5ft 6 gals what's your goal/size goal

I'm in Norfolk hunny, my sister is in Hertfordshire and hers is moving soo fast!! (I wish mine would hurry up!!)
I'm in Scotland but my boobs have headed south so much I think they think they still live in the south of England ;)
teehee.. glad we can joke about our err assets lol

Deffo try it hun, speak with doc, may find your able to get it! I never knew it was possible till someone messaged me on here saying nhs funding was still available!
Maybe I will. I used to get terrible rashes all the time but that seems to have stopped since I wore better supporting bras and used a variety of creams and powders to get rid of it. I dare say I could get it to flare up again though if needs be ;). I'm not adverse to paying though to be honest but I'd like the doc to recommend somewhere really. You hear lots of scary stories on the net.
I had mine done on nhs and recently went back to the doctors about it since the've gone a bit dodgy. Had them done 7 years ago. Got appointment for review so its worth going and see :)
Agreed its worth a try or them recommending a surgeon

I've got a recommendation for one locally, may go ahead and book a private consult with her, just get somethin moving forwards

Taking painkillers daily for it at the moment, can't sit for long even on sofa upper back so sore. Laying front down only relief I get.

I use dettol soap, happy rash cream and then liquid talc to help with the skin issues.

(Should rename this thread big boobie thread lol)

I use dettol soap, happy rash cream and then liquid talc to help with the skin issues.

(Should rename this thread big boobie thread lol)


I haven't heard of liquid talc, I'll look it up. I use nappy rash cream too, and unperfumed talc, and some medicated talc when things start flaring up - seems to be keeping it at bay anyway. Bloody painful and sore when it gets bad. Guess we should have had this topic on the big bra thread :).
I am 5ft 6 and am aiming for 11st, previously at this weight I was a size 12 and this was great
am currently 14st 3, - 4 st down, and 4 to go ......... currently size 14 on top, 16 on bottom
Just been reading your posts about breast reductions.........god I would love one. Mine are horrible. I'm currently a 40J and going from your posts I need to get to a 30 or less BMI to have them reduced. I think I'll be here for a while people
when you have all had breast reductions can I use your bits to make mine bigger ???? when I got down to near my goal weight last time I had gone from a 42 DD to a 36 B :( husband was not impressed and he thinks I should stick where I am now ( 12 stone 4) as my boobs are a nice size !!!!

Anyway - I am 5'6'' and I got down to 10 stone 13 before ( the lightest I have been since that age of about 9 !!) and was starting to look too skinny , at that weight I was a size 12 but my hip bones were sticking out the sides and my ribs were bigger than my wasit .... I have a wide back and wide hips so no amount or dieting will make me any 'narrower ' so I am aiming for 11 stone and then hoping to tone my saggy apron up !!! after 2 kids , 1 c section and a lifetime of being big and loosing 8 stone ... its a bit saggy ... so a tummy tuck would be my surgery of choice !!!!
I'm a bit late but a good thread so I thought I would give it a bit of a bump :). I'm 5ft 6" and I'm aiming for 10st 7lbs which should make me a 10/12 top and a 12/14 bottom as I'm pear shaped and my thighs have their own government :D.
I'm 5'5 and am aiming for 9stone 7 have got 2stone 7 left to loose. I haven't been anywhere near that weight in 8 years!! It's just a waiting game now.
I've thought about it and decided on going a bit lower, ill be inactive after op so a bit of a leway be nice

8 clean to 8,4 I would be happy with
This is such an interesting thread, it's amazing to see how different we all are. I'm a little under 5'6" - unfortunately I don't carry my weight wel! At my biggest I was 16st 10lb and a size 24top/26bottom. Currently i'm 12st 4lb and a 16top/18bottom. I would LOVE to wear size 12 jeans, i'm guessing that I would be in a size 10 top! No idea what weight I would have to be though because even when I was 2 stone less than I am now I couldn't get into a size 14.
Hi, I'm 5 feet 7 3/4 starting weight 21 stones 5 and a size 22 top 24 btm. As I'm so big I think I'll probably change my mind a few times, at my thinnest I was a 12 top 14 btm and weighed about 9 stones 7 .... Aim for now is 12 stones and a size 16.... Oh and my chest deflates faster than anything else !!
I'm 5ft 7.5 and I'd like to be around 11stone 7 as that's kinda a healthy bmi for me.I'd be around size 14 at that weight which id be happy with as I'm tall I carry weight really well.iv not been below 12stone for over 6 years!
I'm 5'4" and I'm initially aiming for 10 stone. I'd like to get into a size 12 again, so may need to push for 9 1/2 stone. I'm knocking 40 now, and would look ill if I tried to get back to the weight I was in my 20's (Around 8 stone)
I have said 9st 7 lbs but I think that is probably unrealistic for me as the last time I was that low or below I was in my late teens! The lowest I have been since then is 9st 11 lbs at age 28 - I felt great but also thought I could do with losing another 5 lbs. I am now 39 though. Compared to now I think I will feel pretty fab at 11 st - I have been close to that a couple of time in my thirties so I know that is realistic but probably not ideal.