2.5 stone to lose club

Nice plans for everyone so far! My daughters will be away with their dad, so there's just me, OH and our wee boy at home. Not sure what to do. I called in to see my old work colleagues today (I'm an apprentice tattooist but taking some time away due to daughter's hospital treatment) and may call in again tomorrow to hang out for a bit, not sure.

I'm still bang on 100% and have had quite a few comments on my weightloss between yesterday and today; appetite today has gone to hell though. Shovelled down some smash and beans a little while ago to keep me ticking over as it's better than eating nothing. Dunno why I don't feel drawn to anything!
iPhone still playing up but I also seem to have less time, but everyone sounds busy at the mo. I've been to Nottingham today as doing uni tours with my son. Nice to spend the day with him. We went to gourmet burger kitchen and I had a slice of grilled chicken with salad and coleslaw (also pinched some of my son's chips). Not sure how many syns in that but counting about 12 in case the chicken had oil before grilling. The coleslaw didn't have mayo but vinaigrette so not too bad either. Just had fruit and yoghurt tonight. This is my other week so will prob have a STS anyway. Looking forward to a quieter day tomorrow as busy week next week. Have a good night all. :)
Hope everyone's having a lovely weekend. I can't believe how winters it feels this morning - its frosty outside! OH is already on his way back from Dorset so I'm looking forward to him getting home - think we're going to mosey down to Brighton and spend the day mooching around - cant wait. I'd better get some gloves out though - forecast says it won't get over 8 degrees today!!

Managed to stay 100% yesterday even though we were out for dinner and the scales this morning show I've shifted 3 of my 4 holiday lbs this week so I'm totally delighted. We will probably eat seafood today so it should be easy to keep well within my syns.

Hope everyone has a fab, on-plan Sunday xx

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Doing well miss corset. That's great news. I've never been to Brighton but would live to go as I hear such good things about it. It's on my bucket list of places to visit along with Cornwall and Devon. Hope everyone has a good day :)
I love Brighton, I have been there a few times and very nearly moved there - had a job lined up and everything.
Good loss miss corset :)

Sounds like you had a lovely time with your son peacelilly. I'm impressed with your choices in GBK - I don't think I could have been so good.

Just back from our bike ride, didn't make the full 14 miles there, stopped at 10 and turned back so a nice even 20 which I'm pretty pleased with. Apparently I burnt 1046 cals!! :) will aim for the full 28 miles next weekend.

Hope your all having a nice weekend, weighed this morning and lost a pound x
Nellylou said:
I love Brighton, I have been there a few times and very nearly moved there - had a job lined up and everything.
Good loss miss corset :)

Sounds like you had a lovely time with your son peacelilly. I'm impressed with your choices in GBK - I don't think I could have been so good.

Just back from our bike ride, didn't make the full 14 miles there, stopped at 10 and turned back so a nice even 20 which I'm pretty pleased with. Apparently I burnt 1046 cals!! :) will aim for the full 28 miles next weekend.

Hope your all having a nice weekend, weighed this morning and lost a pound x

Wow nellylou impressive on the bike riding. Am planning to get back into exercise fairly soon as am still only doing dog walking. Am near target now so going to get there then start so I have a bit of weight to play with if I start to gain a bit as most people seem to do. Well done on your loss too.

I've not had a brilliant day as TOTM started 2 days early and I feel like my head is swivelling in an exorcist kind of way. Have taken myself away from everyone as I'm not very pleasant to be around! Have a good night all :)
peacelily said:
Wow nellylou impressive on the bike riding. Am planning to get back into exercise fairly soon as am still only doing dog walking. Am near target now so going to get there then start so I have a bit of weight to play with if I start to gain a bit as most people seem to do. Well done on your loss too.

I've not had a brilliant day as TOTM started 2 days early and I feel like my head is swivelling in an exorcist kind of way. Have taken myself away from everyone as I'm not very pleasant to be around! Have a good night all :)

I find walking the best exercise for me really, if I aim to do at least a 30 min walk a day I feel good for doing it. I know what you mean re totm, I go from being furious with bf to really neady and pathetic!

What type of exercise do you plan on starting? X
Hope everyone's had a good day today!? 100% for me, just relaxing with a hot choc and a Special K bar (I love slimming world) :)
Night all x
Still 100% here but admittedly clinging by the thread of my teeth due to a little stress, but it'll pass soon enough and I won't be caving in.

WI for me is Thurs eve this week instead of the morning, grrr - no doubt that'll show on the scales cos I'm certainly not going hungry all day! So I'm going to focus most on the week after - dun dun dun DUN!!! - by which point I *hope* to have lost another 4.5lbs since last week to get me my stone award. Possibly wishful thinking but a girl can dream (and work her arse off in the meantime!).
Hi all. I love walking too nellylou and with my little dog it's lovely to do rain or shine. Though I have to say I have been busier lately so have found it hard getting some of my longer walks in. I used to always run and wish I could get back to doing that again but I have totally knackered my ankle so think my running days are over. I might start with some 30 day shred, though from some of the comments on here, I will be achy afterwards. However I will need to focus on toning and walk faster with the dog for cardio.

Sheanin hope you've managed to resist you are doing so well. It's a bugger when things aren't just calling but positively screaming from the cupboards. I had my hazelnut hot choc with my HexA milk and am off to bed now so I'm not tempted to eat any more as its WI tomorrow.

Night all :)
Peacelily provided you still walk, that's all that matters. I love walking, really got into it again since SW and even if I only get 20 mins here and there it still really keeps me in tiptop form.

I did 6km yesterday in two blocks and oh my God my thighs and bum this morning! This is my 3rd week and exercise is pretty new so I'm ramping it up slowly. My limit seems to be around 4km in one session (that limit being absolutely exhausted which I like to stay just short of) whereas when I started I could barely handle a standard flight of stairs without losing my breath. So pleased to see that progress as well as my weightloss. I did this bootcamp class in summer that DESTROYED me, and I know the guy running it thought I was pathetic. It's now a little goal of mine to go back to that class and not only do it ten times better, but stick at the whole 6 week block :) That will be after Xmas sometime but it'll make me soooo happy signing back up 2.5 stone lighter and being able to say, 'I can do it now!'

I'm still resisting The Urge (we all know The Urge) but as long as I get today over with (daughter in hospital hence me being up at stupid o clock) I am onto a winner!
yep I know the urge and im feeling it too :( am really looking forward to lunch today but its only 11.15!

I completed the shred and really liked it, its hard though but being only 20 minutes long I found it bareable.
Hope your stress eases Sheanin and that your daughter is ok x
Hope all is ok with your daughter Sheanin and that she's on the mend.

Good to hear nellylou cos everyone says how difficult 30DS is but I used to to treadmill for half an hour and a body pump class so hoping after the first week it should be doable.

Lost 2 this week which I'm pleased with. I'm pleased with any losses to be honest and expected this to be my week of not losing as I have my TOTM so am actually delighted. Only 2.5 to 2 stone. I have 5 weeks left on a countdown so going to take whatever I get at the end of that as my target and try to maintain that over Christmas. Off to hibernate as its blowing a gale here and I have lots of great British bake off to catch up with before the final tonight. Since my clients have cancelled today (yay!) I'm going to have a lazy one. :)
Hope all is ok with your daughter Sheanin and that she's on the mend.

Good to hear nellylou cos everyone says how difficult 30DS is but I used to to treadmill for half an hour and a body pump class so hoping after the first week it should be doable.

Lost 2 this week which I'm pleased with. I'm pleased with any losses to be honest and expected this to be my week of not losing as I have my TOTM so am actually delighted. Only 2.5 to 2 stone. I have 5 weeks left on a countdown so going to take whatever I get at the end of that as my target and try to maintain that over Christmas. Off to hibernate as its blowing a gale here and I have lots of great British bake off to catch up with before the final tonight. Since my clients have cancelled today (yay!) I'm going to have a lazy one. :)

Enjoy your relaxing day :) I have a nice relaxing night planned tonight as boyf is out so get to lounge on the sofa and watch what I want to watch on tv for a change!
Well done on your loss this week, 2lbs is fab so close to target.
Nellylou said:
Enjoy your relaxing day :) I have a nice relaxing night planned tonight as boyf is out so get to lounge on the sofa and watch what I want to watch on tv for a change!
Well done on your loss this week, 2lbs is fab so close to target.

Thank you nellylou but the day didn't quite pan out as I'd hoped! Why oh why did I say I was having a lazy day? Ended up running around as usual. Have just stopped and have an hour before I pick my daughter up so finally will get to see a great British bake off episode though might not see the two that I'm missing before tonight's final! am having a crunchie and a cup of tea too cos I fancied one.
Hey! All went well at the hospital, though I will say thank god for foresight and packing sensible snacks and fruit! Was so stressed came dangerously close buying crap but I didnt :)

Weigh in is tomorrow evening (usually morning) so not focusing on it - onwards to next week where I'm hoping for my stone award and silver body magic!
Hey! All went well at the hospital, though I will say thank god for foresight and packing sensible snacks and fruit! Was so stressed came dangerously close buying crap but I didnt :)

Weigh in is tomorrow evening (usually morning) so not focusing on it - onwards to next week where I'm hoping for my stone award and silver body magic!

Hey, glad all went well. :) probably best on focussing on next weeks weigh in as its back to your normal time and just this one to keep on track, although you never know! Hope it goes well for you anyway.
Im out with work tonight, havent a clue about food but hoping to make good choices as aiming for a 2lbs loss this week
Thank you nellylou but the day didn't quite pan out as I'd hoped! Why oh why did I say I was having a lazy day? Ended up running around as usual. Have just stopped and have an hour before I pick my daughter up so finally will get to see a great British bake off episode though might not see the two that I'm missing before tonight's final! am having a crunchie and a cup of tea too cos I fancied one.

Oh dear, you spoke to soon! Crunchie, mmmmmmmm :p
I was mistaken lol...I will be weighing tomorrow morning! Thought I had an appt for my daughter tomorrow but it isnt til Tues so WI won't be affected. Im focusing on next week anyway as its so important to me!

I would love a night out and if I get that stone award next week, I'll have earned it plus getting my hair done.
I was mistaken lol...I will be weighing tomorrow morning! Thought I had an appt for my daughter tomorrow but it isnt til Tues so WI won't be affected. Im focusing on next week anyway as its so important to me!

I would love a night out and if I get that stone award next week, I'll have earned it plus getting my hair done.

How did weigh in go Sheanin?