56 days til crimbo!!!!!! 2 stone down?

Yeah... it was a pretty good weekend... though I realized when I was going out my top was a LOT shorter than I had thought and felt a wee bit self concious.... there should be some pics on facebook real soon :D

*Hopefully* its the first of many! I wasn't sure what to say though! Wierdly enough I shrugged and said my weight always goes up and down some... I guess i'm still not ready to proudly admit im on a diet to everyone!

What times your WI hun? I bet you'll have done great!
wishing you luck for your weigh ins
I've just been weighed... I lost 6lbs this week and feel GREAT!!

I love weigh days when I've lost, it's a great feeling, hmm during the week though I think i'm a right old moody cow lol

So, only 18lbs more and i'll be 19st 13! lol :D Can't wait!!! Hopefully, fingers crossed it 'could' be by Christmas, but I don't mind waiting the extra week or 2 if not.

Thanks for the support girlies, couldn't do this without you.
Tracey thats great!!!! Your doing so well - at this rate you'll smash your x-mas target!

As for me.... I'm pretty pleased too... I felt for sure I'd end up gaining or losing 1lb this week - but I managed 3 1/4 .... which brings me to 14.10 1/4 .... so definately still on track!
Well done hun :D That's brilliant...YAY! WELL DONE

Hey... have a good night out every week chick, it's working lol

I'm sure we'll all be pleased by Christmas :) Well done :D
wow. everyone's doing so well!! except me... the friend i met last night asked if she could treat me to dinner so we went for tapas as i knew i could pick and choose there. so i had a wee chicken skewer and a side salad. but there were hidden carbs in there somewhere as i feel absolutely awful this morning. hence being out of bed already!! so gluggity glug and hoping that maybe it will kickstart my body a bit. even though it was accidental, as the scales still aren't moving *sigh*.

abz xx
wow those weight losses are good you two well done
abz sorry to hear you are not feeling ok stick with it it has to fall off soon and then you will be so pleased you never gave up look at how far you have come you should be proud i hope you are feeling better soon by the way when is weigh day
monday is weigh in day. fortnightly weigh this time and the scales haven't moved for two weeks. hoping that this week they may suddenly plummet!!

abz xx
Hi all,
Well done on your lossess, 6lb Tracey, bet your well chuffed!!
Well, I been so stupid yesterday and binged for Britian, but not gonna dwell on it and am starting again. Im dreading telling my CDC. I get weighed on Saturday and am dreading that too. Not been toilet in a few days either.
God, don't I moan¬:confused:
Hope you feel ok today Moti?

Am really trying to focus on the 2 stone by Christmas goal today - only thing stopping me eating somthing naughty!
well done Tracey on your 6lb loss - clever girl !! You should be very proud of yourself.
Well I nearly cheated tonight, I was just so desperate to eat something, not at all hungry but really wanted to eat. But fortunately before that I decided to go and try on a dress I have for a works dinner dance in 3 weeks time (we all stay at the hotel too, so bit of a weekend away).. it looks okay but could still do with loosing a bit more weight ........ it was all the motivation I needed to stay on track... came back downstrairs and made myself a hot tetra ... I really want to feel comfortable in my dress and I think need to have shifted another 7 lbs or so to do it...
Had an odd night considering I'm doing CD. I went to my homegroup tonight and the study was on fasting - funny considering...ok, so I'm doing it for completely different reasons but...
I was invited out to curry on Sunday night and not sure what I will do yet. I was wondering if I could eat tandoori chicken or chicken tika with salad and leave the sauce. Anyone know if that's allowed/kicks you out of ketosis?

I bought a skirt which now fits (only two weeks in!) and enjoying wearing something other than very big jeans.

Weigh in tomorrow - fingers crossed. My weight seems to vary by about 6 or 7lb from first thing in the morning till the evening.
well done dancing queen!! i have a dress hung up in my wardrobe that i am going to try on again today and hopefully have my pic taken in it.

chicken tikka does bring some people out of ketosis, as does tandoori chicken. some people are lucky. it's up to you whether you want to risk it hon. and also whether you will be able to stop at that. i went out for tapas the other night and had a chicken skewer and salad and felt awful afterwards. don't know if i knocked myself out of ketosis for a bit but my body certainly didn't thank me for it.

totm has turned up for me today after two weeks of waiting for the bloody thing. so now i feel all bloated and bleurgh. not good since i want that photo in that dress. so i'm hoping it still fits. i was also wanting to go and try on some size 16 trousers today on the offchance that they fit.. but with my tummy the size that it is... i think that's a really bad idea!!

abz xx
Oh abz what rubbish timing for totm. Pics with the dress and trying on size 16 trousers was such a good idea for a pick me up. Hope this means that in a few days time you will finally see the last week or two's weight loss begin to show.
ha. i really hope so. i am back down to the lightest i've been... have been going up and down a couple of lbs for the last fortnight, so hopefully from tomorrow the scales will be going permanently downwards!! even if it was just a quarter of a lb then at least it would be in the right direction!! saying that, i'm hoping for more than a lb. ha.

i can feel my chest getting complainey. hope i'm not going to get a chest infection. they really knock me sideways. i'm a bit coughey too. looks like winter is well and truly here!!

i might try the trousers in any case. and the dress pics will happen... i just may look a little swollen in them, ha.

abz xx
Today I reallllly just want to eat!!!!!

I had some tuna, and all my CD meals and its not even 6pm yet... someone scew my mouth shut -- quick!!!
No screws I'm afraid randomgurl!

I've just had my second weigh and have lost 4lb bringing it to a toal of 1 stone! I've booked in for my weigh-ins before Christmas and the last one is Tuesday 23 December - one more stone needed!
come on randongurl you can do this you have been doing so well lately i know its hard if all your packs have gone try drinking hot water with flavouring in that can sometimes fill you up
Abz just saw your dress photos hey look great i love the dress i hope all is well with everyone else my day has been ok i am on day 2 of no cigerettes its been quite hard all i think about id food cigarettes food cigarettes yes sad i know but i am trying to quit now so i dont put weight on eating more thats my logic anyway i bought yet another dress today OMG cant stop spending hehe in a size 16 again its gorgeous and it FITS PERFECT !!! my xmas party is on 11 th dec so when i go out i promise i will put up my before and during pictures getting quite excited really going to get my hair cut nails done and wear makeup for the first time in god knows when should look presentable