100% SWers - 1 day at a time :)

Honk! 5th day in a row!
Honk for yesterday and today :)
Honk! Plus 7 glasses of water today :) :waterbottle:
Honk for today and yesterday. Had takeaway yesterday but was good and synned it at 17.5. Today had no syns and all my food was Superfree apart from my pasta and chicken!
Honk 8 syns
Honk 0 syns I think
Honk for yesterday!
Honk for yesterday at 4.5 syns

Was going to go to Harvester tonight with bf to celebrate 6 months but it was packed! Ended up getting grilled spicy chicken and rice from a fast food place in the food court before going to see MIB3. Counted Harvester as around 10 syns but fate bought it down to probably around 5!