Accountability 101

Just like to say as long as its got a reading if ketosis your in it. If its too dark means your not drinking enough so if you have been 100 % your in ketosis.

It is hard when everyone is against you stay firm and keep going. My bf hobby I swear is eating even tho he is so fit. He doesnt agree that I need to lose weight. But I just stay stubborn he comes around.

Your doing fab keep up the good work
Thanks ladies! It's great having support and understanding here, even if I don't feel that I do in my 'real' life. It's not that they aren't supportive of me, they'd just be sceptical of the diet. I've told me mum I'm on a low carb diet, which is true.

I decided to have three packs today and a real meal. Beef and veg. It was ok. Think I'd prefer to just stick with the packs. That way I don't have to faff about with measuring and weighing things. Less worry that I'll fall off the wagon if I stay away from food all together. I'm worried that I'll not be in ketosis in the morning now, or that I've ruined all my efforts.

Definitely not strong enough for food yet.
Went to Dorthy Perkins today and tried on a few pairs of jeans. I only have one pair that fits and don't want to buy an expensive pair until I'm at a size that I'll actually look good in them. Tried on a 20 and an 18, and both did up without a problem! I was shocked. They didn't look good, the fabric was too thin and the thighs too fat for them to look nice, but they went on, and did up without squeezing or holding my breath!

Diet IS working!!!
Yay wont be long before its 14 and 16 jeans that your trying on
Well after being quite pleased with myself for getting into smaller jeans than I'd expected I went to a chiropractic appointment today where I saw a full length photo of myself from the front and side and I'm so upset with myself. I honestly thought that the photo had been doctored to make me look fatter. I really don't have a good understanding of just how fat I am. I was disgusted that I'd allowed myself to gain so much weight. I can't believe I look SO terrible.

I'm glad that I'm not letting it get any worse. I've really let this go on too long.

Dusted off the Wii fit last night and did 30 minute of not particularly strenuous exercise. Small steps, for big results I hope! Needless to say with the photo wake up call, I have been 100% today and plan to be until I leave on holiday on the 25th.

I'm still not sure what I will do about eating on holiday. I don't want to come off the diet, but don't think that it would be very sensible to bring packets with me to Turkey, or to expect myself to not eat food while I'm there. I think I will have to come off and opt for grilled meat and veg as often as I can. Until then I am completely resolved to following the diet to the letter. 4 packs, 3 litres of water, at least 30 minutes of exercise. I WILL REACH MY GOAL!!!
Official weekly weigh in the morning and the effort is starting to pay off on the scales. Last week wasn't great with a 4lbs loss (though not bad considering I did have a slip a few days before my weigh in. This week I have been 100% and lost 7lbs! I know it's mostly water weight, but it is still nice to see that I'm 11lbs lighter than when I started two weeks ago. I'd really like to be a stone down by next week. I think that it's a goal that I can achieve without too much difficulty.

I'm off to a friend's for a playdate. I'll have breakfast before I leave, bring a bar and a can of coke zero with me for lunch and should be back in time for dinner. Think I might need to drink a pot of coffee now though. I really must start going to sleep earlier now that the little one has decided she's not sleeping beyond 6am.
I was out of coffee so I ended up drinking my body weight in coke zero instead. I hope that it doesn't have too much of an effect on my weight loss over the coming week. I know I should have stopped, but I am uncontrollably addicted to caffeine. I really must get more sleep tonight as I'm working tomorrow and really don't think I will manage the day without either sleep or a LOT of coffee. On a plus note, I enjoyed the milk truffa bar more than the maple fruit one I had the other day.
Definitely avoiding drinking so much coke zero in future. Woke up this morning and weighed myself (naughty, I know) and I've gained a pound since yesterday. Clearly I need to avoid this in future. 100% in this and willing to give up the fizzy drinks if it's having such a negative effect.
Hows your day going?
Today has been ok in regards to food, thanks miss vlcd38. I've been 100% on track since my first week slip. I'm not finding it too difficult at the minute now that I've resolved to do this. I'm just so desperately sick of being fat. I want my body back. I want to learn to eat without gorging. I need to reprogramme my brain. I was so much happier when I was lighter and I'm ready to be that way again.
Well done you keep that mind set when ever the voice in your head tries to tempt you off plan.

Your doing fab well done just think how fab youll feel in summer :)
Thanks miss vlcd38 for your support. Hope you're enjoying the sunshine. I'm not too far away in Bristol and it's been a lovely day. Got out at lunchtime for a short walk. Though I do feel tired now. I expect it is on account of my normal laziness and general state of non-movement rather than the diet. I've had a meal today though I'm not convinced that eating is the way forward for me. I am convinced that I won't lose weight eating conventional food. Will have my last meal of the day when the baby goes to bed. I think I will be having an early night as my husband is out of town for the next several days, which means I'm on my own with the little one and she doesn't stop! Bedtime in a half hour, and I'm ready for it!
Im from bristol originally. Its been beautiful day today ive found that ive struggled a bit today so I had my 3 packs and protein and then an extra pack. Which is fine as ive been to karate tonight ful on fighting got bruses all over my arms lol.

Are u doing anything over the bank holiday?
I'm sure with all that extra work, the extra pack won't be an issue! I don't have plans for the long weekend unfortunately. My husband is at Lords watching cricket, so I'm on my own with the baby for the weekend. Hopefully it will stay pleasant and we can spend most of it in the park.
Had a manic couple days of cleaning. I was sick to death of living in the mess. It's a lot better, but still not great. At least I don't feel embarrassed to have people over though. I've been following the diet 100% but I've stayed the same for the last 4 days. This morning I seem to have broken that and lost 2 pounds. I've been drinking plenty of water and can't understand why I stayed the same, but at least things are moving again. (I know I shouldn't weigh myself daily, but I can't help it).
Another day, another pound, which means... I've lost a stone!! Really pleased with myself. I need to stop weighing myself everyday, but the near instant payoff is difficult to avoid. I suppose the disappointment of not losing anything for a few days wasn't great, but knowing that if I stick to the plan 100% it will, empowers me to stay strong. Avoiding temptation is getting easier and easier, which is a relief. I feel like I can keep this up until I've reached my goal. I am a little concerned about leaving on holiday in 20 days and feel like I need a strategy to be successful. I'll try to stick to salads and protein, but anticipate gaining weight and coming out of ketosis. I'm sure increasing activity and minimising portions will provide some damage control.
I'm feeling hungry today. I'm sure that it's in my head due to the mushroom pasta mishap. Very tasty, but most of it ended up on the bottom of my microwave so I'm feeling slightly cheated. I will need to use a MUCH larger dish next time round. Drinking extra water, and might have a cup of tea too. Really hoping for a reasonable loss for tomorrow's weigh in. Only lost 3lbs so far this week. Hopeful that I can get at least one more by tomorrow, so off for a long walk this afternoon I think. Might take my mind off my mushroom pasta disappointment. It wouldn't have been quite so bad if it hadn't tasted so nice. :(
I went for a VERY long walk today with the little one in the pushchair so got plenty of exercise. It did the treat to forget about food for the afternoon, but I did end up deciding to have a protein meal for dinner. I am very nervous that this wasn't the right choice as I'm weighing in tomorrow, but we'll see if it was a mistake or not in the morning. It was a mushroom omelette so it wasn't off track, but I don't trust myself to eat non packaged food and lose. Or at least I don't YET. Will stick to water for the rest of the evening and hope that I didn't make a bad choice.
Weighed in this morning and is been a 4lbs week. Not bad, but I was hopeful that it would be slightly more. I suppose I can't complain, 4 is a good loss and I really don't feel like I had to torture myself to get it. The veg and egg that I had didn't have a negative effect like I feared it might, which is brilliant! I'm not a fan of egg, but I can imagine that when I'm refeeding it will become an easy, fast alternative. And I actually liked the omelette that I had yesterday. Feeling quite positive about the diet and success!