All my UPs and DOWN's

Long time missing

The last time I did anything on this diet was December 2012. 2 years 4 months ago. I weighed about 200lbs after gaining through christmas and new year.
Restarting today I weigh 222lbs/15st 12lb
The best way for me to do this diet is strict rotations of Down day/ Up day. This is the simplest and easiest way for me.
I have to get my diabetes under control and my blood pressure lower.
My bipolar is almost in remission, next time I see my pdoc, (oct) if I remain episode free, he will give me a diagnosis of in remission.

Today is going to be really hard, the 1st day always is. I'll be using every ounce of my will power.

The plan is:
semi-skim milk for tea & coffee
WW meal
Multi vits

Anything - moderate on the carbs.

The calculator on Dr Johnsons website gives me:
20% 2014/403
25% 2014/504
30% 2014/604

I'm going with 0-600 cals on a Down Day.
I cant see me eating zero calories but I can if I want lol but I mustn't go over 600 no matter what. 500 would be the average especially as I am having milk and WW meals are around 300 cals.

Well lets see what happens........................:D
Took a 10 minute walk in to town to get some weightwatcher meals; 2 lasagne and 2 tagliatelle.
Lasagne is 247 cals and 30.7 carb
Tagliatelle is 283 cals and 41 carbs

I'm noting the carbohydrates to help me sleep. Usually (in the past) on a fast day I have had trouble sleeping and its important for my mental health to get enough sleep.

With ss milk being 118 cals per 250ml for the day in tea and coffee, and tagliatelle for dinner tonight at 283 cals
Total for day will be 401 with plenty of wiggle room if I go over on the milk.
I havent measured the milk just guessing today. Tomorrow I'm going to measure out 250ml and see how much I use. I do drink a lot of tea and coffee!

I'm pleased with myself as I actually walked in to town and back, normally I'm really lazy and hop on a bus. I was feeling empowered by my determination to stick to fasting today.:)
OMG lush dinner. Funny how not eating enhances your taste buds when you do eat.
I was hoping to last out till 7pm, I made it to 6:15pm.
Funny thing I felt full halfway through my WW tagliatelle, it was so good I almost licked the plate(I didnt, honest)
Now I'm looking forward to bedtime so tomorrow comes quicker when I can eat anything...woohoo!:gimi:

Day 1 done and dusted

Goodbye day 1, I made it!
Hello day 2.
I slept well last night which I'm pleased about.
Woke up at 7:30.
Checked my blood sugar, a disappointing 9.0 I was definitely expecting less. I've had high readings for a while due to my eating junk. The range I'm looking for pre meal is 5 to 7.

Now weight OMG total shocker. Yesterday I was 15st 11 7/8
Today? 15st 6 5/8
Rounding up = 15st 12 down to 15st 7 = 5!!! yes -5lbs!
incredible, and extremely grateful for that result. Obviously a lot of water, I would think.

Breakfast, I've had 2 weetabix with ss milk.
I had 3 choices toast, cereal or biscuits; I was hungry. I think weetabix was the lesser of the 3 possibilities, glad I dodged the biscuits even if it is an UP day. I shouldnt be eaying sugar anyway.

Looking forward to a stress free food day.
Day 3

On my UD yesterday I ate anything; the moderate carb bit went out the window as I ate 2 snickers and several biscuits along with weetabix, a ham roll, a pizza and.....the good bit.... fresh pineapple.

I am a daily weigher, always have been always will be.
This morning I weigh 15st 8 I only put a lb back on!!

Day 1 15st 12
Day 2 15st 7
Day 3 15st 8

I'm hoping for an easier fast day today. I'm going to keep myself busy so I forget about food.
Bring on DD number 2 :D
Day3....done :)
Made it thru another DD.
Also made it to 6:30pm for dinner
Had WW Lasagne 247cals and a large orange 87 cals.
118 cals for my ss milk for tea/coffee.
Total for the day 452 calories.

Looking forward to tomorrows food :D
Day 4 and I weigh 15st 7.
It was hard going yesterday, glad I made it thru.
Today = food Yay! :D

Day 1 = 15st 12
Day 2 = 15st 7
Day 3 = 15st 8
Day 4 = 15st 7
Bit of a binge yesterday.....enough said!
Glad its a down day today

Day 1 = 15st 12
Day 2 = 15st 7
Day 3 = 15st 8
Day 4 = 15st 7
Day 5 = 15st 9 oops