30st 5lb Start Weight

Hi all :)

I have had a lovely christmas and I weighed this morning and despite over indulging a little, i have only gained 0.2 lbs since xmas eve. So onwards and downwards :)

How has everyone been? I'm looking forward to the beginning of the year so I can properly go for it.
We are going to have a Chinese on New Year's Eve and then I'm going to get them for a treat once a month or something. I can't give up Chinese food!!


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Wow, brilliant news!! Over the hardest temptation hopefully and all good losses from now on!
I've just changed my statistics and ticker and turned the 30 green on my signature meaning I'm
No longer that weight :)

Feels good to see the numbers changing!!

Yes I hope I'm over the worst of the temptations, next celebration is my bday in feb so not too long to wait for a treat day :) x
Well done hun :) great to be motivated isn't it. Enjoy your Chinese too! X
Well done hun, you are doing so well. i am going to have a treat once a month too. i love Chinese food xxx
Ok so food hasn't been too great the last couple of days, I haven't gone mad but I haven't logged.

Today's food:

Cooked brunch. Bacon, beans, toast and potato cakes. I don't eat eggs and I'm picky with sausages so it's less cals :)

Duncan (son) was out for tea so me and joe had a pulled pork baguette with salad and cheese. And then I had about 7 lindors :D mmmmmm love them!! I only have them at christmas so once they are finished I won't have any more!

Now totm is over I'm going to drink more water as it does definitely help with my losses.

Does anyone know if it doesn't count if you have Sugar free squash in it, and does having tea count towards your water intake? X
Any kind of drink counts, hon. As a rule I only drink hot drinks - coffee, tea, hot chocolate. I do have some squash to take medication with, but not plain water as I can't stand it! On average you need about 1.5l a day in drinks, so no need to go mad like some people seem to! :) xx
thanks Tracy i wondered about squash and teas it good to know they count.

Hershey hun your posts always motivate me as you are so positive-thank you and love your 2015 weight loss challenge thread :) xxx
I weighed today and over night I gained 5lb!! Oops :/ think the xmas indulgence has caught up with me!!

Gonna weigh weds so got 2 days to be extra good :)

I am going to properly go for it though from Thursday onwards. Apart from a new millennium, a new year is the best chance to make a fresh start :) x
I wouldn't worry too much weight fluctuates all the time :)

I am starting properly on 2nd Jan and I can't wait! Tonight we are still eating cold meats and cheeses! It never ends!!
Well done lovely :D That is an amazing achievement, not just the 8lb lost but also being so good to have a TINY gain! Well done love xxx
You will soon loose that again hun xxx
I've been a bit depressed lately. It comes and goes, I was prescribed anti depressants but they make me feel so ill that I've stopped taking them. So I'm up and down and at the moment im down.

I'm going to get nye over and done and work at getting a great loss for next Friday.

I hope everyone has a good last nigh of 2014. See you in the new year x
Sorry to hear not such a good day Hershey.
good on you for looking to the future. Tomorrow is a new day.., and a new year!!
Right then! It's a brand new year and I've just woken up (11:41) I didn't get to sleep until 5 and also i feel sick. Not because I drank too much but because yesterday I started back on my anti depressants. I'm hoping that if I can get through the first 10 days which is when the side effects are at their worst then I will feel less depressed and less likely to comfort eat.

So... This is it now! This time next year I hope to be 10 stone lighter. That's a big number but I'm starting off at a big number so hopefully it'll be fairly easy.

I must remember how I feel at this weight. Which to Be honest is pretty damn awful. Nothing is easy, i haven't left the house for 2 months, I hide away if people come to the house, I can't even face my own family. My son is 13 and I've missed out on doing so much with him because I'm just too huge.
I feel like I'm being held a prisoner in my own body and I hate it. I want to be me again. I want to go to Joe's work christmas party and I want to go on holiday, i don't want to be stared at and talked about. I want to wear nice clothes and not be bulging in them.

I also don't want to let down the two cat charities me and my friend are being sponsored to slim for. Every time I may have a bad day I must think that if I keep going I will lose weight and raise more money for them.
Joe's mum has very kindly said she will sponsor me for every stone I lose so this is extra incentive. It's really makes me want to work so hard to reach each stone.

Day 1. Let's do this x
Hello hun :) you are going to do this. It's going to be hard at times but we just got to do this! Let's all support each other and change our lives xx
Thanks for the support girls :) im feeling positive and looking forward to my first official weigh in of 2015 and of my sponsored slim :)

Good luck to all my friends too. Remember why we are doing this. It's not a race with who loses the most and by when, it's our own journey and we'll travel it together :) xx
Hi Lou! Happy new year! Glad to see you are feeling more positive. How funny that we started around the same time a couple of years ago then fell off the wagon and are both now back on it!

I'm sorry to hear you have been having a rough time of it but so pleased you are feeling positive and already seeing the numbers go down!

I know we havnt chatted in a long while but if u still have my number or are on mfp don't hesitate to message me if you want a weight loss buddy again :)

Good luck and here's to a successful 2015 x