8 stone to lose, could do with a buddy!

Lol at the moment I seem to have no choice but to do it in intervals since I can't seem to run!

Cal counting is going well. Quite like it :)
maybe just losing motivation? week on sunday!! :D excited yet? xx
Lol not losing motivation I still loooooove running :) enough to get up at 6.30am to go for one lol. Need to sort out breathing and pace to make things a bit easier I think. Can't wait for the race :)
Awesome run!! Last couple have been tough but this one was great. Focussing on breathing really made a difference!
Glad ur still loving running :) hope calorie counting helps x
Hope things are going well mate, going to watch Devil inside tonight even tho I've read loads of bad reviews about it, you been yet?
Yeah. Most rubbish boring film ever. Worst ending ever. Hated it, total waste of money! Rubbish rubbish rubbish!!

My knee is dodgy, and I feel the beginning of shin splints left leg :( race this sunday!
oh no! whatre you going to do about your shin splints / knee? x
Oh dear :( take care of ur injuries.. My mate ran through it and may not run again x
Probs not gonna run through the week, just the race. But will just wait and see. Just sat on exercise bike now. Knackered lol
you looking forward to it? I am :)
anything around the 40-45min mark i think :) im really not a fast runner but i want to run as much of it as I can, and then there are some more 5k events that I want to take part in later in the year to build on my first time :)

i really think Race for Life should have mixed events as well.. its like theyre saying men have never been affected by breast cancer.. because they couldnt possibly have lost anyone to breast cancer or known anyone who's suffered with it.. ridiculous :p
Good luck for race :)
you are right mate, ***** film wasn't helped by the noisy *******s talking all film.
everyone was talking all the way through it, then at the end you could just sense the dissapointment from everyone how **** it was.
Good luck for the race, I hope your leg is better by then! x
Hope it's gone well :) x