Ally's Diary - take two

You'll have clocked up a good few miles. :D

definitely PP, should have set my phone to record the miles so i could put it down as body magic
I was right, i need to pee again. TMI for you there :p
haha, yeah takes me 45 mins to drive home, but i can usually wait, but my sudden need for all the water today is not allowing that :p
Seriously if i lose weight tomorrow it will be a miracle. All this water has to add weight...then again i am peeing wayyyyy to much to have much of it left in me.. Beginning to think mines smaller than that PP... maybe molecule sized or something :p
Just had mango and vanilla sorbet, and since I'm a rebel i aint synning it. Was 1 and half small mangoes and 1 vanilla ww yog, let's me frank, i can eat the mango in chunks with the yog on and not Syn it, so just cos I blitzed it and froze it doesn't mean I'm gonna Syn it, so there.
Lost 0.5lb. Better than nothing I suppose.
I have come to the conclusion I am not going to calorie count at weekend, i'll be good, but i'm not going to count. I feel I am so close to the edge of the "letting the diet take me over" dilemma i got to at exactly the same time last year, that if i start calorie counting I really am going to let the diet rule me again. So yeah, gonna be healthy and try not to overeat on crap but also not going to fully stick to SW or calorie count.

Breakfast: ww yog, yellow plum, choc porridge
Lunch: egg sandwich, 2x yellow plums, nectarine, banana
Tea: Babybel burgers and salad

Hea: milk
Hea: 2x babybel
HEb: porridge
HEb: bread

Syns: highlights caramel 2, gum 0.5, sugarfree sweet 0.5, mayo 1, butter 0.5, mini kinder 3.5, magic stars 3.5
Total Syns: 11.5
Free Snacks: prepacked fruit, ww yog
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Do you ever have one of those days where you just want to throttle someone just cos they exist? I mean Jamie is my best friend, but today i just want to throttle him, every little thing he says or does is irritating me to no end.
Congratulations on the loss. May I say (given my last outpourings in my diary....) I think you're doing the right thing and taking a sensible approach to the weekend. Enjoy yourself & get right back on plan when you're back. Easy for me to say eh? No, really, I do think you're making a good choice there.

I worried about gaining next week, yet i know that if i gain its not the end of the world, but my brain is struggling to comprehend that at the moment, its verging so close to the line of being over obsessive, i need to figure how to reel it back in.
I worried about gaining next week, yet i know that if i gain its not the end of the world, but my brain is struggling to comprehend that at the moment, its verging so close to the line of being over obsessive, i need to figure how to reel it back in.

I guess I don't need to tell you that I understand where you're coming from. Sounds like the weekend is a way to 're-balance' or baseline at least. Some of the comments made on my diary this morning made sense to me, and did put some of it in perspective for me at least. I think sometimes we tend to lose that perspective - you're doing really well at the moment, and the weekend off is not going to de-rail you I'm sure. If it does, well, we're all here for you.