Almond butter carb count ?!


Full Member
Have I got this right.. I found this in holland and Barrett but it has more fibre than carbs so if taken away it means its a zero carb food ?!

I didn't buy it.. It might be minging anyway so irrelevant ha ha but if its like penur butter ohm non nom! ImageUploadedByMiniMins.com1375733000.002295.jpgImageUploadedByMiniMins.com1375733009.468833.jpg
Have I got this right.. I found this in holland and Barrett but it has more fibre than carbs so if taken away it means its a zero carb food ?!

I didn't buy it.. It might be minging anyway so irrelevant ha ha but if its like penur butter ohm non nom! <img src=""/><img src=""/>

No subtracting fibre over here! I bought a had if cashew nut butter, just nuts and oil, heaven eaten straight out of the jar :)
Teeney you mean we don't take fibre out. ? Or do :)
Wysiwyg and mfp.. huh?! lol
still not following lol do I takeaway the fibre count from anything in UK then as Atkins suggests etc as it doesn't impact blood sugar I think it was?

I don't use MFP will have to have a look at it :)
still not following lol do I takeaway the fibre count from anything in UK then as Atkins suggests etc as it doesn't impact blood sugar I think it was?

I don't use MFP will have to have a look at it :)

NO!!!!! Do not take away fibre! We do not do net carbs in the UK :)
Ah I see ! Didn't know that so it helps as I have always taken it away, was only when I saw that illogical label I wondered .. Nowhere have I seen info to advise that for us Brits .. is it something I just missed, how do you know this oh clever one ? :)
Ah I see ! Didn't know that so it helps as I have always taken it away, was only when I saw that illogical label I wondered .. Nowhere have I seen info to advise that for us Brits .. is it something I just missed, how do you know this oh clever one ? :)

I hope oh clever one refers to me :-D haha!
Us women are just clever anyways :)
I did the same mistake when I first did atkins years ago, there was an atkins uk website and all the info was there, very helpful! There are still message boards, just don't think they are used much anymore.
tbh I find it easier now as when you pick anyone up to check you don't need to do the maths! Would also explain a lot!