A good start

Thanks busy mum I am finding it hard today but have to keep it up for me will checkin later just about to my first shake today have been sipping on water for the last 3hrs
Hey Michelle,

You are doing brilliant. I'm in the same boat and from Cork too!!! 2 weeks down for me and weigh in tomorrow.

My motivation at the moment is being sick and tired of fighting my weight and feeling crap all the time. Confidence is low and I need to fix that. Completely in my head about my weight, so want to sort it once and for all. My end goal is to fix my issues with food. Anything I do revolves around food, which seems completely crazy. Good weather, I immediately put on the BBQ. Out for a walk, where can I go for a cuppa and something nice. Trip to Dublin, all the nice restaurants etc. So I want to get out of this stupid routine I have..... hubby is the same, so need to get him out of that way of thinking, although he doesn't have an ounce to lose... typical!!!

Anyways, would be great to support each other and maybe plot a maintenance plan and have a buddy system when we come off Lipotrim, what do you think?

Hey Michelle,

You are doing brilliant. I'm in the same boat and from Cork too!!! 2 weeks down for me and weigh in tomorrow.

My motivation at the moment is being sick and tired of fighting my weight and feeling crap all the time. Confidence is low and I need to fix that. Completely in my head about my weight, so want to sort it once and for all. My end goal is to fix my issues with food. Anything I do revolves around food, which seems completely crazy. Good weather, I immediately put on the BBQ. Out for a walk, where can I go for a cuppa and something nice. Trip to Dublin, all the nice restaurants etc. So I want to get out of this stupid routine I have..... hubby is the same, so need to get him out of that way of thinking, although he doesn't have an ounce to lose... typical!!!

Anyways, would be great to support each other and maybe plot a maintenance plan and have a buddy system when we come off Lipotrim, what do you think?


Thanks Orla
i really needed this I was just about to cave in but you have help me through it well done on your first week great weight loss.
it is hard as my second son is home sick at the moment and he is looking for food during the day also I am finding I am hungry more today as in my tummy keeps rumbling.
oh well 2liter of water down if I can just hold till 3 for my second shake I will be fine
Just imagine you stepping on the scales in a couple of days and you'll be half a stone lighter and one more week later another half a stone. I tried counting calories myself and doing ww at home. Havent' lost a pound and there is always an excuse... I promise I have used every one. Take this as your time now for fixing your food demons and loving your body. Its gotta be tough with your little one sick and eating, but visualize how you want to be and food is a minor issue. The cravings and rumbling tummy will go away, if you eat you are gonna be back to square one and worse still, you'll feel guilty after you eat the food. I always remember when I gave up cigerettes, the craving is all of 3 minutes, if you let it pass you will be fine again. The same applies to food. If you eat something you will get a 30/60 second kick, but if you stay focused you will have a fab body and that my friend is priceless.

I know you can do this!! Let me know if I can help in any way. I'm in the same boat as you btw so counseling myself as typing. Broke a bone in my leg and been stuck in the house for the last 9 weeks. But determined this time to sort my weight can't do much about the leg at the moment.... Physio will help with that.
Good luck for tomorrow!!! Will be checking in on your progress!!! :p
Day 9 gone feeling ok. Love chocolate shakes and strawberry shakes. Detest flapjacks and soup. Gonna try and do 4 weeks tto begin with
Just imagine you stepping on the scales in a couple of days and you'll be half a stone lighter and one more week later another half a stone. I tried counting calories myself and doing ww at home. Havent' lost a pound and there is always an excuse... I promise I have used every one. Take this as your time now for fixing your food demons and loving your body. Its gotta be tough with your little one sick and eating, but visualize how you want to be and food is a minor issue. The cravings and rumbling tummy will go away, if you eat you are gonna be back to square one and worse still, you'll feel guilty after you eat the food. I always remember when I gave up cigerettes, the craving is all of 3 minutes, if you let it pass you will be fine again. The same applies to food. If you eat something you will get a 30/60 second kick, but if you stay focused you will have a fab body and that my friend is priceless.

I know you can do this!! Let me know if I can help in any way. I'm in the same boat as you btw so counseling myself as typing. Broke a bone in my leg and been stuck in the house for the last 9 weeks. But determined this time to sort my weight can't do much about the leg at the moment.... Physio will help with that.
Good luck for tomorrow!!! Will be checking in on your progress!!! :p

Thanks Orla
i have been finding it hard but I have come through it but still not in ketosis and on day 5 just having my 1st liter of water and 1st shake in an hr hoping today will be better.

Sorry to hear about your leg must be hard on you hope it improves soon good luck to you also
Great to hear you are after coming through the tough patch. Keep doing it and imagine us skinny *****es parading around Cork like we owned it!!! (anytime I have lost weight I feel a million dollars :p!!!
Had my weigh in this morning, only 3.5 lbs... bit disappointed but TOTM, so will get over it. I am looking at the longer term loss as opposed to individual week losses, they all even out me thinks!!!

Good luck for today!!
Well done Orla 3.5lbs is great in your 3rd week you have over a stone down so 1 less to go :woohoo:
Hi Michelle, how was today?
Today was a good still not in katosis so not very happy as I am in bed now because my husband is down stair eating and having a few drinks. Oh how I long for a cold glass of white wine mmmm.

Ah we'll plenty of time for that but for now it's wAter all the way.

How did you day go Orla?
Kinda struggling this evening. Same as yourself, hubby had a few glasses of wine, some munchies and my dad was sitting with us watching a movie munching chocolate and fairy cakes (that I baked earlier).... tough evening, but still on plan. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be in the zone again.

I can't believe you aren't in ketosis....have you checked with the chemist.. It normally happens on day three.. stinky breath is how I know at the beginning. Glad to say it has died down now.

Ps When I am dieting I love baking.... love torturing myself : )

Well bed for me now, having my cuppa and looking forward to day 16 tomorrow.... Have a good one!
Still not in in ketosis and I am on day 6 I have the bad breath but the stick are saying no and I am so hungry this time round

I really didn't think it would be so hard in bed again since 9.30 as I just want food but I won't give in

I did have a little look at the scales tonight because if I didn't I would have got take away and down 8lbs so far and I don't weight till Monday :)
Dying to hear your news Today!!! Good luck Michelle, rooting for you!!!
Hey Orla today I am down 11.6lbs so happy can't stop smiling at myself still very tired and caving food alo very hungry at night but I will keep going for me
OMG Michelle!!!! WOW WOW WOW... very jealous and very happy for you!!!
Keep it going, see what happens when you stick to the plan

Can't wait to see your progress. FIngers crossed I have a good loss
PS you must have been in ketosis :p
Hi Elizat, didn't even acknowledge your weight loss.... well done you!!!!!!!!! another Wow wow wow
Thanks Orla I have to watch my water intake as last time if I drank even half a liter over I would knock myself out of ketosis still here and still 100%
How much water knocks you out? i'm taking between 3 - 3.5lts and hoping this is the right amount???
So worried I don't get a good loss this week, I don't feel the weight shifting like the first time I was on this plan a couple of years ago, but I am not moving much during the day, so probably to do with that :confused:
Nervous Nervous Nervous this week but still focused 100% just worried the plan won't work for me because of my injury. eeeeeeek
I have moved my weigh in to Monday next week, took 3 extra days worth of Lipotrim as I can't make the appt. on Friday so at least I'll have 10 days worth of weight loss which should be good.
Water won't knock you out of ketosis!!! It just won't happen. Carbs and citric acid will but water don't.

If people are using the very unreliable ketostix they might give a negative reading if you've been drinking a lot. That doesn't mean you're not in ketosis it means the ketones are very diluted and not showing on the sticks. Remember the sticks aren't designed for Vlcds

If its the ketostix that make you think you're no longer in ketosis then bin them. They're an un necessary waste of money