63stone teen cut from house, stranded in bed

This may seem harsh, but can she not be sectioned? People with anorexia can be sectioned under the mental health act and they then get the appropriate care away from distractions etc.

Im trying to put my personal feelings aside as to who is to blame for this, and i have my opinions! But surely, in the long run, taking her away and dealing with all the issues, mental and physical would be more beneficial than just putting her on a diet or telling her to exercise more.
I actually don't think that's harsh at all. I think she would really benefit from it. Provided she was placed somewhere appropriate to her age and needs, she is after all, at risk of self-harm, so it would be a reasonable thing to consider doing, I think.
I agree. She's clearly mentally ill and putting her on an extreme diet and telling her what she is doing to herself is not going to make any difference. I'm sure she knows. And I'm sure she's got to a point where death feels like a better option than being trapped where she is now.

She needs proper psychiatric help.
I can't help but feel incredibly sad for her :( She is obviously very ill and needs help. It hasn't helped that her mum fed her what she wanted but, being a parent myself I can understand wanting to give your child what they want. I do feel so sad for her, she needs help.
Well, I never thought I could change, but I am. Day by day, week by week. It took me until I was in my very late 20s before I finally took ownership of my weight problems. I wish this young lady all the very best. She succeeded before, hopefully she will again. I'm sure most people on minis have lost their extra weight, only to regain it plus a load more, she isn't all that different. I'd personally love to be able to give her some positivity and encouragement, it must be so hard to get on track when you're in her situation. I'm not sure I'd have the fight in me.
This person lives not to far away from me. About 20 minute drive. Her story's been plastered all over the papers and news :(
This person lives not to far away from me. About 20 minute drive. Her story's been plastered all over the papers and news :(

I can't imagine how hard all this press must be for her. I feel driven to find a way to write to her or something. Just to let her know that not everyone has given up hope for her. Poor girl needs some decent support IMO. I wouldn't have come this far without someone supporting me and keeping me on track.
Poor girl :( I know the blame is being tossed around, but I think it cant be solely put on one individual. Her mother greeting her with a pile of fish and chips was, in my eyes, completely ridiculous and a disgusting thing to do, but a lot of people use food as a way to show love - maybe thats what she was doing?
I would never blame my mum for my size - after all, I controlled what went in my mouth. I was being fed healthy, balanced meals, but I'd sneak extra food; the reason I got to my size is because of me. Georgia seems to be shifting the blame to everyone but herself, and I don't think she'll ever get healthy until she accepts her part in it :( I hope for her sake she does x
When you read that article it says that shes actually lost about 20 stone so far. How fabulous in such a short space of time. She must be feeling so much better already. Good for her. Her medical team have said they are "in it for the long haul" which is great too - hopefully now she can achieve her goals and get herself to a healthy weight. Some of those diary entries broke my heart - but she is doing SO well - I really hope this is the turning point for her and she gets both the medical and psychological help to get the weight off AND keep it off long term.
It is great she getting support and improving her quality of life, shame it had to take such drastic measures to get there. I hope she does well and she has a better life as a result of it :D
Such a sad story but hopefully this time it can have a happier ending.

Completely off topic, but MadameLaMinx I love your sig quote!
i agree and wish her all the luck in the world. i hope she can stay strong and overcome this.

to answer the original question, yes she deserves sympatgy. we r all on a weight loss journey no matter where we started and what our reasons where. its not about blame but being able to get to get to your destination which ever way is best for you.