Alexmummy's learning journey...

Hey all.

Back from my LAST meal out after deciding to go. We went to a Beefeater. Food was nice - but that's IT now.

Xmas/New Year food is OFFICIALLY OVER.

Sat with a clemetine in my hand, enjoying it.

Looking forward to seeing the scales go down now - had enough of the Xmas food and all the temptations, and clothes feeling tighter. Want to get back to feeling proud, and happy with myself. we go...time to finish the job...2010!
I'll raise an apple to that, let's get back too putting some good fuel in our bodies and less of the Chrimbo lovely as it was!!

3rd January -

Well after thinking/re-thinking/assessing and so on...I have made the decision and decided I'm sticking with 1000.

Reasons: (for when I doubt myself and want to run back to 810 or even SS!)

I love my fruit and never used to eat enough, so whilst I am enjoying it, and it's refreshing and detoxing my body I want to have it.
I have only really just gotten over the mental part of eating again so is it really worth going back to 810 having very little, then battling to start eating again and going through the mental challenge again of actually eating when I know I should.
I had also been really enjoying exercising (before December struck) My lovely fiance' bought me a toner for my arms/legs which I am going to be using, I have also bought my bike down again, and plan to get back out running, and wii-fitting too and 810 makes exercising quite restrictive for me (with chronic fatigue on top) so 1000 it has to be.

So...I am back planning my meals and ready to go!

So plan for today:

B - 2 Weetabix with Milk from allowance

L - Choc Mint Shake & Salad with 1 Tablespoon Cottage Cheese

D - Chicken with peppers/onion/mushroom with cous cous with chicken stock cube (low salt)

S - Choc Shake - 2 Clementines
Looking forward to seeing the scales go down now - had enough of the Xmas food and all the temptations, and clothes feeling tighter. Want to get back to feeling proud, and happy with myself. we go...time to finish the job...2010!

Oh yes. Me too, absolutely. Thankyou for putting it so well. xxx
Having a good day so far - watching back to back ' The Biggest Loser' (love it after an addiction to it last year, which kept me on track with CD lol) uploading clothes to ebay in the hope of starting another of my resolutions which is to get us financially in the black rather than the red this year...somehow!...and drinking pints of water whilst doing most of this.

Admittedly PJ day, but hey ho, it's the way to get these things done! x
Hi Laura!

Where are you hiding?? I haven't seen you for soo long and miss you here! (I'm coming to find you after posting this).

Anyway, yes a higher cal level will be needed eventually, but starting back off at a lower level with exercise and will build back up, seeing as I did all of...nothing in December!

So will be on 1000 for January, and then will evaluate from there onwards. If I feel that I have done a really particularly strenuous day then of course will up to the 1200 mark, but I know with little'un around and my course about to start back up too, it's unlikely that I'm going to be burning very many calories in one hit just yet.

Planning on lots more resistance work too as arms are very very weak at the moment, and need a LOT of toning up - started well back on October/November, but must, MUST get back to it and carry on now before it all goes belly up (so to speak)

Hey it sounds like you have a great plan. Hope 1000 is going well for you. Have a great day hubn and thanks for your lovely post. Happy new year xxx
Jan 4th...

Scales check today - (official post Dec/Xmas/New Yr) 10st 6 3/4's so puts me at 5lbs 3/4 up... not good but definitely shiftable, so aim number 1 - shift those lbs! and get back to goal weight...achievable - Oh yes!!!

Once there, I will re-evaluate and look at how I am getting on exercise wise to and go from there. I know I will never be into the 8 stones or anything like that, but I'd be happy around 9 stone 8 so I think around just under a stone from here, including exercise from now. Sounds a lot to me, even though it's so, so much less than what I set out to achieve this time last year (a year to the day tomorrow!)

Have lots of lists I need to get on with today, all very bitty - but need to get done.

Also really need to get onto the bike when little man is down for a sleep. I am doing a sponsored walk to get to the top of a mountain in Wales in May. The same mountain I couldn't get anywhere near in October 2008, and where my uncle sadly passed away in May 2008, so I am training for it, especially being sponsored I cannot let myself down!

Plan for today...

B - Weetabix with milk

L - Choc Mint Shake & Salad with 1 tablespoon cottage cheese

D - ...needs thinking on possibly Tuna with wholewheat pasta and salad

S - Chocmint shake & clementines
i love the 1000 cal plan too! Fruit is such a treat and yet oddly, i still maje bad choices and pick chocolate over Fruit! odd considering fruit is so lush!

Sounds like you have a good plan hun! I quite envy you for that! I am firmly determined to shift my stupid weight gain on SS and pretty much wipe the slate clean and start afresh!
2010 will be a damn good year hun!
5th January...

Today is 1 year since I joined what a year it's been.
Ok so post Xmas I'm a couple of lbs up (ok a few) but they are going to come off, but it's so different to this time last year :)

(just to add in for last night - 30 mins cycling)

Today could have been a disaster, forgot breakfast this am, went out, didn't mean to stay out and so on...

So food today has been as best as can be and as close to 1000 as poss - all looks backwards because I ate a bigger breakfast for tea.

Mushroom soup & 1 granary roll
3 X weetabix & milk
Choc Mint Shake
2 x clementines.
You're doing great Alex...

Yup, really good. :)
Hey Alexm, well done on getting back to 1000, and what a fab achievement in 2009! Wishing you lots of luck to get where you want to be in 2010!
Have a fab day!
Hi Everyone :)

Meant to get on yesterday to write on my diary but wrote on a few other diaries...had my dinner, did some toning exercises, tummy crunches, then had a bath and went to bed...oops!

Anyway - Yesterday...

Weirdly it started ok, but then whether snow related or not seemed to get more difficult. DF was off work as snow just wayyy too much to even think about getting through. Anyway, we went out to play in the snow with little man and it was good fun :) but food just seems all that much harder for some reason. I feel pleased that I am managing to stop, pause, and evaluate the situation, so I am definitely getting somewhere and gaining some knowledge. I even took some time away and sat on here reading some diaries, and intend to spend some time reading KD's diary (Addictive one in particular)
I feel I do have some addictive desires to food, especially at certain times. Xmas being one of those times, when I knew I was full, but was still determined to eat chocolate Quality Street - almost like I would never be able to eat them again - why? I don't really know, almost like a mini binge in a way. Something I will ponder on over the coming weeks to think about.
However, I am pleased to say that I did get through yesterday happier, even after doubting myself half way through the day. I think what I am learning is that it's ok to want food, to even think that I might 'need' certain foods (when I don't) providing I have the ability to walk away and actually know honestly that truthfully I don't 'actually' it all, it is in fact - just a want, and something that I can wait for.

Thanks to that mentality...and not going off track, not panicking, and with the exercise, today I weigh in 1lb down.

7th January 2010

10st 6 :)

Yay 1lb down :)
Feeling pleased that after my up/down/up day yesterday my efforts are paying off and the scales are showing that.

The snow is still laden thick here, and I am planning a walk up to CDC's (about 2 miles there and back) in a short while to collect supplies, and looking forward to getting a couple of bars for work tomorrow and Saturday.
Planning on treadmill run later (haven't run since I think the 1st December) so will be a slow run! but none the less...still an aim.

Will be back later to catch up with everyone.

Have a great day everyone. xx
Brilliant Claire, you are an inspiration, keep going for all our sakes! I love to read what other people have found out in the hope that something will ram itself into my head and stay there!
your doing super hun! especially with the playing in the snow! Who can resist that at the moment! My 3 year old is so hyper about it but was heartborken when Russell the snowman's head fell off this morning! Harsh realities of life and weather at such a young age! giggle!

i think the trick is that 95% of the time, the walkaway method can and will happen, but there is that 5% of time where you should be allowed to partake! Its that balance of 95/5 that i stuggle with, i have been doing it the other way round and only resisting 5% of the time which is why i am where i am and you are where you are dropping weight! lol
Lesson here? Stop listening to my head, and start listening to what my body needs! then it would be me showing 10 6! SOOOO jealous! lol