Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

i am going to go with calorie counting. that should keep me on the straight and narrow as i'd rather have more of something healthy than not much of something unhealthy if that makes sense? i need to have some kind of structure in place or i may go mad. but i think i would just like to try the healthy options for now and see how i go. i need to lose weight, and since i now don't have a mega deadline, i am finding it less stressful. oh to be a size 16 though!! ha. but i know i can get there. but learning moderation is something i've always found difficult but i have to do it sometime. and so it may as well be now i suppose :)
Hi Honey :)

I want to see the hair!!!! Have fun tonight :) xx
OK, I'm going to regret saying this, because I'm going to get mobbed...

It sucks that you've gained, first off. Calorie counting will definitely sort it out. Atkins, while a good surface idea, isn't healthy. Our bodies need, physically need carbs to survive. Think of the body like a wall, and carbs are the building blocks. They've gained a poor reputation in recent years, but living without them will only cause damage. There was an article in Healthy magazine about it.

In my opinion, any diet that completely cuts out a food group is a bad idea. If you have to suppliment a diet, it's not a good idea. Anyone can live healthily without vits if they're eating the right things.

Good luck with the calorie counting, babe! If you want to know how much you need a day try this link. Have fun!

While I don't know enough to advise anyone on which diet plan to use or to condemn any particular diet, I too have many reservations on diets that cut out carbs etc. Carbs are vital for our health and well-being and give us much needed energy. It's only when we take in more than we should that the problems start. I am aware that the body compensates but am unsure of the long term implications.

Don't shoot me please for my opinions as they are just that - personal opinions and I am not trying to advocate changes for anyone x
I know I do - couldn't function properly without x
ha. i've never completely cut them out. atkins has gained a bad name in the past too because people think you cut out veg completely and live on cheese. while i admit to becoming a cheese monster over the last month, this is not recommended. it's my fault, ha. and i have gained a love of blueberries :D

anyways. i think it is a healthy way of eating. it just obviously isn't for me at the moment. the weekend has been rather carb heavy, but hasn't been a blowout weekend either. i have gained water like you wouldn't believe. i feel like the size of a whale that drank the sea!!

so, plenty of fluids to try and combat that...

at work with me today i have some special k for brekkie with red berries in it (i love that stuff!!) and some pasta for lunch. also have some blueberries to snack on :D oh and a muller light yoghurt too.

total calorific value for that lot (gets calculator out) is approximately 740 cals, which i don't think is bad at all for brekkie, lunch and snacks. can always have another bowl of special k if i feel really hungry later while i adjust i suppose. and i've got stuff for a nice healthy dinner when i get home too. just have to decide on what to cook.

i really don't know how many calories i should be eating really. does anybody know of a good site? i suppose i should check out the calorie counting threads. i'll have been around the entire bloody site by the time i get thin!!

abz xx
Hi Abz - Taz is using the site that is on my ticker - My Fitness Pal. It is a free calculator and does the lot - she's loving it. Try clicking on the link under my ticker and see where it takes you x
well i've been doing some calculating using my bmr etc, and apparently, to lose 2lbs a week, i need to eat 1113.44 cals a day. now forgive me if i sound greedy, but that sounds like hardly anything at all!!?! am i wrong?

i might check out that site gem...
well the fitness pal site recommends 1200 cals a day for me to lose 2lbs per week... so i guess that's what i'll be having. seems so low!! ha. ah well. i can eat a gazillion blueberries for that, so i'm happy for now :)

have had my breakfast and a cuppa. a real cuppa. with actual caffeine in it, ha. i needed to be more awake. but i don't want to go back to the caffeine guzzling monster i was... i am happy with my decaff :)

abz xx
Abz - you can work with fitness pal and adjust it to suit you. I always think that "diets" are a little sparing with the calories you need and everyone is, of course different - people have different fitness levels, different exercise patterns and of course metabolism has a part to play too. If it is too low for you it may be detrimental to your weightloss anyway as it could put your body on starvation mode. Adjust to suit your needs x
I have to say at this point Abz that the only thing I use is the ticker - I don't count calories but generally know what is high and low. I am careful with fat and generally eat healthily most of the time - though none of the above has worked particularly well just lately but I'm feeling quite zoned at the moment so I think that's about to change x
good luck with that gem. i need a bit of structure and rules to things otherwise i go for broke!! given that my brekkie and my lunch and a lot of blueberries only adds up to 740 cals, 1200 is probably fine, it's just i'm used to eating large amounts... and the more exercise i do the more i can eat. that's based on 3 10-minute exercise sessions. hardly massive... but i figured i'd rather stick that into the equation than end up eating more cals than i exercise. i guess it's time to get the exercise bike out again... whilst watching ncis, ha. and the wii fit is currently gathering dust so i can always get that out again too. until i finally see this back specialist person i don't want to do anything that involves too much movement, so cycling is good for that. i might invest in some kind of budget exercise video for fad factor too :) they always work for a short while :)

abz xx
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. the loopy loops are gone!!

yes. it has taken me this long to resolve the loopy loops after avoiding them for a couple of weeks but my code finally WORKS!! and i can stop dreaming about it now. and yes. it should have been easier than i made it i'm sure. but i fathomed it in amongs all that jumble and woohoo!!

on a relevant note, i feel really hungry. i'd forgotten how good ketosis was at keeping that at bay... and i need to not have my breakfast at 7am!!

abz xx
hee :D i have ordered myself a wonderfully faddy fat-blasting 10 minute fix dance mix dvd thingy. it's designed to be done either 10 mins at a time or you can run several of the 10-min sections together if you want a bigger workout and it's all prancing about from what i can tell. and it cost £3.99. bargainous.

mainly for fun but if it gets me moving, so much the better :D
I look forward to the video on "You Tube" :8855:
I'll have to make do with that then x