Step 1 Sole Source A rarity... A bloke :)

Boom! Super chuffed 10lbs off this week! Just got back from a cross country run with my dogs, we got covered in mud!! :)

Half term for me, and 2 inches off my waist and stomach :) :)
tomnkatesmum said:
Wow, half term obviously does you wonders... Huge congrats mate, I'm dead chuffed for you! You are truly rocking this diet!! :)

Half term is good, means I can get outside and run in the day light :) I'm proper chuffed too, this diet does seem to work for me :) although I'm sure It will slow down soon. I would be happy with 2/3 lbs a week until December 4th, that Would mean I would still hit my goal way early.

I never expected to loose this much this fast, i thought 3 stone in 3 months was going to be amazing, and I have done 4 in 2 months lol.

Saying all of that I respect you more for doing things the way you are, I don't think I could stay as positive as you are if I had smaller loses. But you are, and you are loosing so its win win! Just remember Egypt and the beach :)
yeah, you keep trying to make me feel better by saying your weight loss will slow down.... it doesn't work, your rocking this diet!!!! I'm on the computer, so can see your stats and you are doing amazing!!! i reckon you have a damn good chance of being at goal for christmas!!! Wow, wouldn't that be a fab present!! =0)

trust me i keep repeating egypt and the beach, mantra style!!! to keep me going.... some days are hard, especially when it feels the scales aren't moving, but this has got so much easier recently (hopefully i am not talking to soon) and the days appear to be flying by!!!

Today i baked my little girls birthday cake and decorated it!!! i can honestly say, once i got butter on my finger and i licked the tiniest bit, before i even realised what i was doing.... and do you know what, all i tasted was salt!!! it was disgusting and really put me off trying anything else... so i ended up making the rest of the cake, and decorating it, withHUGE amounts of butter cream icing, (getting covered in it) and i DID NOT taste a bit!!!! as you can probably tell, i'm feeling quite proud of myself... i thought i might cave in with cake and icing!!! It was so worth it though, my little girl was delighted... not sure if you saw the picture but she had an enormous grin and said she can't wait to show it to her friends and eat a piece! =0)

So i will stay strong tomorrow at the party, which might be hard as we have mountains of goodies.... but then its weigh day monday, and I WILL GET MY 2 STONE this week!!!!!! (I hope)

really looking forward to seeing these pictures by the way, when you posting them up?
just uploading it now... gimmie a min :)
Bayboy totally amazing pics. You are very brave I still haven't looked at myself in a full length mirror yet lol:)

You should be very proud of yourself
Bayboy totally amazing pics. You are very brave I still haven't looked at myself in a full length mirror yet lol:)

You should be very proud of yourself

Thankyou.. 9th weigh in tomorrow, excited. Aiming for a conservative 3lbs.
so had my weigh in this afternoon, lost an inch off my waist, tummy and 1/2 inch off my chest.

only lost 2lbs, but am happy :)

cdc has put me on SS+ as i have lost so much, and in theory will loose at least another stone on the way back to normal eating. So have fish and spinach for tea tonight!

how was your weigh in?
Well done! And lucky you having real food again!

I lost 2.5lb! I'm now done over the 2 stone and only just over a pound away from the 12s!

Really pleased, had my measurements done and since the start I've lost 17 inches! :)
2.5lb, thats fantastic and well done on your 2 stone!!

17 Inches is amazing, im guessing thats all measured places added up? You where never big enough to loose 17 round your waist.....? If you were, WOW you looked great with it.

I wasnt sure about going to SS+ but just had my steamed fish, pepper, spinach and radish (odd combo i know) and i couldnt even get through half of it. I split my 80g allowance across the 3 different veg types. And believe me, the fish allowance is a lot!

Tomorow looks as though im going to have a chicken and veg omelette. again, splitting my protein allowance over 2 different types. Very full now, and SLEEPY!

Very worried about the next few weeks, but i will get through :)
Bayboy said:
2.5lb, thats fantastic and well done on your 2 stone!!

17 Inches is amazing, im guessing thats all measured places added up? You where never big enough to loose 17 round your waist.....? If you were, WOW you looked great with it.

I wasnt sure about going to SS+ but just had my steamed fish, pepper, spinach and radish (odd combo i know) and i couldnt even get through half of it. I split my 80g allowance across the 3 different veg types. And believe me, the fish allowance is a lot!

Tomorow looks as though im going to have a chicken and veg omelette. again, splitting my protein allowance over 2 different types. Very full now, and SLEEPY!

Very worried about the next few weeks, but i will get through :)

Thank you, I'm delighted! Yes the 17 inches is from hips,.waist, chest, arms and legs... My biggest loss is 6 and a half inches of my hips! So chuffed!

Wow, sounds like a lot of delicious food... This diet shrinks our stomachs so its not surprising you struggled to eat it all... Sounds yum... Well be interested to see how you get on this week... I've heard or shouldn't make a difference but I'm not willing to try yet... I'm planning to continue ssing till December at least, probably 6 more weeks assuming it continues going okay!

You'll have to let me know how you go this week :) enjoy eating again... You lucky thing!
Well my first week of ss+. Pretty daunting believe me, but lost 7lbs :)

Can't complain
Thats bloody brilliant

What sort of Dinners you having?


meat ration is half tuna and cottage cheese,
veg ration is radish, spinach, lettuce leaves, pepper and a splash of balsamic vinegar

but alternate with chicken omelette with spinach and pepper
another is steamed fish with broccoli, cauliflower and pickled red cabbage
another 4lbs gone this week :)
Really brilliant we'll done you. How'd you get on this week with meals

loving meals, loving life, loving the losses! :) could not be happier.

How is everyone else doing? Just bought myself some 34" waist trousers today as my 36" trousers have got to big. So i have gone from a 42" waist to a 34" waist in just under 12 weeks.... well chuffed.

jules, well done on your losses, just looking at your stats and they are great :)