3 Positives for today...

1. I haven't fallen off the wagon today, despite very strong urges to binge.
2. Lifting myself out of a rough place
3. Snuggling down early to have a good relaxation session to get me ready for the week ahead
1. Found this website
2. Stuck to the plan for the third day in a row
3. Feeling really positive about things at the moment :happy036:
Night night everyone!
1. Stick to plan all day - taking lunch with me going shopping in town
2. Postivity is my 2nd name
3. Finish packing and ready for hols.
1 - resisted yummy foods at the meeting and ate my ryvitas and cottage cheese!

2 - have stuck well within my syns and just don't fancy choc ( why does this happen when I have syns?)

3 - Monday is over and done with!!!
1. I had a nice SW friendly lunch with a mate
2. I am still staying on plan - and today it was a little easier
3. Wedding invites are now 99% ready to get sent out (at last!)
1) Got a nice compliment about how I was doing in my new position at work

2) Nightmares I'd had last night weren't real - a nice relief

3) Felt thin today
1. I pick up my lovely little car today!!
2. I'm going to have another healthy day
3. I'm young, free and single
1 - back into the 10's

2 - was faced with a prob today at work but it got sorted straight away.

3 - beautiful day outside and it's agreed that if it's nice tomorrow I can take my class outside for a bit of wind down time now the sATs are over
As my eating is in control and I feel good about myself, I was able to deal with a tricky situation easily and confidently.
Sleeping well as not stuffed full of junky foods.
Plenty of energy from all the healthy foods.
The Sun was out - all day
Played golf
Stayed on plan.
* The sun has been out all day which always puts everyone in a good mood :)
* Another 100% day :)
* I managed to finish off all my college work before my deadline :)
1) Had a good day SW wise - first one in a while. sigh.

2) Work was good

3) Nice day at home with mum and dad
1. I love sunshine and it gives me loads of energy
2. Tacking the overgrown garden
3. Go for a walk later on and find the farmer to come and cut the grass
4. Done batch cooking as I had to defrost the freezer
5. stuck to plan 100% 3 days in a row
1) Another beautiful day - my sunburn has faded a fair bit and I was careful to sit in the shade

2) Started to read game of thrones today and am really enjoying it so far

3) Having a good day so far with regards to food
1. I know I'm copying but: it's a lovely day and it really puts me in a great mood.
2. I had a lovely drive to and from uni in Penelope my beautiful new car.
3. Another good day on the plan.
1 - 100% food day and don't feel deprived as had WW crisps and 2 chocolates.

2 - rediscovered my love for turkey! Lol

3 - wore some new clothes for work and got some nice compliments!
1. Lost 1.5 lb this week2. 100% on plan today3. Cooked new and yummy supper despite not planning in advance
Lost 1 1/2lb. Whoop
It's sunny.
And all in all I am just so blooming happy. The nice weather does wonders!
On the downside my tv has broke. ?