Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Difficult to give any advice here as I don't know much about CD love.
it's not about CD jim. it's about me falling off the wagon with a great big thump. and i'm trying to be realistic about it because i'm sure after months of not eating, having a small amount of pasta isn't going to stop the demons... not for the first night, ha.

have just had some fruit and my insides are not happy with me AT ALL. in fact i feel even more tired than i did before!!
Jeez, not good abz.

Some news here 'chelle got the job and is dancing around the place. I even got a kiss and a big hug. :)

She is supposed to give a months notice, but as I'm not replacing her yet I'm letting her go today. She can start her new job on Monday I arranged that for her so she'll get a week with the person who is leaving, not a bad start.
you are the best boss in the world by the sounds of things jim :)

so glad she got sorted. although you'll have a shortage of cleavage around the place now won't you?
in fact jim, if you ever open a leeds office, give me a call :D more money, training with qualifications... i'd take it in a shot :p

abz xx
I'll miss her abz, but I do get great pleasure out of helping people move on in their careers. Some of my protégés have done very well indeed, and I like to think, in part, that's down to me love.
i'm more than sure it will have jim. sounds like you're in it to help, and there aren't an awful lot in the IT industry that are. most want to stand on as many people as possible to get to where they are. it's really sad...
Don't think of the pizza as bad food. You can make it healthy by putting veggies on and not having cheese. I keep recommending it, it is still a great way to eat pizza, still tastes great with a damn sight less kcals! Though I think the carbs will be the bigger issue on CD won't it?


oh god.

well my foray into the world of food is not going well so far...

rice, chicken and a few mushrooms -- check. stolen four or five chips off OH, check, a small maoam sweet thingy, check.

sickness and diarrhoea (sp??) for the last 14 hours? double check.

attempted to eat a banana sandwich about half an hour ago... the experiment did not go well. neither did the spoonful of plain mashed potato...

trying to get water in me as am dehydrated and to top things off am starting to get cystitis due to the dehydration. daren't leave the upper floor of the house and have become incredibly familiar with my toilet...

so, either what i ate poisoned me, my body hates me or no longer knows how to digest food... although this has never happened before.

or, the more likely scenario, i've been feeling off-colour and nauseous for a few days, and i have a feeling i may have fed some evil bug that has been trying to get me for a while.

regadless, as always, this had to happen once i was off work.

so, feeling rather gross at the mo. and have spent most of the day in bed.

OH said today that you just can't dampen my spirits but i hasten to disagree. some rather damp spirits going on here right now!!

hope everyone else is having a good saturday :)
Hi Abz, sorry to hear you are having such an awful Saturday. I wouldn't have said it was food poisoning as I think that would have passed sooner than that - I could be wrong though!!!

Hope you feeling better soon xx
Get well soon i know theres a bug going round here my sis in law has had it for days now
oh god. days? really?

although saying that (tmi alert!!) i have just been and sat on the loo for the first time and nothing has happened. it has kind of gotten to the point where periodic visits regardless of whether i feel rotten or not are advisable. so am hoping my body is starting to absorb a bit of the water i'm drinking now.

there's an ice lolly in the fridge with my name on it!! and i daren't eat it!! i won't be eating banana sandwiches for a while, that's for sure!!

abz xx
well i've made it through the night...

feel a bit better this morning. however i'm not sure i dare put anything in me... think i'll start with a cup of tea...

abz xx
well even the cup of tea has made my tummy do some kind of turn... not sure i want to stick anything in it.

add to that that after so long i'm not that great at interpreting tummy rumbles i can't tell whether i'm about to be sick or just hungry... gah!!
Try a slice or half a slice of dry or very lightly buttered toast, thats what i give the kids when there sick, is sometimes better to have someting to bring up