2bls from 5stone!!!

Well Done

Hi Daisy well done, been following your progress, I have had a couple of bad months and have not been that good, so I have only lost 2.5 feel angry at myself you started a couple of days after me and I'm just thinking that if I had been so good then I would be there but I am back on track now so hopefully I will have some good news on the wight loss inthe next 4-6 weeks. Keep up the good work.:cry:
It makes me feel guilty when people say "well done" cos a very jelious friend of mine said i was taking the easy way out and i should have gone out RUNNING! anyone who has ever been nearly 19stone can surely understand that even the notion of this scares me silly, besides the actual not being able to, if i did somehow manage it I'd give myself a black eye, whatever size i am-these boobs are in the genes!!
My mam is a tiny size ten with hugh DDs!

Harriet you are so right, this is sooo easy compared to the next stage! I'm preping myself and moving house in 2 weeks to a lovely one-house share- beside a big park, pool and a weight watchers meeting, the sun always seems to shine and I'm even going to invest in rollerblades!
I've still a long way to go but nothing will stop me now, not even my June hol to Amsterdam and all those brownies...hmmm!!

Thanks everyone!

hi girls
omg what fantastic results .. i am on my second week of lipo and feeling like i wanted to cave (2nd weekend no alcohol!!!) but you all have just made me want to keep going
well done to all the fantastic losses and the pictures are truly inspirational
hey daisy - good to hear your news. Well done, its amazing what you have achieved xx
Well done Daisy hun you have done fantastic xxxx