30 days to form a new habit


Gold Member
I was reading somewhere it takes between 30 - 60 days for a new habit to become a new normal. To create new neurons or diminish old ones. My eating habits are not good, I find it very hard to stop at one of anything and I binge too. So I figure if I can reprogramme my brain to only crave food at meal times this will be a really good start toward a healthy relationship with food for life.

So the idea is you decide what your new habit will be eg. not eating sweets or drinking more water

You have to write it down and comit to doing it for 30 days, and you can only add one habit at a time.

Mine is:

I will eat 3 x one plate meals every day and one small treat right after dinner
(eg 2 squares of dark chocolate)

personally for me if I cut out snacking ill be eating a lot less calories and ill have a lot less binge triggers.

I have some ideas for when I get an urge to eat in between meals

1. Declutter something (my new hobby)
2. Deep breathing
3. 2 mins of exercise
4. cup of green tea

Anyone fancy developing a new habit with me?
I'm in!

Me please! I've only just joined and have actually started this 30 days habit for runnning - I'm on day 24 - and it is really working.
(I have to run for 20 mins every day - no excuses - and I think I will keep it going through Dec as well.)
So now that I see it can work , I want to apply this to my food as well.

For me I'm sticking to 1200 cals a day - 3 meals and 1 snack.
I really need tips to prevent snacking as well - I'm a terror for a snack just before bed so really need to break this habit.
Hi leesider, wow you are doing fab with the running once you've done december too, you will be set to do your 20 minute run for life (well near enough). Good luck dropping the snacks the theory is if you just persevere without it the urge will diminish and eventually vanish.

well I managed day one, god it was tough, nearly as tough as day 1 on lipotrim, shows me how much picking I do. So ill definately have a calorie deficit this way even if it isn't a big one. I'm not focusing on the scales at the moment anyway so ill go by my clothes and just WI occasionally. Onto day 2, looking forward to this getting easier:)
I've done day 2 and nearly day 3 now too, I think this really might be the way forward for me. I feel a little slimmer already! So when I've achieved > 30 days of eating 3 times a day only, ill add my next habit. I have a few lined up for next year

1. Eat more fruit/veg and less carbs
2. Jog daily for 20 mins
3. Do yoga for 5-10 mins daily
4. Meditate for 10 mins every night
5. Start juicing and have one daily
Well done, remember psychologists say that you need to do something 15 times (or for 15 days) for it to become habit -so you are essentially a 5th of the way there! By the way are you free to come and declutter my house :D