AJ's LL Management Journey!

Hi Dawn,

First two weeks £49.50. (three packs)
Weeks three to eight: £33.00. (two packs)
Weeks nine to twelve: £16.50. (one pack)

Hope this helps!
Just a quick update tonight.

I got a new phone (Nokia Sport 5500), and am desperately trying to get to grips with the Bl***y thing!

I am not the most technically minded and have been spoiled by having easy to use Nokias in the past. This one is like starting from scratch - it's like learning a new language - nothing is where I thought it would be. After a couple of hours I can now send a predictive text. My son struggled to find the games - they are in a section called 'my own' rather than the obvious 'games'. iT HAS SODUKO!!!

One the plus side it has a pedometer, exercise diary, exercise programme planner, and exercise monitoring. All I have to do is figure out how to use these wonderful features!

Well, I had a tangerine and kiwi fruit this morning - yummy! I went on to 'sell' them to the kids and they had some too!

Lunch was a hurried salad (just got phone so was setting it up for it's first charge).

I was out of class today working on several projects so was able to drink a lot more water than usual. Great. I love drinking hot lemon juice/water, especially in this cold weather.

Tea was chicken breast fried with a little water and spices, then sliced on top of my special raita, spinach leaves (still love them more then ever), and chopped baby tomatoes (oh so sweet).

Later, I'll have the last bit of stewed pear, which I'll have for supper plus my pack.

Had another 'session' with husband last night! Wore classy bra and knickers set this time - he asked me if I would mind the light being on so he could watch. Amazingly, I said OK. Sadly, he's back up to Aberdeen for several days so the cream/black set will have to wait!

Interestingly, we have an Ann Summers shop in town which I have never been in. What for - they don't cater for size 24's. Maybe I'll pop in some time and have a browse - who knows what I might find!
Thanks alot for the help guys it's keeping me motivated being here.

Well done to everyone for the fantastic losses!!

Go girls!
Finding this thread very interesting - hope you don't mind me asking two questions .............

What is Raita ?

It sounds like your love life is certainly alright !! Mine is not but am hoping that this diet will help !!! Is this what happend in your experience ?

It's from the Management recipe book I got the first week. I have adapted it a bit.

Basically its a greek dip made with cucumber and mint and yoghurt. I add other veg too, like peppers, spring onion and radish (and season with pepper and salt). Its a lovely alternative to colelaw (which I used to eat loads of), but unlike coleslaw, it is very low in fat as well as high in taste. If you can get the Total 0% fat greek yogurt (Tesco have it) it is virtually fat free!

As for the other subject, I've always enjoyed sex but felt inhibited by my size, so only recently felt confident enough to 'experiment' a bit. So when hubby asked to keep the light on, I felt I could say yes. He works away during the week so when I was speaking last night on the phone I suggested that I may pop in to Ann Summers later in the week!!! He sounded interested!!!
I bet he can't wait to get home now:D :D :D .
Valentines Day and hubby sent me a text to say 'look under the pillow'. There was a card and a wrapped box containing a silver and diamond watch and necklace - gorgeous!

I realised that he had heard me talking about my watch being too big and slipping all the time, so had gone out and bought something really special to replace it. I remember when I bought my original watch, and spent as little as possible on it because it wasn't worth buying anything 'nice'.

I was really busy yesterday so didn't write my diary - but popped in to my LL meeting to get weighed - lost another 2 lb. Just 2 more to go to get to goal of 10.13. Very pleased.

From today I can cook my fruit and veg and add onions, spring greens, kale, beansprouts, leek and other stuff.

With this in mind at lunchtime today I took my son to a new Japanese restaurant and had miso soup and a teriaki (sp.) veg skewer, and green tea. Lovely.

Today was the first of our 'in-service' days and I took my son with me. He did some research for me while I attended a meeting about 'Stress Management' - very interesting it was too. The chap leading the event spoke about CBT and how useful it was in helping people deal with stress (related issues).

One member of staff seemed particularly affected by the seminar and I spoke to her privately about my experience with CBT. I have noticed recently that she has not been herself at work, but I found it hard to just go up to her (in a work environment) and ask if everything was ok.

She said to me "you're so confident and assertive, I am just no good at anything". Oh boy, I thought, I've been there and it ain't a nice place. I pointed out all her qualities as I saw them (but I bet she just discounted everything I said) and gave her a hug.

I told her about the LL book I have at home (the green one) and I explained that, even though it was related to weight loss, the information would be a useful starting point for her too, if she wanted to look through it. She was visibly happier after talking, so I hope she will find the book useful.

I did some work on a project and then, as part of the 'health and fitness' element of the day, took my son to the swimming baths! I only saw about half a dozen kids there from school but I didn't embarass any of them by letting on I knew them!

We went to town from there and Jamie wanted to go a really nice Mexican restaurant for lunch. We got there and sat down, but looking through the menu, I realised that nothing was suitable for me at this time. So we ended up next door but one at the Japanese one.

Then some serious shopping! Two t-shirts in a size 12, a new burgundy sexy bra and brief set, a visit to Ann Summers (!) (when Jamie was at Game!). I asked to see some slutty lingerie and came out with a leatherlook halter mini dress, a red crotchless brief with attached skirt, baby-doll with holes for nipples, and a beginners bondage set!

I insisted on carrying that bag for the rest of the afternoon.

Breakfast was some lovely sweet plums, lunch, as detailed above, and tea fresh tuna with teriaki sauce (got some at Tesco) and a side salad.

Need to drink plenty of water today - I had a bit of difficulty on the loo this morning (!).

When I was in Tesco I met up with a colleague I haven't seen for a year. She was gobsmacked, really amazed and said that she was not actually sure it was me at first. I told her what I'd been doing to change so much and she was really impressed. "Wait till I tell everyone at school" she said. That was a lovely addition to the day.

Today I feel that I have turned a corner and won't be turning round to go back. I like where I am and what I am doing, I love eating the wide variety of fresh veg and fruits and I am not interested in the rubbish I used to crave. Long may it continue!
AJ - you saucepot!

I am going onto management next Wednesday. I got the book tonight and can't wait to move on. I had a lapse on Sunday but hope that Management helps me get my focus back. I think you are such an example and I am planning to follow it to the letter too. Its funny because when I have lapsed I have always turned to crap - it will be so nice to eat fruit and vegetables again. I am planning to work on the principle of quality rather than quantity. There are so many different foods I don't eat because I get into a rut. It will be so good to eat things like pears and plums and spinach. How come this isn't what I crave though - chips and ketchup has been on my mind and I'm not even that mad on chips!

This time next week you will be at your goal. How are you going to celebrate?
D'you know what, Cake, I haven't even thought ahead to next week.

At the moment life is one long celebration, and my journey won't end when I lose that final 2lb. Then it'll just be beginning!
Loving this thread even more now that it's a food and sex blog! I have to admit to having gone off sex whilst overweight. Now that I'm thinner I want to be having more sex but when I get to bed I worry about my breath and I still feel a bit disgusted with my body - obviously there's loads less of me, but still a fair bit of fat - but more importantly lots of flabby hanging bits. :( I was thinking of waiting another stone or so and getting some basque type things which would cover up my stomach and hopefully reveal all the good bits whilst covering up the bad bits... :confused:

Anyway - Japanese food rocks - as you might know that's my thing. I lived in Japan for 4 years and maintained a healthy weight pretty much effortlessly whilst there. I'd like to go back to a largely Japanese influenced diet when I start eating again.

Thanks again for a great thread. Oh and lucky you on Valentines Day!!! :D
Well, Gaijingirl, the sex bit seems to have crept in - I don't know from where!

I really enjoyed my Japanese lunch, although I didn't know what most of the menu was. I look forward to trying other stuff, particularly the sushi, when I can have rice and noodles.

I can recommend the halter-neck, shiny,black, leatherlook mini-dress - it is very flattering.

What's the latest on your Japan job? Are you going? When?
Second in-service day today. Finished the bird-box project and started a different one.

When I started LL I had a fat percentage of 49%. Today it is 30%. I did some calculations and came up with the following stats. Some are shocking.

I have rounded some numbers up/down for simplicity.

Start weight 17.13
(round to 18 stone or 252 lbs)
50% fat = 9 stone (126 lbs) Shocking!:eek:

Weight today 11.01
(rounded to 11 stone or 154 lbs)
30% fat = 3 stone 04 lbs (46 lbs)

So, if we take 46 lb from 126 lb we are left with 80 lb (or 5 stone 10 lb). This must be the portion of my weightloss which is purely attributed to fat loss. There is a 1 stone 5 lb difference.

I reckon if I do more toning/aerobic exercise I should be able to reduce the fat percentage still further and tone up/build up some muscle.

Breakfast today, plum, orange and kiwi.
Lunch green salad and raita.
Dinner, I roasted a chicken and had a skinless breast, sliced with spinach, tomatoes and raita, plus the ginger/balsamic dressing.

Made my son a banana smoothie and tasted it (no bananas yet).

Wore my new size 12 t-shirt today - still can't believe it!

Walked past Evans yesterday and told my son "I can't go in there any more". He asked why. I replied "All the clothes are too big now". I made myself go into other shops I'd never been in before - River Island, Dorothy Perkins, and some others I can't remember the name of.
Had another disturbed night, couldn't get to sleep, and got up during the night. :( Why did I sleep like a baby when doing LL 100% and not have bad dreams and get up thinking there was a flood/fire/burglar? Weird.:sigh:

Day off today. IT's 10.30 and I'm still in PJ's reclining on my recliner with laptop on my knee!

Just had a plum smoothie, pack and 1 litre of hot lime juice/water. Waiting for daughter to come home from sleepover.

Want to walk into town today, but will have to contend with children moaning about walking all that way! Oh well, I'm the boss!

I bought myself some flowers yesterday - a valentine bouquet which was half price (!) and a couple of purple bouquets, also half price. They look beautiful in the lounge.

Still planning husband's Valentine surprise with my Ann Summers goodies! He should be back tomorrow evening - hope he has lots of stamina!

Will post again later!
Well, what a day!

Got phone call from daughter at 11.15 to say she would be 'back later'. "When is later?" I queried. Twelvish, was the reply.

"You said you would be back for 11, I am waiting for you, I wanted to walk into town" I said.

"I don't want to walk into town" said daughter, and argument ensued.

I said "I'm walking around to pick you up" and put the phone down.

She phoned me on the mobile to say "Suzy's mum says I can stay with her all day, you don't need to come for me".

I replied "I'm almost there and I need to talk to you".

"What about?" asked daughter.

"You'll see." I replied enigmatically!

When I arrived I spoke to daughter about her unfortunate attitude, and reminded her that I was her parent and I called the shots. If she wanted to continue to argue with me about what I wanted her to do today, there would be a consequence (I didn't say what). The choice was (a) get dressed and come with me to town or (b) stay at Suzy's. I then went into the kitchen to chat with Suzy's mum and have a coffee, while Jayne decided what to do.

She made the right choice, thankfully! I do enjoy walking to town, it only takes about an hour.

We ended up at the Japanese place again for lunch, and I had some miso soup with beancurd. I couldn't finish it because it was too salty for me.

I also made an appointment to have a colour and cut/blow, I don't want any more highlights, just one colour - but which one? I simply don't know!

When I eventually arrived home I had a snack of raita and spinach, mainly because I hadn't had much at lunchtime and didn't want to get too hungry.

I don't know what to have for tea, probably some chicken breast and stirfried dark green cabbage, purple sprouting brocolli and spinach, I think, with the rest of the raita on the side! Not sure what herbs and spices to use with it yet.

A couple of sliced oranges for supper (I can feel a cold coming on - been snotty all day)!

Loads of water/lime juice, hot, to finish off!

Still preparing for the Ann Summers Extravaganza for hubby! He he he ...

Oh yes, almost forgot! Bought a new skirt suit for work today (fancy forgetting that) in a size 12. It has a fitted jacket with zip front and subtle leather detailing! Lovely dark autumn colouring.
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Just wanted to say thank you for such an amusing, informative & encouraging thread! I havent even started yet but its great to see the bigger picture! Much amusement at your confidence improving! Bet OH thinks Christmas has come early & how lovely of him to get you such a thoughtful valentines pressie! dont the knots too tight - although I suspect as I type it may be too late for that piece of advice!
"...dont the knots too tight - although I suspect as I type it may be too late for that piece of advice!"

You've got me wrong, FF! I is a nice girl! He he he ...


Two more oranges for breakfast, to head off cold symptoms, then I took Jayne, two friends and son to S. Queensferry for their ballet lesson (not Jamie, he came with me).

Gorgeous day, and South Queensferry is a charming place to visit on such a day. It lies between the Forth Road Bridge and the Forth Rail Bridge and they dominate the skyline. I can see why it is chock a block in the summer though, the traffic must be horrendous - it's getting bad now!

While the girls did their lesson, I took Jamie to the museum (definitely worth a visit if you are up that way). Saw details of when and how the Forth Rail Bridge was built (started building in 1883, opened in 1890). The Forth Road Bridge is relatively recent - opened in 1964. That's all for the history lesson.

Jamie was (as usual) peckish, so we popped in to the cafe and he had a panini and hot chocolate. I had a camomile (sp.) tea and glass of water. I ate his side salad too.

I had wanted to go to the library in the afternoon, but had to take Jayne to yet another party, so never got round to it. Made myself a warm chicken and bacon salad for tea, the bacon was very lean and I cooked it crispy! Everyone else had lemon chicken (from a jar) with chinese vegetables and rice. I could have had the lemon chicken but I am still watching the amount of sugar I eat.

What I may do today is have a bit of the lemon sauce (I had only used half the jar) with my salmon (for tea). Hmm, not sure though. I usually have the salmon grilled plain - I like the flavour.

I am not so snotty this morning - hopefully the oranges have helped to get rid of the cold.

It's Monday - and a day off!

Orange and nectarine for breakfast - the threatened cold is on the run! Not snotty today!

Walked to town with family and ended up at the Japanese restaurant again!

Had veg skewer and a side order of mixed veg.

The waitress must have thought I was a bit strange (no comments anyone) because she tried to help me with my choices. Everything she suggested was met with a "No". "Sorry, I don't have noodles/rice/meat/anything fried/dumplings" I explained. It was too complicated to explain LL to someone who's first language was not English, and I felt embarrassed enough.

I got a 'doggy bag' for all the left-overs and bought some beansprouts/chinese veg from Tesco later. I made a big stir-fry with chicken, and added some black-bean sauce. I had mine with spinach (surprise, surprise), chopped tomato, pak-choi, spring onion, and radish.

Last night I'd whizzed up a bag of frozen 'summer fruits' with very low fat plain yoghurt, and froze it. So I had some 'frozen yoghurt' later - very nice.

I also juiced some apples and warmed the juice on the stove adding cinnamon. Absolutely lovely!

Wore my new size 12 jeans today. Looking in the mirror, I still cannot believe it is me, but I am getting more used to it. It is starting to feel comfortable and real.

Tucked my top into the waistband! That's a first! I've always been a 'cover everything up with a long top' kind of gal in the past! Wore the new jacket I bought last week with it. Looked a million dollars!

Warning: the following paragraph has details of a kinky nature. Don't go there if you are innocent or wear knickers in bed!

Got up to some saucy goings on with my 'beginners bondage kit' at the weekend. Giggled a lot. Wore the black, shiny, leatherette halter-neck mini dress - it made a lot of noise (the fabric). One thing, the 'nipple clips (!)' fitted hubby, but didn't go near me! Have I got outsize nipples? I don't think so. I guess I would need something the size of a peg! God, they bloody hurt though!

Enough, back to normal stuff.

Fruit for breakfast, and, as it turned out, for lunch too. Why? Because I had to nip into town to do a message at lunchtime and couldn't find anything else suitable from the supermarket. Not really happy about this much fruit. Still, it's only one day.

Had bolognaise and salad for tea (eventually). Late because had parents evening for daughter. Special one because she has to chose options for S3 and S4. She's only S2 now. I was extremely proud to hear how well thought of she is by all her teachers and, though not the most intelligent in the class, has other important qualities, including good reasoning skills, focus, articulate, gregarious, socially adept.

Some of her choices are baffling (to me); physics, history and drama? I must stop comparing her to me at her age. We are worlds apart. Why is my memories of secondary school so hard to remember, except that I was not like her at that age - a shadow of her, perhaps.

It is a source of great joy to me to see her slowly blossom into a fine young woman before my eyes, and not just my eyes, but other people too. Does she realise just how special she is to me? I must tell her. She'll probably be a bit embarrassed, but, what the hell!

Well, I would normally have gone to my meeting tonight. But obviously the parents evening came first, so I'll have to wait for next week to see how I did weight-wise.

Tomorrow is week five (I think). CARROTS are back on the agenda, as is sweetcorn and beetroot, among others. Alcohol is too! Wine, here I come! Soup, low fat, even the 'cup-a-soup' variety, and olives.

I have beetroot ready in the fridge...
Today I can have two meals of protein, plus up to 1lb of veg and fruit as snacks.

For lunch I had a bit of leftover bolognaise sauce with mixed salad/raita, and a plum.

After school I chopped and sliced two oranges, sprinkled the pieces with cinnamon and microwaved for a couple of minutes. Oh boy was it delicious! The recipe calls for ginger rather than cinnamon, and suggests sticking it in the oven, however my method is just as good!

Salmon for tea - a different frozen brand, and not as nice as the other stuff I've been using - too dry. Salad/raita (including beetroot).

There is still a bit of bolognaise sauce from last night left - I really fancy it, but I am not actually hungry, so the answer's NO. Leave it until tomorrow or throw it away. No more will I 'give in' to these thoughts - they are destructive to me and will ultimately lead to bed habits returning and weight gain.


I have my pack to eat later (hot chocolate) and a piece of fruit if feeling peckish.
