- day 4
honk for day 4 with 11 syns.
Another honk for today - 2 days in a row! 13.5 syns