Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

P.s.this stalling thing I'm having (with slight gain) might be coffee induced... So will limit myself to one a day - which seemed to be ok when I had that before... Although in the short term will try not to have any and see what happens... That already sounds horrible! Lol
well you know my experience with the whole coffee stalling thing!! its defo the coffee but too hard for me to give up! espec since OH has bought me an actual espresso machine for xmas! get going with the heels..wear them in the house to practice...i cant really walk in them either but they DO make you feel sexy!
I used to wear heels in the old days... Just will need to find a comfortable pair and dose myself up with pain killers! Lol ... But perhaps will lose more weight first! Lol
oh crud,i was going to say something,but i've forgotten. blahhh
i'll be back in a minute. :D
pepsi max...that's what it was. i think i'm addicted to that
more than coffee,that can cause stalling i think too.
Morning all... I've just ordered from the low carb mega store...

I got 2 Atkins bars as I have 2 company lunches coming up and will have one for pud at each... If I can deal with them being in the house then I'll order a couple more for Christmas !!! Lol but not sure I can trust myself! Lol

I also ordered the noodles, wraps, pitas, a couple of 0g sauces ... Am quite excited about trying the wraps!! Lol

Hope you all have a lovely day :)
Morning Di, I love the wraps really versatile & filling, enjoy!x
All sounds lovely and a great xmas treat - yummy:D
Evening all... Just back from a carol service at St Martin in the Field - in aid of missing persons ... Readings by Trevor MacDonald, Brenda Blethyn , and Kate McCann... Lovely service and had a good sing song ! Lol

B - Atkins shake

L - chicken breast, king prawns, watercress spinach and rocket salad

D - smoked salmon and some parmesan cheese

Had too much coffee today :-(
Am looking forward to my little parcel :)
Evening - let me know what the wraps are like because I used to eat them everyday almost before starting Atkins - and how many carbs are they? Xx

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I think they're 2g of carbs each wrap Michelle :)
Down to 17 dead this morning ... So a bit down from posted weight and 1.5lb down from yesterday! No idea why as I still had coffee yesterday so am just going to enjoy the downward movement and presume that it was cos I ate like a sparrow yesterday ! Lol

Off to Chelmsford this afternoon to meet a friend

B - egg, bacon, mushrooms, garlic coffee and cream

The rest of the day no idea...
Morning Di, any results from the speed dating session yet?
That is a very girly question Jim! Lol ;-)

I might be meeting up with one bloke for coffee - I don't think he's my type but was a nice guy and he contacted me yesterday ... Someone else emailed me but I think he might be too weird! Even for a weirdo like me! Lol :)