30 day Shred

Done Day 26 - 4 more to go (have ordered BFBM and 6pack)

Glutton for punishment? Me?

I did a full set of elbow plank b*stards in full form - I've realised that it is a core weight transference move rather than a lifting move - if that makes any sense...if you work from your core rather than your arms it's kind of harder but easier.

I'm also going a few full travelling push-ups and did all my scissorkicks bar the last two at the end. I had to take 5 at the end of the second set of Mountain Climbers but both sets were done at Natalie level all the way. I'm getting lower in my jumpy lunges and I now do full sideplank - so I'm pretty much nailing level 3!

4 more days to go before I complete the full 30DS!
Hey I have just done day 8 level 1 - it is getting easier .... 2 more days than move up... Love this thread !!!! Well done allxxx
Cerulean "Glutton for punishment? Me?" - what shall we say to this? ( in awe...!!!!)
Pretika, good going!
Bev, I'm 5'6" and 170lb (aargh)

Question for all you lovely shredders out there - is your goal fitness or weight loss? I've heard the view that a goal of fitness is better than a goal of weight loss, as weight loss generally follows fitness.. I think fitness is a great goal but seem to be more motivated by weight loss as a goal. Maybe mixture of both. What are your views?
Well done ladies!

Day 16 done, day 2 on level 3! I much prefer level 3!
. I think its partly because I was getting a bit fed up of level 2 but am back and gonna attempt level 3 tonight.

I was the same on level 2, I didnt enjoy it at all and dreaded doing it, level 3 is much better!
Hey for me it is fitness and toning ... I have stopped weighing my self and just going on what my body looks and feels like... But I suppose it is different for everyone ...
Hi Trim

I think weight loss is my priority but I know I will have to tone as I go and fitness is so important......on the other hand both are a priority then!! LOL
Originally mine was for weight loss but I've had a few weeks of STS now, so I'm concentrating on toning.
I'm on day 17 and I can clearly see and feel a difference. Keep flexing my leg muscles, and I no longer have massively fat knees!!!!!
Question for all you lovely shredders out there - is your goal fitness or weight loss? I've heard the view that a goal of fitness is better than a goal of weight loss, as weight loss generally follows fitness.. I think fitness is a great goal but seem to be more motivated by weight loss as a goal. Maybe mixture of both. What are your views?

Well - I've lost about 12lbs in 26 days, but that's cos I'm on a VLCD...I've gained a 1lb of muscle doing this and lost inches way faster - I'm 1.5 inches smaller all over than I usually am at this weight. I feel like I've just jumped out of being a size 16 to a 14 without even thinking about it.

When I started the Shred I just thought it would be a way of firming up, of speeding the whole process up a bit and making sure my metabolism wasn't shot at the other side of a VLCD. After Day 1, yeah, Day 1, I realised what this could potentially do for me. When I started doing things I couldn't do at all on Day 1 by Day 6, I realised I wanted to be strong...you know when she yells 'THAT IS FEAR LEAVING YOUR BODY' it's not for effect, it's genuinely what The Shred does, it eliminates fear, it makes you rethink things - like my elbow plank issue? I could have just stayed in modified, but like the sad (strong) cow I am, I kept mulling over why I couldn't do them and suddenly today I got it. Same goes for push-ups, I'm heading towards doing 10 straight - on Day 31, I am going back to Level 1 and seeing what the difference is! So yeah, strength and discipline is what I'm in it for, baby...the rock hard waist is a pleasant side effect!
Hey Cerulean - love your posts !!! I know I have said it before :) I'm enjoying
The shred too .... On day 8 level
1 - can do it all quite easily except the press ups ... I still do the modified version ... I can't even do one - ??? What am I doing wrong ???
Before I start each time I give one full press-up a go - no time pressure or Jillian yelling...just to think through the move and what I need to do. Then when I do modified, I put as much weight as I can into my chest and go as low as I can. Also, I do a few full push-ups against the kitchen counter as the angle apparently prepares you better than kneeling.
I have never been able to do press ups even when I was super fit. My sister can't either and she is slim and super super fit.

I guess we both have heavy bone structure - well thats my excuse anyway!!

Can't wait to get my hands on the dvd.
trimlee said:
Question for all you lovely shredders out there - is your goal fitness or weight loss? I've heard the view that a goal of fitness is better than a goal of weight loss, as weight loss generally follows fitness.. I think fitness is a great goal but seem to be more motivated by weight loss as a goal. Maybe mixture of both. What are your views?

My goal is to wear my size 12 skinny jeans with no muffin top!!

Feeling fitter and leaner keeps me going - loving my shapelier figure, most noticeable - my big chunky, chubby knees have now gone!! xx
I think I'm still to big to visibly notice a difference from Shredding, but I can feel the difference, my body is getting harder under my flab! That's a good thing because the flab will go away eventually, and muscle helps burn calories faster!!
Day 7 level 1 done :). I love it! I feel so fit and today when doing jump rope I felt like I was flying. I can't wait for day 8. At this point I can easily get started on level 2 but I think I will just get on and do the 3 days before moving on. Have a good night fellow shredders xx.
Cool thanks will give it a go.
27 down - 3 to go...phew!

I did my 27th consecutive shred this morning. Not quite as strong as last night - but a couple of days a week I have to do an evening one followed 12 hours later by a morning one - that also means that I get a couple of 'rest' days as the switch back to evenings means I get a 36 hour break. But this time I did half a minute of full sit ups. If you haven't seen Level 3 of the 30 day shred - the middle set of abs is "full on Rocky-style sit-ups"

I feel harder around my core with every day that passes and I'm barely thinking about Cambridge - one thing I can say about the shred, it makes Sole Sourcing a doddle! You totally forget about it!

Also the weight is dropping off me at the moment...every day the scales are shifting down by over a 1lb - I know that's probably the weather, but still!
Wish that dvd would come quickly. I am stuck at the same weight for what seems like forever. This despite 2 power walks and a burn that belly fat 10 minute section from a dvd yesterday.

Grrr :sigh:
Morning all I have done day 9 level one this morning (after doing day 8 last night) it was little tough- but I got there... gonna do 1 more day and then move up to level 2 on friday night - that way if I cant walk I at least have the weekend at home :)

feeling really positive and my body feels good!! i can feel my stomach start to harden a little... gotta keep on going!!!