2.5 stone to lose club

Night all another successful day :)

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morning Team..... Where is everyone?

I am still on track here, had my rice pudding for breakfast... not quite ambrosia but it did the job! now to tackle house and get my hair done :)

Feeling so much better today, had a good night sleep, kids at school :) ooh heaven 5 mins on my own!!!!

Have a good day :)
Hello lovely,

Your day sounds rather heavenly! It's a gorgeous sunny day here so it seems a shame to be stuck in the office! Out tonight with OH and my parents for a meal at a gorgeous restaurant (post-birthday treat!) so really looking forward to getting dolled up for that tonight!

Hi ya, ooh a night out how lovely!! enjoy it... i am just going to get a takeaway tonight with my sister :) I love getting done up to go out :)

hope you can get out at lunch time and enjoy some sun xx
Have a lovely night out Miss Corset. Soon to be slim hope you enjoyed your relaxing day.
I cant wait to leave work today, this day has dragged. x
Yes good isn't it :) its just how I feel at the mo... Never give up :) nelly hope you are all done now... Enjoy your evening both of you, I am in Chinese now getting chicken chow mein!! Yummy!! So excited about it :))

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Night all.... Had a nice Chinese and ate on plan, no cheating of prawn crackers etc... But thought was the portion too much? It was a small square metal takeaway one full with chicken chow mein.. Also had Chinese stir fried veg :) I didnt have any syns today apart from that... What do you think?

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Hope you all have had a good day :) all on track here

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Yes good day for me. Back to the land of the living after feeling very rough with sinusitis. Feel much better now. Hope you're all doing well :)
Glad your feeling better and back with us peacelilly.... In bed already :) totally shattered after a very busy day... Still I am feeling very excited of the prospect of getting into the 12 stone something on Sunday's weigh in... I only need a pound and that's it.... I hope I have managed it.... I think I have been 100% this week my only query was the Chinese I had.... I am
So surprised how focused and easy I am finding it this time... It has really clicked with me that its going to take time but if I persevere I will
Get there.... I know I cannot keep looking for those quick fixes I need to change forever the way I eat... I feel so much more in control and happy... It's been years since I felt like this, I think it's making my marriage better too because I am feeling much more confident also... Hubby is reaping the benefits ;)

Have a lovely evening all, it's great to have people to share and support my journey... Thank you all :)

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That's fab soon-to-be-slim it just goes to show that your head just has to be in the right place and when that happens all goes well. Am so glad it's working for you and sure the Chinese won't cause a problem. I feel similarly and even when feeling yukky I didn't want to deviate from the plan. I just want to stick to this and don't feel hard done to or deprived like I sometimes do when I try to shift the weight. I think this site has definitely helped too cos it helps to keep everything at the front of my mind when I check things and if I need a change in my food I can just pop on and find a recipe. We CAN do this. I hope to be at target before Christmas though things a little slow at the mo so may have to have a sit down and plan a few changes and try something different. Here's to another 100% day tomorrow. Night
Happy Saturday everyone, your so right peacelily we CAN do this.... We just gotta keep at it :)

So have a great day everyone :) enjoy the sun whilst it lasts..

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Hope you all have had a great day... Been good here, only had 10 syns.. Weigh in day Tomorrow .... So will see then how I have done...


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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Hope you all have had a great day... Been good here, only had 10 syns.. Weigh in day Tomorrow .... So will see then how I have done...


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Yep all good here though had an upside down day with dinner for breakfast and porridge for dinner. All works out in the wash. Good luck with weigh I'm tomorrow. Hope it's a good one :)
Sounds like you had a good day... I think it's nice to change things around...

Well I weighed in and have only lost .75lbs :( so still 13st exactly!! Ahhhh!!! Annoying but my first goal was 12.13 by next Saturday so still on track.... I thought I had been good too..... But will carry on, I know this is how it goes....

Have a great day all...

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Sounds like you had a good day... I think it's nice to change things around...

Well I weighed in and have only lost .75lbs :( so still 13st exactly!! Ahhhh!!! Annoying but my first goal was 12.13 by next Saturday so still on track.... I thought I had been good too..... But will carry on, I know this is how it goes....

Have a great day all...

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Ooh well done and yes you can def do that by next sat. I've been stuck all week. Official weigh in on tues but have suspected things slowing down. Not too much of a prob as just bought another 12 week count down. 0.75 still good so stick with it. I've been 100% every day and think I need to give things a little rattle. Don't think eating enough at the mo as portions have def got smaller. That's got to be a result if nothing else. Have a good day :)
It's so frustrating sometimes isn't it peacelily! There's no way it's deterring me or putting me off!! Just gotta keep at it!! You have done so well... Try eating more, it's great your portion sizes have reduced :) Mine haven't yet!!

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Wow what a wonderful day! Was tricky diet wise. Was out with my sabotaging family! Bags of sensations and beer etc but I politely refused :) really need to see that 12 stone something!

Hope everyone has been ok... We are very quiet in this team :( where is everyone? I still have 23lbs to lose before I get that 2.5 stone mark off!!

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Hey Hun

Well done for resisting! You're doing so well! I've drunk too much wine and Pimm's this weekend.

Really need to get back on it once I'm back from my trips - feel like I've lost my focus a bit and I'm not resisting temptation like I should. It's like I've fitted into these gorgeous size 12 clothes and got lazy! Can't let that continue. I WILL get to the 9s!!


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