2.5 stone to lose club

Morning everyone..... Up and off to work soon....

Have a great day today... 100% still....

How you feeling nelly?

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Come on everyone, halfway through the week now so keep it going :)
Hello all. I'm having trouble posting at the moment (iOS6 on iPhone). Had WI yesterday and lost 2.5 and SOTW. Well chuffed. Welcome Sheanin. I started around about your weight and am 19.5lbs down now since June so glad you're on board. 100% for me too this week but I seem to be in a 2 week cycle at the mo of STS then bigger loss. It all works out in the wash though. Have a great day all :)
Hey peacelily :) Looking at your stats really helps, you've done amazingly well, kinda shows me that I can do it if I just keep going. I haven't seen the 9st bracket in so, so long except for when I had swine flu and ended up dropping 1.5 stone from sheer illness. Naturally it all went straight back on again, lol.

Right - I'm on the eve of my second WI and I am BRICKING IT. Dunno why, I've been completely 100% so far but just have this feeling I'd best prepare for a wee bit of disappointment in the morning. It happens to us all so I reckon it's best to get used to the idea now! I'd be over the moon to get 1.5lbs off and get my first half stone award...time will tell, but I'm ready for having to wait until next week!
Hey all, feeling better today thanks :) totm has arrived so im going to have to be careful there before I eat biscuits and chocolate!
Im due to go on holiday on 8th November and would really like to loose 7lbs by then, im thinking with our 100% mindset I can get there at 2lbs a week (plan to weigh on Sundays) and then weigh in on the Wednesday before I go. I REALLY want to do this!

Great loss Peacelilly! :D:D
I don't think you ever get over that worry the night before weigh in Sheanin. I have to say I still get the urge to totally sabotage on a Monday before Tuesday WI and don't know what that's about! Don't give in but it's a bit of a struggle. Thanks nellylou am pleased to lose this week. Have had a bit of a gamble with myself that I will get to target with no gains. Have had a few STS but so far so good. Hope you feel better what with TOTM and all. It'll be me too next week. I only have one every 9 weeks as I run 3 packs of pills together but when it comes it absolutely floors me. We're all doing well with the 100% so let's keep it up.
Hope everyone else is good today...any other weighers? I'm for class at 11.30, more nervous this week than last week.

Peacelily a few STS stats are just fine, I think they're to be expected (says she panicking about getting one today!). I know what you mean about the urge to sabotage, had a few days like that so far but I just fight it and push through. I thought I'd accidentally ruined myself last night as I had to use Elmlea double in my pasta sauce (no quark or anything left!), had such a fit convincing myself I'd screwed up but soon realised with some help on here I hadn't and was still within syns (tiny portion, 2/3 superfree). Even at that I realised you sometimes need to just let it go, eat something 'naughty' and enjoy it without panicking. That is where I'm gonna struggle.
Morning all, still 100% here! Have just eaten a custard cream but asked my collegue to take the packet away! :rolleyes:

Sheanin - good luck for weigh in today, let us know how you get on. I agree its hard to not self sabotage.

Question for you all, out of intrest do any of you have an off plan day once a week after weigh in?
I was just thinking about that Nelly. Think it maybe wouldn't do any harm to balance out all the syn counting with a more relaxed day once in a while - not going mad at it of course, moderation as always, but just a little day of loosening the reigns once in a while.

WI in half an hour so I'll let you all know how it goes!
Good luck for WI, Sheanin!

I've found that if I'm on plan all week then have weekends off, I maintain, so that's my long term strategy, but I think at the moment having a day off each week would slow my losses. It's ok for me occasionally e.g. for a night out, but I think I'd be scared to do it all the time.
I am SO happy.

4lbs off today, half stone award, slimmer of the week and I am officially in the tens at 10st 12.5....YAY!!!!

Now for that stone award; I have 4.5lbs to go and by God I'm gonna aim for it by the end of the month!!
Sheanin that's amazing! Well done you! Getting into the 10s is a great feeling, isn't it! I can't even imagine what the 9s are going to feel like but I'm hoping to be there in a month or so. I'm sure you can get the next 4.5lbs off by the end of the month - you're doing so well :D x
Thanks!! Just gonna keep how I feel now in mind when things get tough, God knows it'll take longer to get into the 9s but it is possible and we'll feel AMAZING when we do it!

Pretty sure I can do 4.5lbs over the next two weeks - once I get that stone award I'll be happy to accept things slowing down more and won't mind tiny losses half as much :)
I am SO happy.

4lbs off today, half stone award, slimmer of the week and I am officially in the tens at 10st 12.5....YAY!!!!

Now for that stone award; I have 4.5lbs to go and by God I'm gonna aim for it by the end of the month!!

4lbs! thats such a good loss :happy096: what do you think helped to loose that much in a week?
4lbs! thats such a good loss :happy096: what do you think helped to loose that much in a week?

I'm not sure of anything specific, I basically just kept going the same as I started out. Some one of these evenings I must upload my food diary here just in case it helps anyone; I do create a lot of my own recipes from scratch. I just stick like glue to my 1/3rd superfree, use as much free food as I can and usually use syns on things I integrate within a meal e.g. cheese (my hex goes on milk for my coffee), oil etc. If I snack, I snack healthily on either superfree or free foods, with the odd low-syn treat (Muller Greek Style yoghurts are a favourite and I use Options hot choc drinks to curb evening cravings). One thing that has probably helped loads is the fact that hardly any of my carbs are bread; I've had 2 slices of wholemeal since starting plan and only usually have bread if my other meals that day are light in carbs. I do use my syns - some days I only use maybe 8 or 9 but most it's right up there around 14 or 15. My portions are always super-sensible thanks to the superfree and when it comes to hunger, I have two rules: NEVER let yourself get too hungry (this kicks off my tendency to binge, have come this far without doing it and feel v proud of myself) and NEVER eat beyond feeling comfortably full.

The other thing is body magic. I only do a little as before plan, I did ZERO exercise. I do something every other day (that way it doesn't feel like too much), usually a good walk or putting lots of oomph into my housework, lol. I realised pretty quickly I could manage 1.5 hrs a week so am aiming straight for my Silver body magic award at the end of the month.

That's it really...I more or less just stick to the plan!
Hey all, sorry was not around yesterday mega busy!

Well done shean!! That's a brill loss.... Going good here still... I wanna get under 13st again on Sunday for weigh in! Annoyed with last weeks gain!

Well awake still at silly o'clock! It raining outside, love listening to it, just wish I could sleep!

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Hey all, sorry was not around yesterday mega busy!

Well done shean!! That's a brill loss.... Going good here still... I wanna get under 13st again on Sunday for weigh in! Annoyed with last weeks gain!

Well awake still at silly o'clock! It raining outside, love listening to it, just wish I could sleep!

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Welcome back! So we've nearly got through the working week at 100% - I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself! Let's just hope I get the right result on the scales on Monday!

I can't wait for the weekend! What has everyone got planned? xx
Hello all, I'm having problems posting on my phone so haven't really been able to get on. I can lurk and look but won't send posts. Think they're trying to fix it but it's really annoying. Haven't updated iPad so can post on that but have been really busy lately too. Am now procrastinating as I should be doing prep for work at 12 but cruising round here instead!

Sheanin that was a fab loss well done. It's great when you've been 100% and you get a result. I'm 100% for 99% of the time, have only had two or three weeks when I haven't stuck to plan since I started but I just need to do it that way cos I find it easier and I am doing this for health primarily as we have a history of early female death in my family (mum died of sudden adult death syndrome aged 45 and I am 44!). So with persistent high blood pressure, chronic headache and neck pain, early menopause and associated aches and pains, I thought I had to get my weight into the healthy weight range before it was too late and see if any of these things would get better, the principal one, being getting blood pressure down.

As far as having off days or treat days, I haven't done it this time around as I have been on lots of diets in the past and especially when I was on weight watchers, I would have what could only be described as binges after WI and I found I wasn't teaching myself how to be sensible about eating so it doesn't work for me. The proof will be in whether I can maintain this after reaching final goal! It does for some and interestingly, on the weeks when I haven't been 100% I have still lost weight, but I do think my body goes on a two week cycle so it may have shown up the following week with a STS.

The STS really don't bother me as I often get a better loss the following week. I have a strange body.

Have a good day all :)
Its almost the weekend!!!! :D nice easy tea planned (Frittata and baked beans) tonight and going to curl up on the sofa and catch up on TOWIE (yep, im a fan)

Havent got much planned tmrw, will meet up with my sister at some point and then on Sunday (weigh day) boyf wants us to go on a 24 mile bike ride! excited for all that body magic.

Whats everyone else got planned?

Hope that the phone issues get sorted soon Peacelilly, i have an i phone but it seems to be letting me post. x
Wowzers Nellylou - that's one heck of a bike ride! My boyfriend is massively into his road cycling so does 50-60 miles every weekend. I've never fancied going with him though! lol.

OH is going to Dorset for the weekend to catch up with his friends from home so I'm having a chilled out evening tonight. Going to get the housework done, then snuggle up with SW comfort food (jacket spud!), the cat and the new Crossfire novel.
I'm catching up with the girls tomorrow (including picking up my bridesmaid's dress for my best friend's wedding) then I've got to go and see my Nan as she had an operation while we were on holiday. OH is back on Sunday so he's promised to take me somewhere nice for the day - my friend has just opened a bakery out in deepest, darkest Surrey so we might go and visit him and have a pub lunch somewhere. I won't be partaking in any baked goods while I'm there though - nothing is going to drag me off plan!!

Only 90 more minutes in the office then I'm outta here!! xx