Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Yes as all above say, it will come off soon and you'll get that lovely feeling back :)

Chicken soup with ginger - mmmm great idea!

And what's star anise like? I've never used it....
Evening Di:). Hope you are fully on the road to recovery and enjoying your clean and green food again xxx
I think star anise adds depth to a casserole / stew type meal - like bay leaf - subtle but important ...

Eaten loads but only 12 carbs or so.
I like trying new things and experimenting with flavours ... Surprising what works together ! Lol
@stubbsey - you can get sugar free halls for throat sweets. They're okay. Last time I had a terrible throat I found sugar free werthers or sugar free lemon lime drops from marks best. No menthol but soothing.

So glad to see you're on the mend, Di. Minute by minute is often the way I feel I'm doing things, too. You'll shake any gain off sharpish: mostly water xx
thanks ML i will deffo have to try halls next time i am ill, i have no idea why but lockets actually silence my caught and really work for me, my oh thinks they are rubbish hates them its weird what works for some doesn't others, i have some sugar free sweets from m&s the ones in the boxes, they do like worthers and mints, orange & lemons and some strawberry ones i used to have them for the car when i got dry mouth and didn't have water etc. i was worried about what sweeteners they had in them n didn't want to scupper my loss after reading all the posts about the sugar alcohols etc so not had any in a while. Do you know if they are ok? or do they have the evil ingredient?
They have isomalt which is a sugar alcohol but not the worst of them. They're not something I'd have regularly but as an alternate to high sugar cough sweets when your throat is bad they're ok.
Star anise is great, I used to put it in with rice when I wadscooking it....might try it with cauliflour the next time I have faux rice. I bought capers yesterday going to use them and try and make tartare sauce, I miss torture sauce with my fish...
Ugh predictive text, tartar sauce not torture!!!
Still snuffling and a bit under the weather but shook off 5lbs of the stone plus I put on - so that's cheered me up no end!

As I've said before - its great that I know I can yo yo really well!! Lol ... Just need to focus for a while now and chop more weight off before Christmas! Lol
My phone corrected Meatzza to 'meatspace' earlier. Why is meatspace a word in my phone???

So glad those lbs are dropping like flies and you're feeling better, Di.
My kids always have room for dessert no matter how much the have eaten, they call it their desert shelf and have done so since atkinsers can now have a "meatspace"...
Morning cherubs...

OMG - just made an amazing breakfast - baked bacon eggs cheese and cream! A-maz-ing!!

Eggs are from the hens I'm now looking after until Sunday! House sitting for my ex boss - just arrived - real pain in the neck to do it but one eyed cat was starving!! So good job I came! Xx

Since Monday have lost 6lbs ... Go Alpaca!!! Lol xx


Yum breakfast! Lol