30 weeks and 49 pounds

4 1/2 lb off!! Really pleased. Stan is still really poorly so I've had to work from home today, he's like a screaming limpet!
How are you feeling Sarah?
Well done that's amazing! And well deserved after your saintly weekend.
I'm feeling ok thanks apart from being off my food still and my boobs feeling like it's been used as a punchbag!
Ah it's all good!
Hope stan feels better soon bless him, loads of cuddles from mum will make him better quickly
I remember that boob feeling well, when I lay on my side they used to throb! Even worse when you are getting milk after the little one is born, I looked like a porn star... they were great ;)
No tea for me, I've had a horrible evening :( had to rush Stanley to the drs as whilst changing his nappy I discovered his whole torso was covered in a rash, I was obviously panic stricken but thankfully it was only an allergic reaction to the penicillin he'd been given for his ear infection. It's still a horrible thing to happen to him but better than something that would make him really poorly. So another stressful evening and no doubt another sleepless night whilst I lay awake listening out for every breath and grunt.
I have also found out that my wonderful older sister has to go and have tests on a lump in her breast that she has found, and being 11 weeks pregnant it is stress and upset that she does not need, all in all a crappy week.
I might have some porridge later to line my very empty stomach. Hope your days have been better than mine.
Sorry to hear about your stressful evening. Hugs x
Sorry to hear about your horrible evening, glad you figured out what it was.
Sorry to hear about your sister, I'll keep my fingers crossed for her xx
No news until Monday (longest wait ever!).
Actually haven't felt sicky the last couple of days but today I'm absolutely shattered, just want to sleep. Struggling doing a full week in work at the moment, so I've booked off a few Fridays so I can work a shorter week.
Hoping it will only last the next month or so!

Any plans for the weekend hun?
Good luck for Monday x
No plans, we were going to hit the shops tomorrow but with Stan and me having a cold it's probably not a good idea, might just go for a walk later to get some fresh air. Hope you have a lovely (and quick) weekend x
28 weeks 42lbs

Well this week has been a rough one, food wise i have been good but the world sort of went crazy around me!! I had a very poorly little boy, a stressed out and upset mum and a scared sister. It would have been easy for me to give in to the temptations of chocolate and goodies but i did not. I finally feel in control of my diet and maybe its because its the only thing i really have full control of! But i lost another 2lbs this week so 6 1/2 in two weeks and i'm chuffed to bits:)
Stan is better now, my sister is currently in the clinic having tests done and hopefully by the end of the day we can all breathe a sigh of relief as we find out all is ok (fingers and toes crossed).
I had a lovely SW friendly valentines meal with my gorgeous hubby and a lovley card with a special personal message in it that brought tears to my eyes, sometimes in our hectic lives we neglect each other so it was nice to know how he feels :lilkiss:
I'm devastated, my 29 year old beautiful sister has today been diagnosed with breast cancer, she is also 11 weeks pregnant with her 3rd child. I feel like my heart has been ripped out, I feel so helpless
I'm so sorry honey. Big hugs for you and your family x
Oh no, Hannah I am so sorry! I hope she gets all the care that she needs and with the marbvel of medicine these days I really, really hope she gets better!

Lots of love to you and your family x x
Thanks for all of your kind words, I think it's just got to sink in and then we can all be strong for her and help her fight this terrible disease x
I'm sure you're right and it needs to sink in. If you ever need to vent just let me know or pm me. I know it's a terrible thing to go through x
Tishbish, Cyprus is beautiful, you will love it. I got married there in October 2010 and it was wonderful. Good luck I am sure you will reach your goal.
Evening All,

Life is pretty terrible at the moment and won't be getting any better for the foreseeable future due to my sisters cancer. My diet has serious gone out of the window and I know it won't help matters so tonight I'm going to try and do a healthy shop to re-introduce some fruit and veg back into my diet, I have no motivation to cook or shop but I'm feeling so sluggish and bloated that I know I need some goodness even if I'm still eating the bad stuff too.
I'm going to have some fruit and yogurt for breakfast tomorrow as I'm giving blood for the first time (I'm terrified of needles). I'll eat a healthyish dinner afterwards, I hope everyone else is well xx