Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Aww bless ya, sucks you're so tired. Hopefully the "needing less kip" will hit eventually. In the meantime, herbal teas on a night'll help you get to sleep quicker, so at least the sleep stores will be filling up more.

Out of interest, how are your iron levels?

Shame about cinema. It's so expensive nowadays! If you're knackered, a night in will be cheaper and you won't feel guilty falling asleep in front of The Apprentice!

I wanna see "Angels and Demons". I've read the whole set of books and I'm waiting for the new one to come out in paper-back. I really enjoyed the books and the film of The Da Vinci Code was good. I have heard that Angels and Demons is nothng like the book so to go with an open mind.

I still wanna see Rosslyn Chapel - the sculpture there looks awesome! My grandfather on my mum's side was a stone-mason so I would appreciate the work that goes into it x
Good morning everyone hows u feeling today abi.

Angels and demons was really good much better than da vinci code and i enjoyed that lol, like u gem ive read all the books aswell,, id say angels and demons is like the book but as per all films made from books there is artistic licence but all in all a good film
Hi Kazzy, morning everyone.
Good morning everyone hows u feeling today abi.

Angels and demons was really good much better than da vinci code and i enjoyed that lol, like u gem ive read all the books aswell,, id say angels and demons is like the book but as per all films made from books there is artistic licence but all in all a good film

i thought it was better than the 'devinci code' too.

morning abz and all.xx
Morning abz, how many weeks left for the wedding now? ;)
good morning everyone. i'm still feeling a bit naff but a bit better too. i was going to do loads of stuff today, but you know what? i fancy a 'f*ck it all and do nothing' day... so i think i'm going to have one of those :) i woke up too late to ring for a docs appointment to get my mri results in any case so i'll do that on tuesday. and all the things i was going to go into town for can be done on the weekend.

so i'm off into warhammer online land for a bit :)

didn't go to the cinema. went straight home from my mates house. thomas grumbled a bit but since by the time we got home i could barely keep my eyes open he conceded, ha. and then, of course, i couldn't get to sleep and was awake until after 11... *sigh*. slept until around 8 after OH went to work though so at least that's something.

abz xx
had a nice lie in then abz, enjoy your day love.
am still feeling naffish. i have a feeling if i was active i would feel awful. am catching up on the biggest loser :)
enjoy taking it easy for the day
well i have to do at least 20 minutes on my exercise bike today if i'm going to keep my promise to my cdc, ha.

have just seen a lighter life advert. i didn't know they had those!!

abz xx
ive never seen an advert for them maybe a new thing let the world know about them
oh good grief. have just done the first of four prescribed 20 minute sessions on my exercise bike. and i went full whack. and now i need to collapse...

abz xx
Glad you're doing a little better, hun. You'll get there, and at least you've got today to recover.

Heh, a screw everything day sounds wonderful! Here's the weekend! Enjoy lounging :)

Oh yays! Well done on the exercise bike! Now you've got the 20 minutes in, you'll be able to definitely put your feet up and chill.

Screw everything day ;)
well, you guys certainly put it more politely than i did :)

have now also had a bath and upgraded my warhammer account. unfortunatley this seems to mean that it has to patch itself all over again... which is more than a little irritating.

have just got out the bath. have been reading a book in said bath. bit disturbing though. it's a crime novel and not the kind i usually read but i need to get to the end now to see how it turns out... i have the feeling that this isn't a happy ending kind of book...
always good to broaden the horizons reading wise lol,, well done on the 20 mins on the bike, and enjoy the rest of yourday
What can I say? Oh so polite :D

The bath'll have done no end of good! Glad you got chance for a nice soak and a read. Though crime novels rarely end well. Enjoy it regardless; nothing better than a book that completely engrosses you.

good morning guys. i'm feeling pretty awful today. i think this total lack of energy is really starting to take it's toll. i'm thinking of startingn to move up the plans next week instead of in two weeks' time as the scales still aren't really moving and i can't afford to keep this up if it doesn't work. it's so expensive. also, i'm not sure i could handle feeling this way for another fortnight. but it feels like giving up.

those size 16s, well, there's no chance in hell they'll be fitting me before my wedding now. and i'm really gutted about that after all the effort i've been putting in :( but i can but keep slogging.

am going to keep going until i see my cdc on monday. i've been doing cambridge for six weeks today and my loss is totally naff. less than a stone :(

maybe if i move up the plans my metabolism will get a kick up the butt and start moving again?

it has been a year since i started torturing myself with this and although i am indeed 3 stones lighter, and i have messed about a bit, i really do feel like i should have been at goal. when i've stuck to it i've STUCK to it, and when i've had to come off it because we simply couldn't afford it i put on 3lb in 3 months... so i just don't get it. i think my body hates me :(

abz xx