Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

it does taste different. but diet coke has citric acid in it which can apparently knock you out of ketosis although i would imagine you'd have to have more than the odd can. and all fizzy drinks are supposed to give you the munchies... so it's a bit of an experiment really...
I didnt know fizzy drinks give you the munchies :S I always feel bloated on them and therefore feel fuller :S humm I am gonna check when I have one later, see if i run to the snack machine :S
When i did CD Coke Zero definately gave me the munchies.....

:) Hi Hun *wave*

So tired huh? Well you shouldnt be out partying at every spare moment......lol......if only that were true huh?

Im knackered too and ive just had a day off! xx
well being able to sleep would help. cd certainly hasn't done my sleep patterns any good. i seem to get the 'having less sleep' bit without the 'needing less sleep' bit. am shattered...

another late night tonight but i'm off tomorrow so i'll be able to fall back to sleep if possible. and if impossible i can nap later, ha.

abz xx
coke zero was made as a version of diet coke for men it was meant to look more macho,, so i heard anyway.

Keep going abz your doing great damage limitation is better than caving in to the cravings
No good for aliens then Kazzy?
Well jim wouldnt that depend on wether they were macho aliens or not pmsl
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I don't think our abz is Macho Kazzy, mind, I haven't met her yet. :)
who are you calling macho?? alienesque i can do... macho? not so much.

am going to scrap the cinema idea i think. just checked our account and it is totally empty. and other than that i don't think i'm going to be able to stay awake that long. will see...
I went to the cinema last weekend and watched a grown up film (nornally only get to see kids films) 'angels and demons' it was fantastic , would highly recommend it.xx
i really don't fancy it for some reason... but then i wasn't impressed with the da vinci code, book or film...

i am starting to feel really really really sick, even though i'm not eating... i really hope i'm not coming down with something...
i fancy seeing angels and demons but i enjoyed da vinci code so much i even played the game lol,,, i fancy coraline aswell it looks like it could be a little creepy for a kids film lol
well after reading this post im off to cinema tonite to see angels and demons with my daughter lol wooohoooooo lol