Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

have realised that OH is 31 in just over a month. and have been looking up the carbs in cava. looks like i might just get away with it if i'm careful, and especially if i've moved onto OWL... but it just occurred to me that i didn't even consider not following the diet. usually i would have planned a break.. and who knows, in a month's time, i might, but it didn't occur to me, which i think is rather astonishing...
perhaps. or perhaps it's because i can eat, or just that i don't want to be above what i got down to. i'm really hoping to get rid of the squatters quickly... and let's face it. it's only day three. there's still plenty of novelty to be had...

abz xx
all hail the novelty lol
Morning abz. How are you today love.
hey everyone. day off so i've been avoiding the internet, ha.

day four is going. i'm not sure how i feel. no tummy upsets like yesterday, so that's certainly a bonus. but i feel very hot and weak... so i guess i haven't gotten over my atkins flu after all. either that or i'm coming down with something else. i've been watching eureka, which has kept me occupied, which means, of course, that i've forgotten to eat since this morning. i'm not hungry so it's difficult. craving all the lovely things around the house though. that isn't so good...

abz xx
Hiya hun. So sorry I've not been by for a while. Will have to read back & catch up properly.

Well done on starting the Atkins though. x x
well this morning is the morning of day 5 and of course i don't have any food with me. I'll have to pop to tesco when another IT person arrives at the office. I meant to go on the way but forgot until just before i arrived at work, by which point i would have been late... ho hum. I have, however, got my decaff coffee and cream which i'm going to go and make now :)

i'm finding it difficult to eat regularly, as the things i would usually snack on aren't available to me and i'm not hungry for the things i can eat... i'm going to have to combat this... is it every 4 hours you're supposed to eat? will have to check the book...

abz xx
Pork scratchings are great for snacks abz, those and fridge raiders love.
i kept trying to like port scratchings last time i was low-carbing jim, but i just couldn't do it.

have seen fridge raiders but they seemed to be quite carby. which are the best ones?
I can't remember now love, it's a while since I had them. I'll nip out lunchtime and have a look
I can nip into Tesco on my way back from lunch abz, but I was thinking that maybe they were something I snacked on once I was out of induction.
my back is really hurting today, my sciatica is playing up, and i'm now in the situation where it's difficult to take my painkillers. not only is it difficult at work in any case because i get rather floaty so tend to take a lower dose, without carbs i can feel rather sick... so i think i'm going to have to take them after having my lunch when i'm likely to have eaten something a wee bit more substantial...

abz xx
ah, not good to hear that abz. :(
well there's not a lot i can do about it jim. i got in touch with the specialists earlier in the week after i was told by the docs i would get an appointment in about 4-6 weeks. it had been over two months... i was told i was number 37 on the waiting list and it could be november until i was seen.

i'm just hoping that that is a proper consultation, not the 'oh, hello, so this is who you are and we've confirmed your details and we'll make you a proper appointment after christmas' kind of thing...
Considering how long you've had the problem I'm surprised you haven't been referred to a specialist long before this abz.
well they sent me for physio a couple of year ago jim, and they assured me it was muscular but it did no good and i stopped going. i just kept going back for painkillers. it wasn't until i rang and asked for a repeat prescription so a doc had to look up my records that he rang back and said i had been taking them for nearly two years (i really didn't realise it had been that long as i don't take them much) and i needed to go back for another appointment). so they sent me for an mri scan THREE YEARS after my initial complaint... bearing in mind i was back at the docs every month for the first eight months or so, and every couple of weeks at the beginning, i thought they knew what the matter was... turns out they hadn't really bothered diagnosing me...