100% SWers - 1 day at a time :)

LittleFlutterby said:
yeah yeah i was busy eating- my bad ;) :p

Lol hope you enjoyed it :)
Honk! Day 6, 4 syns
Honk 6.5 syns
Honk day 3 with 10 syns
Double HONK for the past two days :) Determined to be 100% all of this week!
Honk, day 2 with 0.5 syns

Sorry, but I wouldn't class that as being 100%
The plan says we should enjoy 5-15 Syns per day - you really ought to try and have at least 5 each day, as Syns are a key part of the plan.
Princess_Stevie said:
Sorry, but I wouldn't class that as being 100%
The plan says we should enjoy 5-15 Syns per day - you really ought to try and have at least 5 each day, as Syns are a key part of the plan.

I'm following it how my consultant said which was I don't have to use them and can save them up for later in the week if I want to. When I go back on Tuesday I will ask her to clarify this for me.