56 days til crimbo!!!!!! 2 stone down?

talk about crap luck, not only am I suffering and slathering at the mouth cos of the fumes of my oh's prawn stir fry, my boiler is broken down and Im freezing!
Could it get any worse? also, got about 2 litres of water to get through........i hate it.
sorry to moan.....
oh moti. i'm sorry to hear that...

do you have any water flavouring? have some hot. that's what i am doing right now. i'm at work and it's freezing here too. don't want to put my coat on because then i'll be even colder outside.

ketosis cold doesn't help either does it. hope you get it fixed soon.

abz xx
Hi abz,
I cant have the flavourings till next week as i only started last monday. Im struggling with the water, badly.

gonna cook little'uns dinner then get the quilt down. What a boring day its been.
evening all!
Right now I am not a happy bunny, nothing major just my uni placement has been changed last minute from one I was really exited about to one I'm dreading!

Day 5's almost over and done with. Still finding things way too easy :/

Moti - sorry you having a bad day hun (((hugs)))

And Abz, havent seen your pics but im sure u look gorgeous!

*off to do finish up tomorrows reading - bleugh!*
honey, if you are finding it easy then count your blessings and go with the flow!!

hope the reading goes quickly :)

abz xx
Well hello all my Christmas Angels, can you believe it's only 46 days to Christmas!!? This thread must have been started 10 days and the time has just flown by! :)

Abz- Impressive pics hun, you can deffo tell and you're doing really, really well - Good on you hun!

Sarah - 9000 steps? My god, well done! Until you use a pedometer, you don't realise how little steps you do in a day... well, speaking for myself there! Just out of interest, have you got a Nintendo Ds by any chance? They have a game on there called 'my Health Coach' and it doens't let you continue on there until you've plugged the pedometer in.... I've seen the game but didn't have a pedometer, but by the sounds of it, it's good!

Moti - Aww sounds like you're having a bad day hunni, hopefully you'll get warmed up soon. It can make you feel miserable when you're cold ...((hugs)) Wrap up in your quilt and you'll be well away!

Randomgurl - So glad you're finding it easy hun, and long may it continue. Bummer about the uni, but nevermind...chin up and it may turn out better than you expected.

Well, i've had an ok day. I was a bit fed up earlier, I don't know why, but i'm craving for volu vonts and i have been for days! Even dreamt about them. I've only eaten them once in the last two years, but oh, i'd love one now! So, i'm going to have some Christmas eve.... it just can't come fast enough! lol so, to cheer me up today I've put my christmas decorations up. Christmas tree, some tinsel, twinkling lights and some snow on the door and mirror. :D Looks lovely! I know it's a bit early, but i so needed to do something that would make me feel happy... to TAH DAH! lol

Hope you're all doing well, and having a nice Sunday xx
christmas decorations?? already?? oh good grief. i haven't even thought about it!! ha. i haven't bought a single present. i have no clue where the decorations are, although i have a feeling they are in the attic. actually. i've been concentrating so much on the fact that i want to shift weight before christmas and that i can then eat something that i've kind of forgotten about everything else :S suppose i'd better start thinking about christmas shopping...

abz xx
Morning all,
Hows everyone today?
Ive had me choc mint shake and I got a pint of warm water next to me to drink. Phoned the heating company, they said they cant come till tomorrow, I said, 'but i got greasy hair and icicles hanging from my boobs' but it didn't work, they're still coming tomorrow!!
So trying to get motivated into going food shopping now.....
Hope you are all ok,
speak soon]
char X
Hi Angels,

What a bummer with the broken heating Moti, god I would have to move into the local library or something lol!! Hope you get it fixed tomorrow :)

Christmas dec's tracey... blimey!!! if i did that my son and grandson would faint with excitment lol

Sorry to hear about the rubbish uni assignemnt randomgurl, good luck with it xx

I have my coat on at work in the office abz and i have just looked outside and can here my mum's voice saying 'you won't feel the benefit of it when you get outside' lmao

Glad eveyone is posting I really love coming on here and touching base with you all..

Hugs to everyone on this miserable Monday morning,

Sarah xx
Morning all,

Oh Moti, another cold day at camp? Not good hun!! Hopefully they'll put their fingers out and get it fixed for you tomorrow... icicles from boobies is not a good look lol

Abz - only 46 sleeps mind, so hurry and get shopping!!

Sarah - lol at hearing you mums voice.. it's always the same isn't it. Things they moan at you all your life and when we get slightly older ourselves, we can still hear them, or we even preach them! Sweet tho!!

Well, it's 11:45, i've slept late. (I stay up late in the evening and sleep in) I can't get into a routine of getting up early and going to bed early. I can't wait to go back to work on Jan 29th!! Get myself back into a routine. I feel really emotional this morning :( the rain is pouring down and I don't know what's wrong with me, just totally fed up for no reason.. i think! On the upside tho, it's day 13 and all is going well with the diet, I get weighed tomorrow... I'm hoping for a good result again, but we'll see.

Hope you're all ok :)
Hi Tracey, you will get a good result, if not, don't worry, stick at it and carry on.
Ive had to get OH to hide the bathroom scales as getting obsessed with weighing myself.
Gonna wait till saturday and only get weighed by CDC.
Tracey sorry to read that your feeling a bit down today, good luck with your WI, I bet you will have a wonderful result.
You'll have done great tomorrow Tracey, i can feel it in my water and my water is never wrong lmao :)

I WI on Saturday too Moti and I am determined to get a MASSIVE one this week :) Lets doooo iiiiitttttt !!

Watch out abz, if your hot i am likely to cuddle you like a hot water bottle lol

Sarah x
Water water thats the key, they say, but then you I have to keep weeing and that means my nether regions get cold, convinced I will weeing ice cubes by the end of the day, sorry just let me know if its too much information,lol.
Congrats to all on your weight losses.
Every time I pee I imagine I am peeing out the fat lol.... It is a great mental image :)

Sarah x
Go Sarah.. I reckon you'll have a massive weight loss this week too hun, you seem really determined!

I can't get motivated, but my head is saying for me to get cracking with as much exercise as I can and the weight will drop off even faster, so the 'under 20st' barrier will be here quicker so I can finally... FINALLY, be on the right road :D
LOL - Sarah now that you've said that, it's going to be hard not to imagine it!

Guys, i don't know if you want it, by my addy is [email protected] for facebook. :D I was meant to give it the other day when the subject had arisen.