Alex's Diary - No big goals, just taking one day at a time!

Thanks everyone x
Well, I had the dreaded weigh in this morning, and the gain turned out to be 3.25lbs...not great, but a lot better than it was looking yesterday.
I'm still annoyed that I managed to gain that much in a couple of days, but I'm going to really try to turn it around in the next week. I was 100% yesterday, and I managed to lose nearly half of it overnight, so I just hope the rest of it disappears as quickly!

So onto the gossip :)
Well, it's a bit of a long story, but I got talking to a gentleman a few weeks ago via an online dating website - we got chatting, and seemed to get on REALLY well - I saw lots of pictures of him, and thought he was really good looking, and he thought the same about me, so we decided to meet.
Sooooo, I eventually went to see him a couple of Sundays ago - without going into huge details, everything went really well, but I felt that something wasn't *quite* right, and basically I freaked out and told him the next day that I didn't want to see him again.
Again, without going into too many details (for his privacy more than mine) It's now all turned around and we're going to be going on another date! :D

I think I was WAY too hasty in the beginning, expecting things to be just as I'd imagined them to be, and I really didn't give it a fair chance. I suppose I'm just lucky that he's willing to forget what's happened and move on - not many men would!!

So that's it! I will keep you updated with more gossip when I have any :D
Not too bad on the gain then, well done, it will be off soon enough. And oooohhhh how exciting on the man front! Hope it goes well, looking forward to hearing more, when's the date? And where does R fit in to all this, or shouldn't I ask??

KB x
Don't ask :D!! I heard nothing at all after I saw him the other week, so it looks like he's respecting the fact that I wanted more than he was prepared to offer, and is now leaving me alone! No great loss I suppose - one date every three weeks was never going to amount to much!
I've been having a meltdown I'm afraid KB :(

I just seem to be finding it really difficult to focus again after my gain last week, and the amount I ate at the weekend was just rediculous.
Saturday wasn't great - I had lunch with a friend, followed by a cake and a few other bits and bobs, but Sunday was the worst binge day I've had in a long time.
It started with a fry up that would hardly fit on the plate, a big bowl of ice cream mid-morning, a cheeseburger (while the football was on) about mini 4 meringue nests, 2 pork chops and a massive plate of home made potato wedges with coleslaw, and then another big bowl of ice cream :(

So needless to say, I'm NOT expecting a loss on the scales this week. Yesterday and today have been better, but I feel like my grip on things is very fragile at the moment.
Gonna cancel the appointment I've got with the nurse tomorrow - I can't face her dissaproval at the moment, it would just send me heading for the pizza menu :(

It sounds like we're all in the same boat at the moment though - let's hope we can pull it together very soon xx

Ps, date night is this Friday, so keep your fingers crossed :)
Seems we're all in the same boat at the moment, we need to try and refocus. I also had a total meltdown at the weekend, there was pizza involved AND chocolate ice cream which I don't even like. And cheese and ham toasties, and...and.... Anyway, what's done is done. Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and we'll limp through this together. You have Friday to motivate you!!

KB x
Newsflash! It looks like Friday's date is off :( He just text me to say that they've had a meeting at work, and it looks like he won't be able to finish early on Friday as planned, and that he has to work on Saturday as well :(

But thanks for your kind words KB - we will refocus, and pull through this - even though all I feel like doing now is reaching for the nearest food I can find, and lots of it :cry:

STEP AWAY FROM THE FOOD!! Are you going to feel any better after you have eaten it? OK it's not good that Friday is off but just think you can look that little bit slimmer for when you do next see him. Tomorrow is weigh in, it might not be as bad as you think it's going to be, draw that line and get on. Remember that old chestnut that people keep trotting out, nothing tastes as good as slim feels. Have a great day,

KB x
Thanks KB - I'm managing to keep it together on the food front for now. I had a couple of extra snacks yesterday, but only because I was giving blood straight from work, and I'm prone to having a funny turn if I don't eat beforehand....and then there was the mini yoghurt coated cereal bars afterwards :D

I weighed in this morning, and somehow I have managed to lose a pound this week :) I'm happy enough with that result because I've only been on track about 50% of the time, but I'm still a bit disheartened that I've got another 2.25lbs of the excess London weight still to lose.

Ah well, I can't undo the past, so I will plod on and see what next week brings.

It doesn't help that I'm really not sleeping well at the moment. I think I was awake every hour last night, so I'm dead on my feet today. M (new fella) is working really long hours at the moment, and is very stressed with work, which means that I'm not hearing from him very often, and his texts are a bit more businesslike and less flirty than they usually are (normally he texts really often, and we chat every evening).
Rationally I know and undertand why he's being a bit distant, but a few old demons are resurfacing from my past relationship (my ex suffered from severe depression and would sometimes send really distresing and cold texts and then dissapear from the radar for days, if not weeks at a time, and I would get really anxious when he wouldn't reply to my texts or answer my calls). Obviously M is nothing like G was, so it would be unfair of me to show these insecurities, but I'm finding it difficult to not over analyse things, and not to panic when he doesn't reply to my texts.

I sound like a complete loony don't I? :eek: Sorry if that was a bit of an emotional splurge :( I'll get back to talking about food and dieting soon, I promise!

No, you don't sound like a loony, you sound like someone at the beginning of a new relationship, that's all. When you get to know him a little better you can relax more, and the ex issue isn't helping obviously. It will get better! Well done on the loss anyway this week, not bad considering all that's going on. I'm not brave enough to weigh today, I'll leave it till Friday and then the week after that I'm going to whip Katie's ass!! (You listening, Kae??) Have a great day,

KB x
Awww hun no you do not sound like a loony! Its difficult at the beguining of a relationship especially when there is a stressful job involved! Try not to worry hun! Im sure you will look back and laugh at the way you are feeling! And try not to reach for the food! Ive done that past 2 weeks and I still feel no better!

Hugs hunny!


Ps KB the only ass thts gunna get whoooped is yours! Haha
Aww, I'm here...albeit in a lurking, rather than a posting kinda way :)
I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment...I'm back on track with the food and feeling fairly motivated, but I can't seem to gather my thoughts enough to put it all down in my diary at the moment!
Work has been pretty stressful this week, and I've REALLY not been sleeping well (I can understand why sleep deprivation is a form of torture!). On top of that, I've been a little unsettled by the situation with M...although I do seem to be winning my fight at the moment, and I don't feel quite as loony as I did earlier in the week :)
So all in all, I feel like my attention span is that of a goldfish at the moment (hence the lack of updates) but I know that posting here helps me to stay on track, so here I am :)

On a lighter note, I got some unexpected exercise earlier on (not THAT kind of exercise - chance would be a fine thing!)....I arrived home from work, went into the kitchen, started pottering around as you do, but was vaguely aware of a few flies buzzing around (nothing new in my house as I like to keep the doors and windows open when I'm home). Anyway, after a few minutes they started to get on my nerves, so I got a rolled up newspaper and went on the hunt for the little blighters.....
It was only at that point that I realised just how many there were!!! There were loads of them literally swarming behind the kitchen blind :eek: :eek: :eek: It's making me itch just writing this, and I honestly don't have a dirty house (most of the time!), so I set to work chasing the ******* around the kitchen with my newspaper, swatting and running around like a maniac! It was only then that I had the bright idea of shutting the kitchen door to contain the situation, but obviously the damage was done and they were in the dining room and living room by then!!!
Honestly, it took my an hour to get them all, and even now I keep seeing the odd one here or there! God knows where they've come in from, but it really was horrible. So guess what I'm going to buy tomorrow? Fly spray and a swatter!

I think I've earned myself a visit from Mr V after all that, don't you?
While I'm on a roll, I think I'll post my food diary for yesterday as well :)

B - Porridge/museli/raisins (250)
S - Half a granola bar (100)
L - Beans on toast (350)
S - Apple
D - Thai green curry (280cals) with extra stir fry veg (100)
S - WW toffee honeycomb sundae (120)

And today:

B - Porridge/museli/raisins
S - None
L - WW tomato soup (75) 2 slices of bread (200)
S - Apple
D - Co-op low fat lasagne (330), Jersey royal potatoes (4), carrots, swede, broccoli, cauli
S - ??? - will update later...maybe a couple of vodkas or a WW ice cream (or both :))
Defo! Crack him open! I hate flys with a passion! Next door has a dog an they never clean up after it! So I've got shares in fly spray! Only thing is when they die they need picking up! Eww!

Anyway hope ur ok gun an well done for being good!

Lots of love

Thanks for the tip KB - the flies were back with a vengeance this morning so I went straight into town and got myself some of that fly spray. It worked a treat, although as Kae says, picking them up afterwards isn't the best job in the world.
Let's just hope they stay away! :eek:

Well I did indulge in a little WW ice cream last night (only 100cals) but I managed to resist the charms of Mr V. I think I'm going out for a beer garden drink this afternoon so I'll save it for then :)

Hope everyone else is OK
I'm off into the garden now to escape the fly spray fumes!!
Well Saturday started well but went swiftly downhill :eek: I went out for a drink at about 4pm with one of my friends, and didn't end up getting back until about 9:30pm having consumed copious amounts of alcohol and a big curry....oops!
This is how it panned out:

B - Porridge/museli/raisins
L - Jacket potato with light tuna mayo
PM Drinks - 4 Leffe Blonde Belgian beers, 1 Koppaberg pear cider, 1 Magners
D - Lamb bhuna, mushroom pilau rice, vegetable samosa (x2), half a garlic naan

Woke up two pounds heavier than I was the morning before (typical me!) but I'm hoping that it'll shift before weigh in. Yesterday was better:

B - Alpen light bar
S - 2 mini meringue nests
L - Beans on toast
S - Half a dorset cereal bar
D - Chicken pasta bake, broccoli, swede, leeks, carrots
S - Mini milk lolly

And that's it. I've been good today as well, but I have a feeling that the London weight STILL won't have gone by Wednesday. I haven't lost anything so far this week and I've still got 2.25 to lose to be back to where I was :eek:!!
At least you had fun and have a couple of days to pull it back before weigh in. If they cancelled weekends for the next few months we'd get on great... Good luck for the next few days, how are the flies??

KB x
Canceling weekends!? Now that is a plan!

Hope you are ok Alex! Sending lots of love
