2015 and It's Now or Never!

Saturday 23rd March 2013

What a horrible day..dull, gloomy and snowing.. only a light snow but it has laid and now there is about 2inches by the look of my car.

Noted the comment about your bread maker Nelli and funnily enough had just been considering the same thing.. Having only a very small kitchen my breadmaker sits on my stepstool which then has to be moved when I need the steps.

Tried to have a low carb day which I find very difficult. Love my bread and bananas too much...and all the other stuff that's high carbs.. :sigh: Thought I didn't do too bad today but not as good as I wanted it to be. Trouble is I had some mixed dried fruit and some custard which I didn't want to waste and it was delicous anyway!

Calories 1106 Carbs 133 Fat 39
It is so hard Emm and I think you are doing great too.

I weighed again this morning and wish I hadn't because this STS business doesn't really help :)

Back to basics this morning - no nothing other than packs and water, and that includes Coke Zero.

Have a good one

It is so hard Emm and I think you are doing great too.

I weighed again this morning and wish I hadn't because this STS business doesn't really help :)

Back to basics this morning - no nothing other than packs and water, and that includes Coke Zero.

Have a good one


Keeping fingers crossed that this jump starts you!
Thanks girls!

Sunday 24th March 2013

Got myself a new duvet as I realised that I was too cold at night due to my duvet having been washed several times and them becoming lumpy so there's places where there's no filling! Put the new one on my bed which was lovely and warm..and then found I was getting warmer and warmer and then quite hot! So not a good night all told..which meant that I slept till after noon today.. :eek:

So that is my main news for today... just did all the same sort of online stuff intermingled with watching the telly...but I have kept to a very good diet and am hoping .. :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed: .. it will be a loss tomorrow.. :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:

Calories 1254 Carbs 119 Fat 48
Monday 25th March 2013

Another STS!! (Note to self... No more treats, self indulgences or blips! . :mad: )
Nuff said!

Massage today and the EC altho' I had said that it would be better not to have EC as laying flat for that length of time affects my back badly. Last week my leg went really numb and I feared that I would not be able to change the gears when I was driving home. However, she had a very nice relaxing chair that I sat in and am very glad that I could have the EC done as it has definitely helped in clearing my sinuses.

Bitterly cold again today and was pleased to get indoors.
Making every attempt to stay as low carb as poss!

2hrs later.. Cals 1245 Carbs 136 Fat 42
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Morning Emm

Hope you had a better sleep last night. Our bedroom is in turmoil in preparation for the builders, so the bed is in the corner and it seems odd. I had two packs yesterday and then a salad AND a code zero - need to get my head sorted :(

Lass, I like the idea of the smilies to show how many pounds you've lost :)

Have a good Tuesday
Morning Emm

Hope you had a better sleep last night. Our bedroom is in turmoil in preparation for the builders, so the bed is in the corner and it seems odd. I had two packs yesterday and then a salad AND a code zero - need to get my head sorted :(

Have a good Tuesday

Had a great sleep last night thanks Nelli.
Did some of my own head sorting today.. :D

Tuesday 26th March 2013

Podiatrist today... toe nails getting much too long..Had a good talk to myself before going out the door. Which would I rather have..a pound loss at the end of the week or another chocolate bar?! :rolleyes: Did the trick 'cos I never even thought about it even tho' I went near a confectionary shop.. :innocent0002:

Just had a delicous evening meal. Salmon baked in foil which was spread with a little mayonaise and a sprinkle of lemon juice, served up with swede and carrot mash plus runner beans and one tablespoonful of Thousand Isle dressing. 332 calories for the meal which is pretty good.

Total for today: Cals 1234 Carbs 103 Fat 54
Did the trick 'cos I never even thought about it even tho' I went near a confectionary shop
Well done on your serious talk to self - let's hope you get the loss you deserve.

Lass, I like the idea of the smilies to show how many pounds you've lost :)

Nellie - as long as I have more pink smilies than red ones I'm happy!:p
Wednesday 27th March 2013

Not a good night and got up about 4am and ate about 6 rice cakes and a bit of cheese. As it happened I slept well into the morning so I counted 4 of them plus the cheese as breakfast. Other than that all things have gone really well.

TV repair man called at 12noon. I had asked that the appointment would be in the afternoon and as I had been quite busy I mistook the time so when he called I gave him a bit of a ticking off for coming in the morning..then noticed the time and made an apology... :ashamed0005: .. He was very good and took it in good stead..bless!
Hopefully the problem on TV has been sorted altho' he did point out that it was a bit of guess work and if it continues to happen they will have to take it in for further investigation.
Cleaner lady came and now my abode is all sparkling clean again..Yay!!
Found one of my flat head screwdrivers and rewired the extension lead socket. Took all the wires off then forgot how they went back.. :confused: .. silly me! Went online to a DIY forum and soon got the info I wanted... Yay for Google! Then renewed plug on an electric fire and promptly lost two (2!) of the screws. Was on my hands and knees searching and have no idea where they could have disappeared to! .. :sigh: I guess like a lot of things they will turn up at sometime.. :D

Calories 1272 Carbs 164 Fat 39
Sorry you had a rubbish night, but at least you have dragged your calories into line for the day. You're about the same height as my Mum, so I can just picture you giving the repair man a big row for getting the time wrong. Not sure if she would have apologized though! You are a right wee DIYer with all your plug rewiring etc, aren't you?
Sorry you had a rubbish night, but at least you have dragged your calories into line for the day. You're about the same height as my Mum, so I can just picture you giving the repair man a big row for getting the time wrong. Not sure if she would have apologized though! You are a right wee DIYer with all your plug rewiring etc, aren't you?

Thanks Caroline. I have always done painting and decorating and lots of other things as my ex was an absolute hopeless twat! Anyway I really enjoy it.
And... when I was about 55 I went on a car maintenance course. A good half of the class were women but they were all very much younger than me so when it came to doing things like changing a wheel and putting the spare on they all very gracously did it for me. So at the end we were asked if there was anything each of us would like to do again I asked to do it without any help.. Must admit that spare tyre is bloomin' heavy! :D
Thursday 28th March 2013

Unlike yesterday I slept and slept.. :confused: got up about 11am ..
Had the sneezes all day altho' I am feeling quite okay otherwise.. :sick:

Think I am getting much more OCD as having rewired a plug and an extension lead socket after getting advice from a DIY forum I then had to inspect them twice to make sure I had got it right.

Tried out my breadmaker again and am hoping that it will be more of an edible substance in the end result.. :fingerscrossed:

Enjoyed my meals today and have kept to my allotted amount.

Calories 1249 Carbs 170 Fat 40
Bread! How Divine! :) Hope this one tastes yummy!

I replied btw - don't think it got through though :rolleyes:. That's a step too far for me I'm afraid. I'll take it as a sign!

Good luck with your journey Emmaline

Bread didn't turn out well again!.. :sigh:

The reason your message didn't get thro' Zeke is because my message folder was full..

Friday 29th March 2013

Not a very exciting day.. sorted out a few things in the bedroom so that's making it a bit tidier.

Had another go at making bread but did it by hand this time and at the mo' it is rising really well so may be this will be a winner!

Todays Calories 1250 Carbs 126 Fat 43

Bread was quite good and ended up having a lovely hot slice with butter so calories now altered: 1347 Carbs 152 Fat 41
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Saturday 30th March 2013

Enjoyed the C&W music on radio this morning.
Intended to put my mind to sorting out the how to's with posting photo's. I get it all sorted and think to myself that it's easy-peasy now and when I go to post some more I have completely forgotten how to do it!! Soo annoying especially as I have such a lot of stuff I want to get on Amazon or Ebay...:sigh:

Made a chicken and cheese lasagne for my meal this evening. I had some cooked chicken that I didn't fancy on it's own so made a lasagne which included onion, garlic salt and mayonaise.Turned out just soo delish and should have been four portions but I ate one and a half!... Made my calories rather up again today.. never get the weight down at this rate!

Cals 1315 Carbs 161 Fat 43