Alison's slim1day diary

Aww that'll be nice :)

Just off to the library with my son then a walk on the canal with the dog, making the most of the sunshine!! Been pouring down for the past week xxx

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Make the most of the weather whilst it lasts.
Enjoy your walk.
Cross trainer arrived at 11.59 so just made its am delivery slot:rolleyes:

Soooooooooooooooo many pieces!!!!:eek:

Anyway took me 2.5 hours to put it together, so now set up and ready to go.:)

Having a read of your diary as I am just switching over from Cambridge to S and S for the last few lbs. I have lost 2 stone 1lb over the past 8 weeks, taking me to 10 stone 3 and 4 lbs from goal.

A few things that strike me about your diary - if I may give some advice? The amount of water you are consuming... I'd try limiting this to around 2 litres as you may be retaining water. I know people drink in excess of this a day but it really is not necessary and just places strain on the kidneys and your body can hold onto it - this will then reflect on the scales.

I'd also try and resist hopping on every day if you can - due to your high water intake you are going to see fluctuations of several lbs for sure.

Keep it up though - it's a hard journey but so worth it
0.25 down today; so still 1lb up on what i was on Monday.

Going to cut back a bit on the water to see if it is water retention causing the fluctuations as suggested.

First day of using cross trainer going to try to do 30 mins non-stop at level 1 just to see how I get on; then will adjust time / resistance based on how I find it.
Had to do cross trainer in stints of 15 mins as toes seemed to start to go bit numb at 14 mins.
Anyway did 15 mins level 1 and 15 mins mostly on level 1 then upped it to level 2 at 12 mins.
Good for you getting straight on the cross trainer.
You'll really notice a difference in no time.
I don't have any tension on the it really as I'm afraid it will bulk up my legs.
It's really my tummy I want to get toned so I just tend to whizz away on it in 10min stints.
Good luck with the exercise though Alison x x
Now 1.5lbs heavier than i was on Saturday (official weigh day); why???? :badmood:

I've stuck 100% to plan; have had between 3 and 3.5 litres of water every day.

The science says that its not possible to gain weight on what i'm consuming but the reality is that i am!!
Hopefully in the next day or two the scales will leap downwards; logically they've got to.

Really need to keep away from the scales as am getting frustrated at sticking to plan and gaining; just hope there is a whoosh before Saturday. :cross:
15 mins on cross trainer 5mins at level 5 followed by 10 at level 3 burnt 90 calories.
Will try to repeat again later.
Well done you're doing great keep the enthusiasm going.
I'm addicted to it now but knees are knackered x x
Have just had a big baking session; have made 2 lemon drizzle cakes and 2 chocolate cakes.
Really please with myself as I didn't taste any of the mixtures or lick the bowls out.
Made them all in 2lb loaf tins so that they can be slied easily and frozen in packs of 2 or 3 slices; they are for my daughter whom I'm taking back to Uni at the weekend.
I can see your halo from here!!

Have just had a big baking session; have made 2 lemon drizzle cakes and 2 chocolate cakes.
Really please with myself as I didn't taste any of the mixtures or lick the bowls out.
Made them all in 2lb loaf tins so that they can be slied easily and frozen in packs of 2 or 3 slices; they are for my daughter whom I'm taking back to Uni at the weekend.
And I'm polishing it (lol)

Daughter had said that she was going to lick all the bowls and spoons so I wouldn't be tempted; then she went out with her mates!
Wow well done you!! Willpower of steel!!!

I always gain after exercise so could be that?

Don't forget if not in lbs it's in Inche :D

Well done and putting together the cros trainer and gettin started :) xxxx

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Just need to polish my halo again.:)

Have sliced up and wrapped in 2 slice packs all 4 cakes and not a crumb passed my lips.

Have put the lot in the freezer.
Well done!! :D I couldnt do that lol xxx
Felt very virtuous. :angel09:

Weight down a lb today, so far that makes loss for this week 0.25lb; not good, tomorrow is official weigh day so time will tell.

Having my hair cut this afternoon so maybe another 0.25lb might go :D
Cross trainer today
1 x 10 mins at level 1
2 x 15 mins both at level 1
-1.75lbs this week; not good. However have now lost a stone but it has taken 5 weeks. Definitely a slow loser but at least it is heading downwards.

Have found that the scale weighs different depending if I stand in middle or towards the top; think I might have to put a line on them to put my toes up to so that get fair weigh in every time.

Cross-trainer 15 mins at level 2 done first thing as getting sorted to take daughter back to uni in a bit and don't know what time will be back and also if I'll be in the mood for exercise then.
Sounds like a new scale nay be in order hun !!!

Well done resisting cake :) more activity will slow losses down, but all depends what's more important to you. Getting fit or dropping pounds.

Have a good weekend Xx