2.5 stone to lose club

Good to have you back. Did you get everything sorted out with your mum in the end?
Thanks peacelilly...... Just told my mum she's her responsibilty and I can't keep worrying about her, I need to sort me out :) first time I have really stood up to her.... She's a bully and very oppressive.... It felt good actually to pass back responsibilty to her instead of always looking for ways to sort her out.... Parents!!! Hard work sometimes :/
Morning all!! So onto today, weighed in this morning and showed a good loss.... But going to weigh in properly tomorrow morning and then use Sunday as my new weigh in day.... Very pleased :) lovely to sleep in my own bed last night..

How's everyone getting on ? My aim for September is 8lbs......
Morning! I can't believe it's September already, where has this year gone?! Whenever September gets here, it's suddenly christmas in the shops! My aim is 8lbs too then I will finally see the 11stones! :)

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Welcome home lovely. Glad the scales were kind this morning :)

I'm hoping to lose 2 or 3 lbs before South Africa then just try not to put more than that back on in Cuba! October should be the month I get to the 9s though, if all goes to plan! That will be a moment to celebrate! Still can't quite imagine it!! Xx
Morning all. Having a lovely lie in this morning as OH off on a cycling trip. Looking forward to a calm day. Glad it has been a good result soon to be slim. I've still been 100% this week but think things are slowing a little for me and I'm only 3lbs from the 9's. Haven't been there for years! need to up my super free methinks. Had a couple of EE days too as have been eating out and I often find that things don't go so quickly with EE. having a red day today. Have a good day everyone :)
Morning everyone, September already and it feels it! Is anyone else feeling chilly!? I'm hoping for 8lbs off in September. Had a night off plan last night and feel terrible (went mad!) Making a healthy takeout tonight - having chicken kebab and chips using asda wholemeal pitta and asda spicy chicken :)

Nice lay in sounds lovely peacelilly :)
Can't believe you were able to loose weight on holiday soon to be slim, well done x
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Morning all... I has a lie in too today! 8am! Bliss!!!!

Yes I was cold yesterday! I put the heating on!!

Weigh in today...I was 13st 3/4lbs :). That's 3lbs loss :)
Nelly lo your kebab sounds nice :) I had my off night friday and had pizza :) each last day of the month i have decided to have off and eat whats really nice and aughty... then back to it for a month :)

Sarah bet your getting excited now!! not long :)
Morning. Fab loss soon to be slim. I feel like things are slowing a little for me and finding it hard to get down into the next stone but hey ho will just have to see what the scales say on tues. hope everyone has a 100% day.
*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Morning all... I has a lie in too today! 8am! Bliss!!!!

Yes I was cold yesterday! I put the heating on!!

Weigh in today...I was 13st 3/4lbs :). That's 3lbs loss :)

What a fab loss! Well done, lovely!xx

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peacelily said:
Morning. Fab loss soon to be slim. I feel like things are slowing a little for me and finding it hard to get down into the next stone but hey ho will just have to see what the scales say on tues. hope everyone has a 100% day.

Hey peacelily, just keep going and maybe do a super speed week... Don't lower your intake of food though because it will not help your losses from what I have seen... Just keep going it will budge :) youve done great ....
Just had a fantastic roast! Yummy Chicken with loadsa spuds! Done them with chicken oxo! They are amazing!!!
I started SW last week and am aiming to lose around 2.5 stone by Christmas this year, its also my 30th birthday! Good luck everyone! xx
Hi Rachel, welcome and glad to have you on board with us....i hope to of lost my 2.5st by xmas too :) good luck with your journey, just ask if you need any help.. i have done sw sooo many times.... i usually stick with red and green but do a few ee but dont find they are good for weight losses....

BTW i lost 4lbs not 3lbs this week ladies miscalculated! result even better!! lol.....

Hows everyones Sunday? i am just off to tackle the ironing! :( i will be listening to Jillian michaels podcast... Anyone listen to them? they are great and very informative :)
*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Hey peacelily, just keep going and maybe do a super speed week... Don't lower your intake of food though because it will not help your losses from what I have seen... Just keep going it will budge :) youve done great ....

Wow 4lbs is great soon to be slim! Yes thinking I might get some super speed in this week and try some new veg to get my body moving. Having ibs type probs at the mo so have backed off the lemon juice a bit but really do think it helps me lose.

Welcome Rachel. Hope things go well and if you have any questions minimins is fab.
Peacelily, lemon never did anything for me.... Just make sure you don't snack on free foods... Just up your fruit and veg... Too easy to snack on mullers and other bits rather than fruit... That always helps me... And water too it's key....
Good morning! It's going to be a lovely day today :) sun is shining already... Off to work now... Have a good one!!

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